Giuseppe Degan Di Dieco G3D Membership

I'm Giuseppe from a southern Italian region called Calabria, at the tip of the Italian boot.
Calabria is a mountainous region placed in the Pollino national park, that store the Europe's most ancient tree and where Romans took the wood for building their ships.
This area was colonized by Greek, thus known as Great Greece, and it's even cited in the Odissey by Homer.
Besides, it's full of medieval castles built by Friederich II -a bit like England-.
It's a region frequently threatened by earthquakes and rainfall-induced landslides, that's why I've always been interested in the civil engineering branch.
In Bristol, I study the reliability of bridge networks hit by water-related hazards.
Apart from work, I love doing gardening, walking in the countryside -as a way to break free-, and playing with pets.
I also practice some sports, especially cycling and swimming, because they challenge my limits, both mentally and phisically ones.

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