File Icon


MLOG export

Very crude converison of SVG into mindustry logic commands.

· SVG should be sized 80x80 or 176x176 px.
· Only supports a few shapes:
■ rectangles
| simple lines
◢ triangles (as closed path)
▰ irregular rectangles (yields two triangle draw instructions)
● circles

Ideally you set up document size and rulers to be pixel-based. Because of the rasterization, the output might look jiggly if blocks/lines don't match up coordinates. (Actually using floats now, but consistency helps.) Overdrawings will usually by ignoed by MLOG. To optimize command size, best to also coalesce same-color shapes via layers.

Works as CLI tool (single input.svg argument) or in Inkscapes´ File 🞂 Save Copy... export mode (select "Mindustry Logic (*.mlog)" as filetype or edit output filename accordingly). Both also populate the selection clipboard by default.

Since rasterization (pixel-scan) requires too many commands, this tool is about minimizing MLOG overhead. Hence the more ted


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Inkscape Extensions

8.0 KB
Public Domain (PD)
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