1. (12:00:12 PM) Tavmjong: --------------------------- Inkscape Board Meeting --------------------------
  2. (12:00:24 PM) Tavmjong: Who is here?
  3. (12:00:25 PM) bryce: hi Tavmjong
  4. (12:00:26 PM) tedg: I'm writing Python right now, everyday is a Monday :-)
  5. (12:00:41 PM) tedg: Howdy folks.
  6. (12:00:54 PM) bryce: do we have a ScislaC ?
  7. (12:00:57 PM) Tavmjong: Hi bryce and tedg
  8. (12:00:58 PM) jazzynico [~jazzynico@] entered the room.
  9. (12:01:05 PM) ScislaC: Hello!
  10. (12:01:09 PM) jazzynico: Hi Inkscapers!
  11. (12:01:09 PM) bryce: heya tedg and ScislaC :-)
  12. (12:01:23 PM) Tavmjong: ScislaC!!!! jazzynico!!!!
  13. (12:01:37 PM) ScislaC: EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
  14. (12:01:39 PM) bryce: hopefully no one's off by the daylightsavings change
  15. (12:02:08 PM) Tavmjong: They would have shown up an hour ago...
  16. (12:03:21 PM) Tavmjong: Jon, Martin, and Krzysztof?
  17. (12:03:32 PM) ***tedg showed up 4 hours ago, but that was more a math problem
  18. (12:03:37 PM) bryce: hah
  19. (12:04:09 PM) bryce: ok, probably doesn't matter what order we do the agenda in, but I'll start with a couple of the easy ones
  20. (12:04:20 PM) bryce: Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement (FSA)
  21. (12:04:34 PM) bryce: I emailed Conservancy after last month's meeting, but have received no word back
  22. (12:05:19 PM) Tavmjong: Email them again?
  23. (12:05:22 PM) bryce: we had questions on whether KK and Martin need to do any paperwork. In reviewing the FSA again, I'm fairly sure the answer is no.
  24. (12:05:38 PM) Tavmjong: I think you are right. That is how it was designed.
  25. (12:05:40 PM) bryce: I recall part of the justification for changing things was to eliminate that bit of paperwork.
  26. (12:05:46 PM) tedg: Yeah, I dont' think so. They'll chase us down if really needed :-)
  27. (12:06:14 PM) bryce: so, I could ping them again but I wanted to check with y'all, since maybe it doesn't matter.
  28. (12:06:22 PM) Tavmjong: .. and to give them their 10%.
  29. (12:06:26 PM) bryce: ok cool, yeah that's what I figured too.
  30. (12:06:44 PM) bryce: so, I think we can retire the FSA agenda item, unless there was anything else we needed to know?
  31. (12:07:04 PM) ScislaC: nothing else I need to know
  32. (12:07:04 PM) Tavmjong: Retiring sounds fine to me.
  33. (12:07:09 PM) bryce: ok done.
  34. (12:07:17 PM) bryce: next easy item is Budget 2016.
  35. (12:07:33 PM) bryce: Only reason it's easy is because I haven't done my homework in gathering the actuals from 2015
  36. (12:07:42 PM) tweenk [~tweenk@89-74-165-244.dynamic.chello.pl] entered the room.
  37. (12:07:54 PM) tweenk: hello, sorry for being late
  38. (12:08:05 PM) tedg: No problem, welcome tweenk !
  39. (12:08:08 PM) Tavmjong: tweenk: You haven't missed much.
  40. (12:08:14 PM) bryce: I'll make a priority to get that done for next meeting, and will also draft an initial budget proposal
  41. (12:08:17 PM) bryce: heya tweenk!
  42. (12:08:28 PM) ScislaC: tweenk!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  43. (12:08:42 PM) tweenk: tedg Tavmjong bryce ScislaC: hello!
  44. (12:09:05 PM) bryce: I'll probably start from this year's budget, tweaked by what we actually spent.
  45. (12:09:21 PM) Tavmjong: What do we want to fund?
  46. (12:09:21 PM) bryce: Are there any other 2016 things you guys can think of that I should account for?
  47. (12:09:25 PM) Tavmjong: Hackfest...
  48. (12:09:39 PM) Tavmjong: Conference attendance...
  49. (12:09:43 PM) Tavmjong: Books...
