Inkscape keyboard and mouse reference
Inkscape keyboard and mouse reference
This document describes the default keyboard and mouse shortcuts of Inkscape, corresponding to the
file in your Inkscape installation. Some of the keyboard shortcuts may not be available for non-US keyboard layouts, but most (not all) of these shortcuts are configurable by the user. You can create custom shortcuts and load custom keyboard shortcut files in the Inkscape Preferences, or by following the instructions in the default.xml file.
Unless noted otherwise, keypad keys (such as arrows, Home, End, +, -, digits) are supposed to work the same as corresponding regular keys.
SpaceSelector (temporary)
Space switches to the Selector tool temporarily; another Space switches back.
When the "Mouse move pans when Space is pressed" option is on in Preferences, Space+mouse drag pans canvas instead of switching to/from Selector.
n,F2Node tool
xShape Builder tool
r,F4Rectangle tool
e,F5Ellipse/arc tool
*,Shift+F9Star tool
Shift+F43D box tool
i,F9Spiral tool
b+Shift+F6Pen (Bezier) tool
p,F6Pencil (Freehand) tool
c,Ctrl+F6Calligraphy tool
t,F8Text tool
g,Ctrl+F1Gradient tool
d,F7Dropper tool
u,Shift+F7Paint Bucket tool
w,Shift+F2Tweak tool
a,Shift+F3Spray tool
Shift+EEraser tool
o,Ctrl+F2Connector tool
Double click on the tool buttons opens the Preferences dialog showing the page of the corresponding tool.
mMeasure tool
F3,zZoom tool
Ctrl+Shift+FFill and Stroke
Ctrl+Shift+TText and Font
Ctrl+Shift+LLayers and Objects
Ctrl+&Path effects
Ctrl+Shift+AAlign and Distribute
Ctrl+Shift+OObject Properties
Ctrl+Shift+HUndo History
Ctrl+Shift+XXML Editor
Ctrl+Shift+QSelectors and CSS dialog
Ctrl+Shift+DDocument Properties
Ctrl+Shift+PInkscape Preferences
Shift+Alt+BTrace Bitmap
Ctrl+Alt+KCheck Spelling
These shortcuts open a new dialog window if it wasn't open yet, otherwise the corresponding dialog gets focus.
Toggle visibility
F12toggle dialogs
This temporarily hides all open dialogs; another F12 shows them again.
Within a dialog
Escreturn to the canvas
Ctrl+F4,Ctrl+Wclose the dialog
Tabjump to next widget
Shift+Tabjump to previous widget
Enterset the new value
This accepts the new value you typed in a text field and returns focus to canvas.
Space,Enteractivate current button or list
Ctrl+PgUp,Ctrl+PgDnin a multi-tab dialog, switch tabs
Ctrl+Fopen a search field in a dialog with a list
Start typing to select the first match. In some dialogs, this will only find elements starting with the search term (e.g. Text and Font), in others (e.g. XML editor), it will find all elements that contain the search term. Use the up/down arrows to select the next matching element.
XML editor
*expand all children and subchildren of the currently selected element
+,Shift+Right arrowexpand direct children of the currently selected element
-,Shift+Left arrowcollapse the currently selected element
Home,Endselect the topmost/lowermost visible element in the list
Up arrow,Down arrowselect the previous/next visible element in the list
PgUp,PgDnselect element on previous/next page of list
Ctrl+Enterset the attribute's value
When editing an attribute value in XML Editor, this sets the new value (same as clicking the "Set attribute" button).
Layers and Objects Dialog
mouse dragdrag label to move in object stack
right clickright-click on label to open context menu
Shift+clickselect a layer and toggle visibility (eye icon) or lock status (lock icon) on the other layers
Shift+Alt+clicktoggle visibility (eye icon) or lock status (lock icon) on the unselected layers
mouse dragdrag eye icon/lock vertically to (un)lock/(un)hide all touched objects
clickclick on opacity indicator to open opacity and blend mode menu
arrowsnavigate through dialog's rows and columns with arrow keys
Spaceconfirm (select, apply or open)
Shift+Left arrow,Shift+Right arrowexpand/contract selected group or layer
Shift+Up arrow,Shift+Down arrowmove current selection up or down in z-order
Tool controls bar⚓
The tool controls bar at the top of the document window provides different buttons and controls for each tool.
Alt+Xjump to the first editable field
Tabjump to next field
Shift+Tabjump to previous field
Use these to navigate between fields in the tool controls bar (the value in the field you leave, if changed, is accepted).
Change values
Up arrow,Down arrowchange value by 0.1
PgUp,PgDnchange value by 5.0
Enteraccept the new value
This accepts the new value you typed in a text field and returns focus to canvas.
Esccancel changes, return to canvas
This cancels any changes you made in a text field and returns focus to canvas.
Ctrl+Zcancel changes
This cancels any changes you made in a text field but you stay in the field.
=,+zoom in
-zoom out
The keypad +/- keys do zooming even when you are editing a text object, unless NumLock is on.
middle click,Ctrl+right clickzoom in
Shift+middle click,Shift+right clickzoom out
Ctrl+mouse wheelzoom in or out
When the "Mouse wheel zooms by default" option is on in Preferences, Ctrl+wheel scrolls instead of zooming. To zoom, use wheel without Ctrl.
Shift+middle button dragzoom into the area
Alt+Zactivate zoom field
The zoom field in the lower right corner of the window allows you to specify zoom level precisely.
Qquick zoom
Zooms to selection, or doubles the current zoom factor if nothing is selected, until key is released.
Preset zooms
1zoom 1:1
2zoom 1:2
3zoom to selection
4zoom to drawing
5zoom to page
Ctrl+E,6zoom to page width
Ctrl+4center page in view (without changing zoom level)
Zoom history
`(back quote) previous zoom
Shift+`next zoom
With these keys, you can travel back and forth through the history of zooms in this session.
Scroll (pan)
Ctrl+arrowsscroll canvas
Scrolling by keys is accelerated, i.e. it speeds up when you press Ctrl+arrows in quick succession, or press and hold.
middle button dragpan canvas
Shift+right button drag,Ctrl+right button dragpan canvas
mouse wheelscroll canvas vertically
When the "Mouse wheel zooms by default" option is on in Preferences, mouse wheel zooms instead of scrolling. To scroll, use Ctrl+wheel.
Shift+mouse wheelscroll canvas horizontally
When the "Mouse move pans when Space is pressed" option is on in Preferences, Space+mouse drag also pans canvas.
Guides, grids, snapping
mouse dragdrag off a ruler to create guide
Drag off the horizontal or vertical ruler to create a new guideline. Drag a guideline onto the ruler to delete it.
mouse dragdrag a guide to move it
Shift+mouse dragdrag a guide (not near anchor) to rotate it
Ctrl+Shift+mouse dragrotate guide with angle snapping
Deldelete guide
|toggle guide visibility
For activating / deactivating snapping to guides, use the snap bar or the global snapping toggle (% key).
