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User Support and Discussion
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Get in Touch with the Inkscape Community
Project-maintained communication channels
Chat via RocketChat
For live chat visit our RocketChat instance which provides an easy-to-use web interface.
This is the correct place if you need a quick answer, want some guidance for some specific task (like compiling or translating Inkscape), discuss any development of Inkscape and other contributions to the project, or simply want to have a casual chat.
Visit us in the official Inkscape Forum!
This is the correct place for everything ranging from beginners questions, over questions and discussions related to advanced Inkscape functionality, to showcasing the artwork you just created.
Chat via IRC
Historically we've been using IRC for live chat. There are two channels (both on
- #inkscape for general questions and user discussion
- #inkscape-devel for development-related and more technical discussion
These two high-traffic channels are also synced inside RocketChat (see inkscape_user and team_devel in RC) via inkchatbot, so you can participate in your preferred way and don't need to join both.
There's even a third way to access these channels directly from within the website (via Kiwi IRC) if you don't want to create a RocketChat account and don't have an IRC client, see Users Chat and Developer Chat.
Mailing Lists
There are several mailing lists serving the Inkscape user community.
Mailing lists are a good way to keep updated on what's going on in the project, and to discuss specific topics (including "Big Picture" stuff) where discussions are expected stretch over a few days or weeks. There's an archive of each list where past and ongoing discussions can be searched.
If you want to report a bug or submit a proposal, GitLab is the right place to do that.
Check out the Inkscape Gallery for content created by the Inkscape community or submit your own work.
Global Inkscape Community
Visit these other cool places where people using Inkscape hang out!
International Forums
- - Italian user forum
-'s Inkscape board - French user forum
- Russian Inkscape forum - Russian user forum
- Gimpscape Indonesia - Tutorials, news, and artwork by the Indonesian open source design community
More notable Inkscape-specific discussion channels
- r/Inkscape on reddit
- Questions tagged with [inkscape] on