When you create a new guide by dragging off the ruler, guide visibility is automatically turned on.
#toggle grids visibility
For activating / deactivating snapping to grids, use the snap bar or the global snapping toggle (% key).
Note that only the 3 key on the main keyboard works, not on the keypad.
%toggle snapping on and off
This toggle affects snapping to grids, guides, and objects in all tools. The settings in the snap bar determine which snap targets and snapping points will snap.
Display/Color mode
Ctrl+keypad 5toggle normal/no filters/outline/enhance thin lines/outline overlay mode
Shift+keypad 5toggle normal/grayscale mode
fQuick preview
This will temporarily hide any objects that are not on a page as well as any handles, guide lines and other canvas overlays.
Split Canvas
Ctrl+keypad 6toggle split canvas
X-Ray Mode
Alt+keypad 6toggle X-ray mode
Command Palette
?open command palette
Escclose command palette
Ctrl+Shift+Rresize page to current selection, or to the drawing if nothing is selected
These keys work both in the floating palette dialog and in the palette frame at the bottom of the window.
clickset fill color on selection
Shift+click,middle clickset stroke color on selection
right clickopen pop-up menu
mouse dragdrag fill color to objects
Shift+mouse dragdrag stroke color to objects
To change fill/stroke of an object by dragging color on it, that object need not be selected.
You can also drag colors to the Fill (F) and Stroke (S) indicators in the statusbar to change the selection.
mouse wheelscroll palette
Ctrl+Ncreate new document
Ctrl+Alt+Nopen template selection to create new document
Ctrl+Oopen a document
Ctrl+Shift+Eexport to various image formats
Ctrl+Iimport bitmap or vector
Ctrl+Pprint document
Ctrl+Ssave document
Ctrl+Shift+Ssave under a new name
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Ssave a copy
Ctrl+Qexit Inkscape
Ctrl+Rtoggle rulers
Ctrl+Btoggle scrollbars
Shift+Alt+Ptoggle palette
F11toggle fullscreen
Shift+F11toggle toolbars
Ctrl+F11toggle toolbars and fullscreen
F10main menu
Menus can also be activated by Alt with the letter underscored in the menu name.
Shift+F10,right clickdrop-down (context) menu
Ctrl+F4,Ctrl+Wclose document window
This shuts down Inkscape if it was the only document window open.
Ctrl+Tabnext document window
Ctrl+Shift+Tabprevious document window
These cycle through the active document windows forward and backward.
Alt+Qprevious extension
Shift+Alt+Qprevious extension settings
Ctrl+Shift+Ncreate new layer
Shift+PgUpmove to layer above
Shift+PgDnmove to layer below
These commands move the selected objects from one layer to another.
Ctrl+Shift+PgUpraise layer
Ctrl+Shift+PgDnlower layer
Ctrl+Shift+Homeraise layer to top
Ctrl+Shift+Endlower layer to bottom
These commands move the current layer among its siblings (normally other layers).
Ctrl+C,Ctrl+Inscopy selection
Ctrl+X,Shift+Delcut selection
Ctrl+V,Shift+Inspaste clipboard
This places the clipboard objects at the mouse cursor, or at the center of the window if mouse is outside the canvas.
When editing text with the text tool, this pastes the text from the clipboard into the current text object.
Ctrl+Alt+Vpaste in place
This places the clipboard objects into the original location from which they were copied.
Ctrl+Shift+Vpaste style
This applies the style of the (first of the) copied object(s) to the current selection.
If a gradient handle (in Gradient tool) or a text span (in Text tool) are selected, they get the style instead of the entire object.
Ctrl+Dduplicate selection
New object(s) are placed exactly over the original(s) and selected.
Ctrl+Alt+Dduplicate and transform
Duplicates the selection and applies its last transform to the duplicate, so that each new object created this way will be inserted in a different position/size/angle
Ctrl+Alt+Treapply transform
Applies the object's previous transformation action (move, scale, rotate, shear) another time.
On Linux, this shortcut might by default open a new terminal window, so you may want to change this shortcut either in Inkscape or in your system settings.
Alt+Dclone object
A clone can be moved/scaled/rotated/skewed independently, but it updates the path, fill, and stroke from its original.
The clone is placed exactly over the original object and is selected.
You can only clone one object at a time; if you want to clone several objects together, group them and clone the group.
Shift+Alt+Dunlink clone
Unlinking a clone cuts the link to the original, turning the clone into a plain copy.
Shift+Dselect original
To find out which object this is a clone of, select the clone and give this command. The original will be selected.
Alt+Bcreate a bitmap copy
This exports the selected object(s) (all other objects hidden) as PNG in the document's directory and imports it back as embedded bitmap.
The imported bitmap is placed over the original selection and is selected.
Shift+Alt+Btrace bitmap
This opens the Trace Bitmap dialog allowing you to convert a bitmap object to path(s).
Alt+Iobject(s) to pattern
This converts the selection to a rectangle with tiled pattern fill.
Shift+Alt+Ipattern to object(s)
Each selected object with pattern fill is broken into the same object without fill and a single pattern object.
Shift+Gobject(s) to guide(s)
Ctrl+Shift+U,Ctrl+Ggroup selected objects
Use Ctrl+click to select objects within group.
Ctrl+Shift+G,Ctrl+Uungroup selected group(s)
This removes only one level of grouping; press Ctrl+U repeatedly to ungroup nested groups.
Ctrl+Alt+keypad 1center selected objects on vertical axis
Ctrl+Alt+keypad 7center selected objects on horizontal axis
Ctrl+Alt+keypad 5center selected objects on horizontal and vertical axis
Ctrl+Alt+keypad 4align left edges of selected objects
Ctrl+Alt+keypad 8align top edges of selected objects
Ctrl+Alt+keypad 6align right edges of selected objects
Ctrl+Alt+keypad 2align bottom edges of selected objects
Objects are aligned relative to the anchor point set in the "Relative to" field in the "Align and Distribute" dialog.
Homeraise selection to top
Endlower selection to bottom
PgUpraise selection one step
PgDnlower selection one step
Convert to path
Ctrl+Shift+Cconvert selected object(s) to path
Ctrl+Alt+Cconvert stroke to path
Boolean operations
Union combines any number of objects into a single path, removing overlaps.
Difference works on 2 objects, extracting the top from the bottom.
Intersection creates a path representing the common (overlapping) area of all selected objects.
Ctrl+^exclusive OR (XOR)
XOR is similar to Union, except that it works on 2 objects and removes areas where the objects overlap.
Ctrl+/division (cut)
Division cuts the bottom object into pieces by the top object, preserving the fill and stroke of the bottom.
Ctrl+Alt+/cut path
Cut Path cuts the bottom object's stroke only where it is intersected by the top path, removing any fill from the result.
The result of Union, Difference, Intersection, and XOR inherits the id= attribute and therefore the clones of the bottom object.
Division and Cut path normally produce several objects; of them, a random one inherits the id= of the bottom source object.
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Ksplit path
Separates a path that consists of multiple subpaths into a set of paths that 'belong together'. This means that parts of a path that have holes in them are kept as whole objects.
Cuts a set of paths along every line in any path in the selection, keeping only the topmost objects.
Only visible parts of overlapping objects will be kept. Useful for separating colors for screen printing and offset printing as well as for doing any kind of plotting.
Ctrl+(inset path (towards center)
Ctrl+)outset path (away from center)
The default offset distance is 2 px (SVG pixel units, not screen pixels).
Alt+(inset path by 1 pixel
Alt+)outset path by 1 pixel
Shift+Alt+(inset path by 10 pixels
Shift+Alt+)outset path by 10 pixels
The actual distance for pixel offsets depends on zoom level. Zoom in for finer adjustment.
All the (, ) commands convert the object to path, if necessary, and produce regular path.
Ctrl+Jcreate dynamic offset
Ctrl+Alt+Jcreate linked offset
These commands produce an offset object, editable by the node tool, standalone or linked to the original.
Shift+Dselect source
Selecting a linked offset and giving this command will select the source path of the linked offset.
Ctrl+Kcombine paths
This is different from grouping in that combined paths create one object.
This is different from Union in that overlapping areas are not affected.
Whether overlapping areas are filled is controlled by the Fill: winding/alternating switch on the Fill & Stroke dialog.
Ctrl+Shift+Kbreak paths apart
This attempts to break an object into constituent paths; it will fail if the object is one solid path.
This command attempts to simplify selected path(s) by removing extra nodes. It converts all objects to paths first.
If you invoke this command several times in quick succession, it will act more and more aggressively.
Invoking Simplify again after a pause restores the default threshold (settable in the Inkscape Preferences dialog).
Path effects
7show next editable path effect parameter
Ctrl+7,&paste path effect
This applies the path effect of the copied path to the paths/shapes in the current selection.
Select (mouse)
clickselect an object
When you left-click on an object, previous selection is deselected.
Shift+clicktoggle selection
Shift+click adds an object to the current selection if it was not selected, or deselects it otherwise.
double-clickedit the object
For paths, double clicking switches to Node tool; for shapes, to corresponding shape tool; for text, to Text tool.
For groups, double clicking performs the "Enter group" command (the group becomes a temporary layer).
Double clicking in empty space switches to the parent layer in the hierarchy, if any.
Rubberband, touch selection
mouse dragselect by rubberband
Dragging around objects does "rubberband" selection; previous selection is deselected.
Shift+mouse dragadd objects to selection
Normally, you need to start from an empty space to initiate a rubberband.
However, if you press Shift before dragging, Inkscape will do rubberband selection even if you start from an object.
Alt+mouse drag,Shift+Alt+mouse dragselect by touch
Alt+dragging over objects selects those objects that are touched by the path.
To start touch selection with Alt, you must have nothing selected; otherwise use Shift+Alt.
You can switch rubberband selection to touch selection and back while dragging by pressing/releasing Alt.
Select (keyboard)
Tabselect next object
Shift+Tabselect previous object
These keys pick objects in their z-order (Tab cycles from bottom to top, Shift+Tab cycles from top to bottom).
Unless you did manual rearrangements, the last object you created is always on top.
As a result, if nothing is selected, pressing Shift+Tab once conveniently selects the object you created last.
This works on objects within the current layer (unless you change that in preferences).
Ctrl+Aselect all (current layer)
This works on objects within the current layer (unless you change that in preferences).
Ctrl+Alt+Aselect all (all layers)
This works on objects in all visible and unlocked layers.
Shift+Alt+Aselect all with same type (all layers)
Selects all objects of the same type as the currently selected. This works on objects in all visible and unlocked layers.
!invert selection (current layer)
This inverts selection (deselects what was selected and vice versa) in the current layer.
Alt+!invert selection (all layers)
This inverts selection (deselects what was selected and vice versa) in visible and unlocked layers.
Backspace,Deldelete selection
Select within group, select under
Ctrl+clickselect within group
Ctrl+click selects the object at click point disregarding any levels of grouping that this object might belong to.
Shift+Ctrl+clicktoggle selection within group
Alt+clickselect under
Alt+click selects the object at click point which is beneath (in z-order) the lowest selected object at click point.
If the bottom object is reached, Alt+click again selects the top object. So, several Alt+clicks cycle through z-order stack at point.
On GNU/Linux, Alt+click and Alt+drag may be reserved by the window manager. Reconfigure it so you can use them in Inkscape.
If your keyboard has a Meta key, you may wish to set your "Modifier key" to use it instead of Alt.
(Sometimes you can also use Ctrl+Alt+click (select under in groups) with the same effect as Alt+click.)
Shift+Alt+clicktoggle under
Ctrl+Alt+clickselect under, in groups
Shift+Ctrl+Alt+clicktoggle under, in groups
Ctrl+Enterenter group
Ctrl+Backspacego to parent group/layer
Move (mouse)
mouse dragselect + move
Dragging an object selects it if it was not selected, then moves selection.
Alt+mouse dragmove selected
Alt+drag moves the current selection (without selecting what is under cursor), no matter where you start the drag.
On GNU/Linux, Alt+click and Alt+drag may be reserved by the window manager. Reconfigure it so you can use them in Inkscape.
If your keyboard has a Meta key, you may wish to set your "Modifier key" to use it instead of Alt.
Ctrl+mouse dragrestrict movement to horizontal or vertical
Ctrl+mouse dragselect and drag first touched item
When starting the drag motion in an empty area of the canvas and then touching any object, that object will be moved along with the mouse. You can then let go of the Ctrl key to keep dragging the item without restriction of movement direction.
Shift+mouse dragtemporarily disable snapping
This temporarily disables snapping when you are dragging with snapping activated.
mouse drag+Spacedrop a copy
When dragging or transforming with mouse, each Space leaves a copy of the selected object.
You can press and hold Space while dragging for a nice "trail."
mouse drag+Cdrop a clone
When dragging or transforming with mouse, each time you press C leaves a clone of the selected object.
Move (keyboard)
arrowsmove selection by the nudge distance
Shift+arrowsmove selection by 10x nudge distance
The default nudge distance is 2 px (SVG pixel units, not screen pixels).
Alt+arrowsmove selection by 1 pixel
Shift+Alt+arrowsmove selection by 10 pixels
The actual distance for pixel movements depends on zoom level. Zoom in for finer movement.
Transform (mouse)
click,Shift+Stoggle scale/rotation handles
mouse dragscale (with scale handles)
mouse dragrotate or skew (with rotation handles)
Scale by handles
mouse dragscale
Ctrl+mouse dragscale preserving aspect ratio
Shift+mouse dragsymmetric transformation
Holding Shift while transforming makes the transformation symmetric around the rotation center of the selection. Combined with Ctrl, this can be used to scale objects around an arbitrary center point.
Alt+mouse dragscale by integer
Hold Alt while scaling to limit scale to 2, 3, 4, etc. or 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 etc. of the initial size.
Scale (keyboard)
.,>scale selection up by the scale step
,,<scale selection down by the scale step
The default scale step is 2 px (SVG pixel units, not screen pixels).
Ctrl+.,Ctrl+>scale selection to 200%
Ctrl+,,Ctrl+<scale selection to 50%
Alt+.,Alt+>scale selection up by 1 pixel
Alt+,,Alt+<scale selection down by 1 pixel
The actual size increment for pixel scaling depends on zoom level. Zoom in for finer scaling.
The default size increment is added to (or subtracted from) either the selection's height or width, whichever one is larger. Scaling is done around the center of the selection's bounding box and keeps the proportions of the selected object(s).
Rotate/skew by handles
mouse dragrotate or skew
Ctrl+mouse dragsnap skew angle
Holding Ctrl when dragging a skew (non-corner) handle snaps the skew angle to angle steps (default 15 degrees).
Ctrl+mouse dragsnap rotation angle
Holding Ctrl when dragging a rotation (corner) handle snaps the rotation angle to angle steps (default 15 degrees).
Shift+mouse dragrotate around opposite corner
Rotate (keyboard)
[,]rotate selection by the angle step
The default angle step is 15 degrees. ] rotates clockwise, [ rotates counterclockwise.
Ctrl+[,Ctrl+]rotate selection by 90 degrees
Alt+[,Alt+]rotate selection by 1 pixel
The actual angle for pixel rotation depends on zoom level. Zoom in for finer movement.
These commands use the rotation center, draggable in Selector (by default it's in geometric center).
hflip selection horizontally
vflip selection vertically
If the tool is in rotate mode (rotation center visible), that center becomes the axis of flipping; otherwise it flips around geometric center of selection.
Rotation center
mouse dragmove rotation center
Moved rotation center remembers and saves its position for (all) selected object(s); you can reset it.
Shift+mouse dragmove without snapping
Shift+clickreset rotation center
Resetting rotation center moves it back to the geometric center of the object's or selection's bounding box.
Esccancel rubberband, move, transformation
Press Esc while mouse button is still down to cancel rubberband selection, move, or transformation of any kind.
Node tool⚓
Select objects (mouse)
clickclick a non-selected object to select
Alt+clickselect under
Alt+mouse wheelcycle z-order
Shift+clicktoggle selection
These work the same as in Selector. The nodes or handles of the single selected object become editable.
Select nodes (mouse)
clickselect a node
Clicking on a node selects it.
clickselect two adjacent nodes
Clicking on a selected path between the nodes selects the two nodes closest to the click point.
Shift+clicktoggle selection
This adds/removes a node (if clicked on node) or two nodes (if clicked on path) to/from the node selection.
Clicking in an empty space deselects all selected nodes. Next click will deselect the object.
Selecting / Deselecting multiple nodes
mouse dragselect multiple nodes
Opens a rectangular "rubberband" selection area. All nodes within the current object and in the area will be selected; previous node selection is deselected.
Alt+mouse dragselect multiple nodes
Draw around nodes on the canvas to select them. All nodes within the current object and in the area that is enclosed by the drawn line will be selected; previous node selection is deselected
Shift+mouse dragadd nodes to selection
Normally, you need to start from a point not over a path or a node to initiate a rubberband.
However, if you press Shift before dragging, Inkscape will do rubberband selection even if you start over the path.
Ctrl+Shift+mouse dragremove nodes from selection
Creates a box-shaped area.
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+mouse dragremove nodes from selection
Draw around nodes (similar to the Pencil tool) to remove them.
Ctrl+mouse draginverted node selection
This selects all nodes in all subpaths of the path outside the rubberband.
Ctrl+Alt+mouse draginverted node selection
This selects all nodes in all subpaths of the path outside the drawn selection area.
Select nodes (keyboard)
Tabselect next node
Shift+Tabselect previous node
These keys select nodes within the selected path.
Ctrl+Aselect all nodes in subpath(s)
If the path has multiple subpaths and some nodes selected, this selects all only in subpaths with already selected nodes.
Ctrl+Alt+Aselect all nodes in path
This selects all nodes in the entire path.
!invert selection in subpath(s)
If the path has multiple subpaths and some nodes selected, this inverts selection only in subpaths with already selected nodes.
Alt+!invert selection in path
This inverts selection (deselects what was selected and vice versa) in the entire path.
Escdeselect all nodes
Grow/shrink node selection
PgUp,PgDngrow/shrink selection (spatial)
mouse wheelgrow/shrink selection (spatial)
Ctrl+PgUp,Ctrl+PgDngrow/shrink selection (along path)
Ctrl+mouse wheelgrow/shrink selection (along path)
Your mouse pointer must be over a node for growing/shrinking.
Each key press or turn of the mouse wheel selects the nearest unselected node or deselects the farthest selected node.
Distance to nodes can be calculated directly (spatial mode) or along path.
Move nodes (mouse)
mouse dragmove selected nodes
Ctrl+mouse dragrestrict movement to horizontal or vertical
Ctrl+Alt+mouse dragmove along handles
This restricts movement to the directions of the node's handles, their counter directions and perpendiculars (total 8 snaps).
If the node has straight lines on one or both sides, this will snap it to these lines' directions and perpendiculars instead.
Shift+mouse dragtemporarily disable snapping
Shift+mouse dragdrag out handle
If a node has a retracted handle, dragging with Shift lets you drag it out of the node.
mouse drag+Spacedrop a copy
When dragging nodes with mouse, each Space leaves a copy of the selected object.
You can press and hold Space while dragging for a nice "trail."
Alt+mouse dragsculpt selected nodes
Sculpting moves the selected nodes so that the dragged node moves all the way, the farthest selected nodes stay put; all intermediate selected nodes move intermediate distances, governed by a bell-like curve.
Sculpting is pressure-sensitive with a tablet; press harder for a blunter drag profile, press lightly for a sharper profile.
To stop sculpting without losing the pressure-sensitive profile, release Alt first and then lift the pen.
Move nodes (keyboard)
arrowsmove selected node(s) by the nudge distance
Shift+arrowsmove selected node(s) by 10x nudge distance
The default nudge distance is 2 px (SVG pixel units, not screen pixels).
Alt+arrowsmove selected node(s) by 1 pixel
Shift+Alt+arrowsmove selected node(s) by 10 pixels
The actual distance for pixel movements depends on zoom level. Zoom in for finer movement.
Move node handle (mouse)
mouse dragmove a node handle
Ctrl+mouse dragsnap the handle to angle steps
The default angle step is 15 degrees. This also snaps to the handle's original angle, its counter direction and perpendiculars.
Shift+mouse dragrotate both handles
Alt+mouse draglock the handle length
Ctrl, Shift, Alt can be combined when dragging handles.
Ctrl+clickretract the handle
Retracted handle is zero length; use Shift+drag to drag it back out.
Scale handle (1 node selected)
<,>contract/expand both handles by scale step
The default scale step is 2 px (SVG pixel units, not screen pixels). May apply to more than one node.
Left Ctrl+<,Left Ctrl+>scale left handle by the scale step
Right Ctrl+<,Right Ctrl+>scale right handle by the scale step
Left Alt+<,Left Alt+>scale left handle by 1 pixel
Right Alt+<,Right Alt+>scale right handle by 1 pixel
The actual size increment for pixel scaling depends on zoom level. Zoom in for finer scaling.
Instead of the < and > keys, you can use the , (comma) and . (period) keys respectively.
Rotate handle (1 node selected)
[,]rotate both handles by the angle step
The default angle step is 15 degrees. ] rotates clockwise, [ rotates counterclockwise. May apply to more than one node.
Left Ctrl+[,Left Ctrl+]rotate left handle by the angle step
Right Ctrl+[,Right Ctrl+]rotate right handle by the angle step
Left Alt+[,Left Alt+]rotate left handle by 1 pixel
Right Alt+[,Right Alt+]rotate right handle by 1 pixel
Handles visibility
Ctrl+Htoggle handles
Scale nodes (>1 nodes selected)
These commands scale the selected nodes as if they were an "object".
If mouse is over a node, that node becomes the axis of scaling; otherwise it scales around geometric center of selected nodes.
.,>scale nodes up by the scale step
,,<scale nodes down by the scale step
The default scale step is 2 px (SVG pixel units, not screen pixels).
Alt+.,Alt+>scale nodes up by 1 pixel
Alt+,,Alt+<scale nodes down by 1 pixel
The actual size increment for pixel scaling depends on zoom level. Zoom in for finer scaling.
The default size increment is added to (or subtracted from) either the node selection's height or width, whichever one is larger. Scaling keeps the proportions of the node selection.
Rotate nodes (>1 nodes selected)
These commands rotate the selected nodes as if they were an "object".
If mouse is over a node, that node becomes the axis of rotation; otherwise it rotates around geometric center of selected nodes.
[,]rotate nodes by the angle step
The default angle step is 15 degrees. ] rotates clockwise, [ rotates counterclockwise.
Alt+[,Alt+]rotate nodes by 1 pixel
The actual angle for pixel rotation depends on zoom level. Zoom in for finer movement.
Flip nodes (>1 nodes selected)
These commands flip the selected nodes as if they were an "object", around the center of that object.
hflip nodes horizontally
vflip nodes vertically
If mouse is over a node, that node becomes the axis of flipping; otherwise it flips around geometric center of selected nodes
Change segment(s)
Shift+L,Ctrl+clickmake line
The keyboard shortcut works with pairs of selected nodes, while the mouse shortcut works directly with any (unselected) path segment.
Shift+Umake curve
Change node type
Shift+Cmake cusp
First Shift+C changes type of node; if you do another Shift+C on an already cusp node, it retracts its handles.
Shift+Smake smooth
If a cusp node is adjacent to a line segment, first Shift+S makes it half-smooth with one handle collinear with the segment; another Shift+S will expand a second handle.
Shift+Ymake symmetric
When making smooth or symmetric, you can lock the position of one of the handles by hovering mouse over it.
Shift+Amake auto
Ctrl+clicktoggle smooth/cusp/symmetric/auto
Shift+Jjoin selected nodes
This requires that exactly two end nodes within the path be selected.
You can lock the position of one of the two joined nodes by hovering mouse over it.
Alt+Jjoin selected end nodes with new segment
Shift+Bbreak selected node(s)
After break, only one of each two new nodes is selected. May apply to more than one node.
Delete, create, duplicate, copy
Backspace,Deldelete selected node(s)
Ctrl+Backspace,Ctrl+Deldelete always preserving shape
Deleting without Ctrl adjusts handles on the remaining nodes to preserve the shape of the curve in some, but not all cases. Deleting sharp corners will result in straight lines
Deleting with Ctrl will always try to preserve the shape.
Alt+Backspace,Ctrl+double-clickdelete segment
The keyboard shortcut works with pairs of selected nodes, while the mouse shortcut works directly with any (unselected) path segment.
Ctrl+Alt+clickcreate/delete node
Ctrl+Alt+click on a node deletes it; Ctrl+Alt+click on the path between nodes creates a new node in the click point.
Deleting nodes this way always tries to preserve the shape of the curve (same as Del/Backspace).
double-clickcreate node
Double clicking on the path between nodes creates a node in the click point.
Ins,Shift+Iinsert new node(s)
This adds new node(s) in the middle(s) of selected segment(s), so it requires that more than two adjacent nodes be selected.
Shift+Dduplicate selected node(s)
New nodes are created on the same path; they are placed exactly over the old ones and are selected.
Ctrl+Ccopy selected node(s) to clipboard
Ctrl+Vinsert nodes from clipboard
Inserts a set of nodes into the currently selected path in the current mouse cursor position.
Shift+Rreverse path direction
Edit shapes
Node tool can also drag the handles of shapes (rectangles, ellipses, stars, spirals). Click on a shape to select it.
See the corresponding shape tools for their editing shortcuts, all of which also work in node tool.
Edit fills and path effects
Node tool can also edit the handles of a pattern fill, gradient fill, and the editable handles of path effects.
Esccancel rubberband or move
Press Esc while mouse button is still down to cancel rubberband selection, node move, or handle move.
Shape Builder tool⚓
Add mode
This is the default mode. To indicate it select "Shape Builder Tool: Add" button on the toolbar.
clickon segment to add it to the result as separate object
Shift+clickon a segment to remove the segment
mouse dragover segment boundary to union all touched segments
Shift+mouse dragover segment boundary to remove all touched segments
Remove mode
This is the inverted mode. To indicate it select "Shape Builder Tool: Delete" button on the toolbar.
clickon segment to remove the segment
Shift+clickon segment to add it to the result as separate object
mouse dragover segment boundary to remove all touched segments
Shift+mouse dragover segment boundary to union all touched segments
Enterapply changes and leave Shape Builder tool
Escleave Shape Builder tool without changes
Rectangle tool⚓
mouse dragdraw a rectangle
Ctrl+mouse dragmake a square or integer-ratio rectangle
This restricts width/height ratio or its inverse to a whole number or the golden ratio.
Shift+mouse dragdraw around the starting point
This creates a rectangle symmetric around the starting point of the mouse drag.
clickclick to select
Alt+click,Ctrl+Alt+clickselect under
mouse dragdrag cross handle to move
Resize by handles
mouse dragdrag a square handle to resize
Initially, the two resize (square) handles are in top left and bottom right corners.
Resize handles change the width and height of the rectangle in its own coordinate system, before any transforms are applied.
Ctrl+mouse draglock width, height, or ratio
Round corners by handles
mouse dragdrag a circular handle to round corners
Initially, the two rounding handles are in the top right corner of the rectangle.
Ctrl+mouse draglock the corner circular
Ctrl+clickset the corner circular
When rounding corners, dragging one rounding handle keeps the corner circular if the other remains at the corner.
You can drag both handles for an elliptic rounded corner, or drag/click one with Ctrl to make it circular again.
Shift+clickremove corner rounding
Ellipse tool⚓
Without Alt the starting and ending point of the mouse drag mark the corners of the bounding box.
With Alt the ellipse is enlarged so that its circumference passes through these two points (Ctrl+Alt is a special case; see below).
mouse dragdraw an ellipse
Ctrl+mouse dragmake circle or integer-ratio ellipse
This restricts width/height ratio or its inverse to a whole number or the golden ratio.
Shift+mouse dragdraw around the starting point
This creates an ellipse symmetric around the starting point of the mouse drag.
Ctrl+Alt+mouse dragcreate circle passing through the starting and ending point
This creates a perfect circle whose diameter is defined by the starting and ending point of the mouse drag.
clickclick to select
Alt+click,Ctrl+Alt+clickselect under
Shift+clicktoggle selection
In this tool, selecting by click disregards any grouping (i.e. acts as clicking with Ctrl in Selector).
mouse dragdrag cross handle to move
Edit by handles
mouse dragresize, make arc or segment
Initially, the two resize handles are at the topmost and leftmost points; the two arc/segment handles are in the rightmost point.
Ctrl+mouse draglock circle (resize handles)
Ctrl+mouse dragsnap to angle steps (arc/segment handles)
Resize handles change the width and height of the ellipse in its own coordinate system, before any transforms are applied.
The default angle step is 15 degrees.
Shift+clickmake whole (arc/segment handles)
Star tool⚓
mouse dragdraw a star
Ctrl+mouse dragsnap star to angle steps
The default angle step is 15 degrees.
clickclick to select
Alt+click,Ctrl+Alt+clickselect under
Shift+clicktoggle selection
In this tool, selecting by click disregards any grouping (i.e. acts as clicking with Ctrl in Selector).
mouse dragdrag cross handle to move
Edit by handles
mouse dragdrag a handle to vary the star shape
Ctrl+mouse dragkeep star rays radial (no skew)
Shift+mouse draground the star
Shift+clickremove rounding
Alt+mouse dragrandomize the star
Alt+click,Ctrl+Alt+clickremove randomization
3D box tool⚓
mouse dragdraw a 3D box (X/Y plane)
Shift+mouse dragdraw a 3D box (extrude in Z)
clickclick to select
Alt+click,Ctrl+Alt+clickselect under
Shift+clicktoggle selection
mouse dragdrag cross handle to move
Edit by handles
All editing operations occur "in perspective", i.e., either along perspective lines or within planes spanned by these.
mouse dragresize/move box
The four front handles and the center normally move within the XY plane, the four rear handles along the Z axis.
Shift+mouse dragresize/move (with handle behaviour swapped)
Ctrl+mouse dragresize/move (handles snap to axes or diagonals)
Edit perspectives
In what follows, we use the abbreviations VP = vanishing point, PL = perspective line.
mouse dragdrag square handles to move the VPs
[,]rotate X-PLs (if parallel) by the angle step
The default angle step is 15 degrees. ],),} rotate clockwise, [,(,{ rotate counterclockwise.
Alt+[,Alt+]rotate X-PLs (if parallel) by 1 pixel
(,)rotate Y-PLs (if parallel) by the angle step
Alt+(,Alt+)rotate Y-PLs (if parallel) by 1 pixel
{,}rotate Z-PLs (if parallel) by the angle step
Alt+{,Alt+}rotate Z-PLs (if parallel) by 1 pixel
Spiral tool⚓
mouse dragdraw a spiral
Ctrl+mouse dragsnap spiral to angle steps
The default angle step is 15 degrees.
clickclick to select
Alt+click,Ctrl+Alt+clickselect under
Shift+clicktoggle selection
In this tool, selecting by click disregards any grouping (i.e. acts as clicking with Ctrl in Selector).
mouse dragdrag cross handle to move
Edit by handles
mouse dragroll/unroll from inside (inner handle)
Dragging the inner handle adjusts the "inner radius" parameter.
Alt+mouse dragconverge/diverge (inner handle)
Alt+click,Ctrl+Alt+clickreset divergence (inner handle)
Vertical Alt+drag of the inner handle adjusts the "divergence" parameter, Alt+click resets it to 1.
Shift+clickzero inner radius (inner handle)
Shift+click on inner handle makes the spiral start from the center.
mouse dragroll/unroll from outside (outer handle)
Dragging the outer handle adjusts the "turns" parameter.
Alt+mouse draglock radius (outer handle)
Roll/unroll without changing radius.
Shift+mouse dragscale/rotate (outer handle)
Use Shift+Alt+drag to rotate only (locks the radius of the spiral).
Ctrl+mouse dragsnap handles to angle steps
The default angle step is 15 degrees. This works for both handles.
Pen (Bezier) tool⚓
Create nodes
clickcreate a sharp node
If no path is being created, this starts a new path.
Shift+clickadd to selected path
If a path is selected, Shift+dragging anywhere creates a new subpath instead of a new independent path.
mouse dragcreate a Bezier node with two handles
Shift+mouse dragmove only one handle
This moves only one handle (instead of both) while creating a node, making it cusp.
Ctrl+mouse dragsnap the handle to angle steps
The default angle step is 15 degrees.
Move last node
These commands move the last created node (at the start of the red segment) while creating a path.
arrowsmove last node by the nudge distance
Shift+arrowsmove last node by 10x nudge distance
The default nudge distance is 2 px (SVG pixel units, not screen pixels).
Alt+arrowsmove last node by 1 pixel
Shift+Alt+arrowsmove last node by 10 pixels
The actual distance for pixel movements depends on zoom level. Zoom in for finer movement.
Create/modify segments
Ctrlsnap last segment to angle steps
This snaps the new node's angle, relative to the previous node, to angle steps (default 15 degrees).
Shift+Lmake last segment line
Shift+Umake last segment curve
These commands change the last (red) segment of the path to straight line or curve.
Create dots
Ctrl+clickcreate a dot (straight line modes only)
This creates a small circle. Its size (relative to the current stroke width) can be set in Preferences.
Ctrl+Shift+clickcreate a double-sized dot
Ctrl+Alt+clickcreate a random-sized dot
Enterfinish current path
Shift+Enterfinish and close current path
right clickfinish current path
double-clickfinish current path
Enter or right click finish the current line, discarding the last unfinished (red) segment. Double left click finishes the current line where double-clicked.
Esc,Ctrl+Zcancel current line
Backspace,Delerase last segment of current line
Pencil tool⚓
mouse dragdraw a freehand path
Shift+mouse dragadd to selected path
If a path is selected, Shift+dragging from anywhere starts a new subpath instead of a new independent path.
Shift+mouse dragtemporarily disable snapping
This temporarily disables snapping when you are dragging with snapping activated.
Alt+mouse dragaveraging draw (sketch mode)
Ctrl+mouse draglift pencil
A short press of the Ctrl key discontinues the current path. Release the mouse button and click and drag again to continue. The loose ends will be connected by straight lines when the path is finished.
clickstart a straight path (finish with another click)
Create dots
Ctrl+clickcreate a dot
This creates a small circle. Its size (relative to the current stroke width) can be set in Preferences.
Ctrl+Shift+clickcreate a double-sized dot
Ctrl+Alt+clickcreate a random-sized dot
Calligraphy tool⚓
mouse dragdraw a calligraphic stroke
Shift+mouse dragadd to selected path
Drawing with Shift unions the newly created stroke with the previous selection.
Alt+mouse dragsubtract from selected path
Drawing with Alt subtracts the newly created stroke from the previous selection.
Ctrl+mouse dragtrack a guide path
Drawing with Ctrl tracks a selected guide path at the constant distance.
Left arrow,Right arrowadjust pen width by 1
Home,Endset pen width to its minimum or maximum
Up arrow,Down arrowadjust pen angle
Width and angle can be adjusted while drawing.
Create dots
clickcreate a dot
Shift+clickcreate a larger dot
Click in place without moving the mouse to create a dot.
Text tool⚓
clickcreate/select a text object
Clicking in an empty space or on a non-text creates a text object; now you can type your text.
Clicking on a text object selects it; cursor is placed near the click point.
Escdeselect the text object
Navigate in text
arrowsmove cursor by one character
Ctrl+Left arrow,Ctrl+Right arrowmove cursor by one word
Ctrl+Up arrow,Ctrl+Down arrowmove cursor by one paragraph
Home,Endgo to beginning/end of line
Ctrl+Home,Ctrl+Endgo to beginning/end of text
PgUp,PgDnmove cursor by one screen
All these commands cancel current text selection, if any. Use them with Shift to add to / subtract from selection instead.
Flowed text (internal frame)
mouse dragcreate flowed text
Clicking and dragging in an empty space or on a non-text creates a flowed text object with internal frame.
mouse dragadjust frame size
Dragging the handle in the lower right corner of the selected flowed text changes width/height of the frame.
Ctrl+mouse draglock width, height, or ratio of frame
Dragging the corner handle with Ctrl resizes the frame preserving either width, or height, or ratio.
Flowed text (external frame)
Alt+Wflow text into frame
With a text object and a shape/path selected, this flows text into the shape/path.
Both remain separate objects, but are linked; editing the shape/path causes the text to reflow.
Shift+Alt+Wunflow text from frame
This cuts the flowed text's link to the shape/path, producing a single-line regular text object.
Shift+Dselect external frame
To find out which object is the frame of this flowed text, select it and press Shift+D. The frame will be selected.
Text on path
Shift+Dselect path from text
To find out which path this text is put on, select it and press Shift+D. The path will be selected.
Edit text
To type + and - characters, use the main keyboard; keypad + and - are reserved for zoom (unless NumLock is on).
Enterstart a new line or paragraph
Enter in regular text creates new line; in flowed text it creates a new paragraph.
Ctrl+Utoggle Unicode entry
To insert an arbitrary Unicode character, type Ctrl+U, then the hexadecimal code point, then Enter.
For example, type Ctrl+U 2 0 1 4 Enter for an em-dash; Ctrl+U a 9 Enter for a copyright sign.
To stay in Unicode mode after inserting the character, press Space instead of Enter.
Press Esc or another Ctrl+U to cancel Unicode mode without inserting the character.
Ctrl+Spaceinsert no-break space
A no-break space is visible even in a text object without xml:space="preserve".
Select text
mouse dragselect text
Left-dragging over a text object selects a text span.
Shift+arrowsselect text by character
Shift+Ctrl+arrowsselect text by word
Shift+Home,Shift+Endselect to beginning/end of line
Shift+Ctrl+Home,Shift+Ctrl+Endselect to beginning/end of text
Shift+PgUp,Shift+PgDnselect one screen up/down
double-clickselect word
click+click+clickselect line
Ctrl+Aselect all text
This selects the entire text of the current text object.
Style selection
Ctrl+Bmake selection bold
Ctrl+Imake selection italic
Also, you can use the Text&Font or Fill&Stroke dialogs to assign any style to text selection.
Letter spacing
Alt+>expand line/paragraph by 1 pixel
Shift+Alt+>expand line/paragraph by 10 pixels
Alt+<contract line/paragraph by 1 pixel
Shift+Alt+<contract line/paragraph by 10 pixels
These commands (only when editing text) adjust letter spacing in the current line (regular text) or paragraph (flowed text).
The actual adjustment for pixel movements depends on zoom level. Zoom in for finer adjustment.
Line spacing
Ctrl+Alt+>make the text object taller by 1 pixel
Shift+Ctrl+Alt+>make the text object taller by 10 pixels
Ctrl+Alt+<make the text object shorter by 1 pixel
Shift+Ctrl+Alt+<make the text object shorter by 10 pixels
These commands (only when editing text) adjust line spacing in the entire text object (regular or flowed).
The actual adjustment for pixel movements depends on zoom level. Zoom in for finer adjustment.
Kerning and shifting
Alt+arrowsshift characters by 1 pixel
Shift+Alt+arrowsshift characters by 10 pixels
These commands work when editing a regular text object. Kerning does not work in flowed text.
With no selection, they shift (horizontally or vertically) the characters after the cursor until the end of line.
With selection, they shift the selection relative to the rest of text (by inserting opposite kerns at both ends of selection).
The actual adjustment for pixel movements depends on zoom level. Zoom in for finer adjustment.
Ctrl+[,Ctrl+]rotate character(s) by 90 degrees
Alt+[,Alt+]rotate character(s) by 1 pixel
These commands rotate the next character (without selection) or all characters in the selection (with selection).
Rotation only works in regular text (not flowed text).
The actual angle for pixel rotation depends on zoom level. Zoom in for finer movement.
Gradient tool⚓
Select objects
clickclick an object to select
Alt+clickselect under
Shift+clicktoggle selection
Create gradients
mouse dragcreate gradient
This creates gradient on selected objects. The tool controls bar lets you select linear/radial and fill/stroke for the new gradient.
double-clickcreate default gradient
This creates default (horizontal edge-to-edge for linear, centered edge-to-edge-to-edge for radial) gradient on clicked object.
Select handles
clickselect a handle
Shift+clickadd handle to selection
Shift+mouse dragselect by rubberband
Tabselect next handle
Shift+Tabselect previous handle
Ctrl+Aselect all handles
Escdeselect all handles
Single click outside all handles also deselects all handles.
Create/delete intermediate stops
Ctrl+Alt+click,double-clickcreate a stop
Ctrl+Alt+click or double click on a gradient line creates a new intermediate stop.
Ctrl+Alt+clickdelete stop
Ctrl+Alt+click on a stop's handle deletes the stop; if it was an end stop, gradient shortens or disappears.
Ins,Shift+Iinsert new stop(s)
This adds new stop(s) in the middle(s) between adjacent, selected stops or, if only one stop is selected, in the middle of the segment that starts with the selected stop.
Deldelete selected stops
Move handles/stops
mouse dragmove selected handle(s)
Ctrl+mouse dragmove stops in 1/10 range increments
Ctrl+dragging selected intermediate stops moves them snapping to 1/10 steps of the available range.
Alt+mouse dragsculpt selected stops
Sculpting moves the selected intermediate stops depending on how close each one is to the stop being dragged, using a smooth bell-like curve similar to the node sculpting feature in Node tool.
Ctrl+Lsimplify selected stops
Simplify looks at adjacent selected stops and removes redundant stops.
arrowsmove selected handle by the nudge distance
Shift+arrowsmove selected handle by 10x nudge distance
The default nudge distance is 2 px (SVG pixel units, not screen pixels).
Alt+arrowsmove selected handle by 1 pixel
Shift+Alt+arrowsmove selected handle by 10 pixels
If at least one end handle is selected, arrow keys move the end handle to move or resize the gradient line.
If only mid stops are selected, arrow keys move the selected stops along the gradient line.
The actual distance for pixel movements depends on zoom level. Zoom in for finer movement.
Shift+Rreverse gradient definition
This mirrors the stop positions of the current gradient without moving the gradient handles.
Mesh tool⚓
click+mouse drag,double-clickcreate a mesh gradient on an object
Selecting corners and handles
clickon a corner to select the mesh corner
clickon a path to select the end corners of a path
Shift+clickon a path to add the end corners of a path to selection
mouse dragselect multiple mesh corners
Opens a rectangular "rubberband" selection area.
Shift+mouse dragadd mesh corners to selection
Ctrl+Aselect all mesh corners
Modify corners
mouse dragdrag a mesh corner or handle (circle, triangle) to modify mesh geometry
Alt+Btoggle selected sides between Beziers and lines
Alt+Cmake selected sides elliptical by changing the length of handles
Shift+Isubdivide mesh between two selected corners
double-clickon a path to divide row/column by two at that point
Alt+Gtoggle on/off tensor points (square markers) for selected (all four surrounding corners) patches
Alt+Kpick color underneath mesh at selected corners
Alt+Jeliminate "Mach Banding" optical illusion by making color transition smooth around a corner by changing length of Bezier handles
Dropper tool⚓
clickpick fill color
Shift+clickpick stroke color
mouse dragaverage fill color
Shift+mouse dragaverage stroke color
Click applies the color under cursor to the current selection. Dragging a radius calculates the average color of a circular area.
If a gradient handle (in Gradient tool) is selected, it gets the color instead of the entire object.
Alt+click,Alt+mouse drag,Ctrl+Alt+click,Ctrl+Alt+mouse dragpick inverse color
If Alt is pressed, picking color (with or without Shift, by click or by drag) picks the inverse of the color.
Ctrl+Ccopy color
This copies the color under cursor to the clipboard, as text in RRGGBBAA format (8 hex digits).
Paint Bucket⚓
clickfill a bounded area
Shift+clickadd to selected path
Clicking with Shift unions the newly created fill with the previous selection.
mouse dragfill from each point
From each point, the fill spreads to the neighbors with the colors similar to that point.
This can be used to fill an area currently filled with a gradient or blur.
Alt+mouse dragfill from each point similar to the initial point
From each point, the fill spreads to the neighbors with the colors similar to the initial point of the drag.
This can be used to fill several disjoint bounded areas by starting in one and dragging over all of the areas.
Ctrl+clickset fill color
Shift+Ctrl+clickset stroke color
Ctrl+clicking an object sets its fill (or stroke with Shift) to the tool's current style; the object need not be selected.
Tweak tool⚓
mouse dragact on selected paths in the current mode
Shift+mouse dragreverse current mode (when applicable)
Ctrl+mouse dragtemporarily switch to shrink mode
Ctrl+Shift+mouse dragtemporarily switch to grow mode
The amount of tweaking action is the greatest at the center of the circular area and drops off smoothly towards the edges.
Shift+Mmove mode
Shift+Imove in/out mode
Drag moves objects inwards to cursor, drag with Shift moves outwards from cursor.
Shift+Zmove jitter mode
Shift+<,Shift+>scale mode
Drag scales objects down, drag with Shift scales up.
Shift+[,Shift+]rotate mode
Drag rotates objects clockwise, drag with Shift, counterclockwise.
Shift+Dduplicate/delete mode
Drag randomly duplicates objects, drag with Shift randomly deletes.
Shift+Ppush path mode
Shift+Sshrink/grow path mode
Drag insets paths, drag with Shift outsets.
Shift+Aattract/repel path mode
Drag attracts paths to cursor, drag with Shift repels.
Shift+Rroughen mode
Shift+Ccolor paint mode
Shift+Jcolor jitter mode
Shift+Bblur mode
Left arrow,Right arrowadjust brush width by 1
Home,Endset brush width to its minimum or maximum
Up arrow,Down arrowadjust tweaking force
Width and force can be adjusted while drawing. With a pressure-sensitive tablet, force also depends on pen pressure.
Spray tool⚓
mouse dragspray on the canvas
click+mouse wheelspray more items in the same location
Shift+Jcopy mode
Shift+Kclone mode
Shift+Lsingle path mode
Left arrow,Right arrowadjust spray width by 1
Up arrow,Down arrowadjust spray population by 1
Home,Endset spray width to its minimum or maximum
Eraser tool⚓
Left arrow,Right arrowadjust eraser width by 1
Home,Endset eraser width to its minimum or maximum
Measure tool⚓
mouse dragmeasure distance and angle between the start point and the cursor
Shift+mouse dragset base of angle measurement to cursor position
Ctrl+mouse dragsnap angle measure to angle steps
The default angle step is 15 degrees.
Zoom tool⚓
clickzoom in
Shift+clickzoom out
mouse dragzoom into the area
Pages tool⚓
mouse dragon empty space of canvas to create new page
clickon existing page to select the page
mouse dragmove a selected page
mouse dragcorner square-shaped handles to resize the page
mouse dragblue circle-shaped handle to adjust page margin on that side
Ctrl+mouse dragblue circle-shaped handle to adjust all page margins of equal value simultaneously
Backspace,Deldelete a selected page
Authors: Sylvain Chiron; Nicolas Dufour; Jabier Arraiza; Lucas Vieites; Nathan Lee; Patrick Storz; Maren Hachmann; Gellért Gyuris