  50. (12:10:02 PM) bryce: For reference here's the 2015 one - https://inkscape.org/en/about/governance/budget/
  51. (12:10:37 PM) Tavmjong: SVG WG...
  52. (12:11:25 PM) Tavmjong: Can we get an updated account balance? And where the money went last year?
  53. (12:11:54 PM) bryce: Tavmjong, yeah that's what I was talking about by not having done my homework ;-)
  54. (12:11:58 PM) tweenk: while we are talking about the budget, should we look into outsourced merchandise? that would be a small effort and could bring in a few bucks
  55. (12:12:22 PM) bryce: I do have the data from the accounting logs, it just needs to be combed through and tabulated sensibly
  56. (12:12:38 PM) Tavmjong: tweenk: What kinds of thing do you have in mind?
  57. (12:12:58 PM) tweenk: Tavmjong: you know, the regular stuff: stickers, tees, mugs etc
  58. (12:13:18 PM) tweenk: there are sites that will give you a storefront and print on demand and you just provide the designs
  59. (12:13:42 PM) Tavmjong: might be a good way of getting Inkscape users involved.
  60. (12:13:42 PM) tweenk: it's as close to zero effort money as it gets
  61. (12:13:56 PM) bryce: I was thinking for t-shirts we might shoot for something higher quality than usual. I've been meaning to contact Susan Conklin for ideas along that line.
  62. (12:14:55 PM) tweenk: I think we should focus on a few high quality designs at most
  63. (12:14:59 PM) tedg: I think it would be interesting to do yearly or some such. So that there's a "2016 Inkscape T-shirt"
  64. (12:15:27 PM) tweenk: tedg: +1 on the yearly thing, really god idea
  65. (12:15:27 PM) tedg: Or even a hackfest T-shirt that one could buy to support the hackfest.
  66. (12:15:47 PM) Tavmjong: A contest? Along the lines of the splash screen contest?
  67. (12:15:51 PM) bryce: tweenk, it's a good idea, we had some good chats at hackfest. Like you say it shouldn't be hard to set up. Mainly just needs someone to get it organized.
  68. (12:15:54 PM) tedg: Yeah, +1
  69. (12:16:27 PM) Tavmjong: tweenk: Can you organize this? Maybe asking for help on inkscape-user?
  70. (12:17:06 PM) tweenk: Tavmjong: I think so, once I settle things with moving to CA
  71. (12:17:19 PM) Tavmjong: tweenk: When is that happening?
  72. (12:17:26 PM) Tavmjong: (the move)
  73. (12:17:31 PM) jabiertxof [~jabiertxo@] entered the room.
  74. (12:17:39 PM) philip_rhoades [~phil@pricom.com.au] entered the room.
  75. (12:17:40 PM) tweenk: Tavmjong: flight is Nov 20th and I start Nov 23rd
  76. (12:18:09 PM) philip_rhoades: Sorry . . caught up in another meeting . .
  77. (12:18:26 PM) bryce: ok, so enough for now on budget I guess.
  78. (12:18:31 PM) Tavmjong: Yup..
  79. (12:18:41 PM) tweenk: 1 more Q
  80. (12:18:48 PM) bryce: ok shoot
  81. (12:18:49 PM) tweenk: bryce: how do the logs look like?
  82. (12:18:55 PM) tweenk: I mean the accounting logs
  83. (12:19:16 PM) tweenk: because afaiu it's not apparent what's aour balance and expenditures from them?
  84. (12:19:21 PM) tweenk: *our
  85. (12:19:26 PM) bryce: they're text files, fairly simple really. Just lots of detail
  86. (12:19:26 PM) philip_rhoades: Was there a discussion about the animation funding?
  87. (12:19:58 PM) Tavmjong: philip_rhoades: No.
  88. (12:20:15 PM) bryce: I've got some report scripts I use to summarize the data
  89. (12:20:29 PM) Tavmjong: philip_rhoades: What do you propose?
  90. (12:20:58 PM) philip_rhoades: I put a description on the list - should I copy it from there?
  91. (12:21:00 PM) tweenk: bryce: OK, so you do have scripts, because I just wanted to know whether we need any :)
  92. (12:21:25 PM) Tavmjong: philip_rhoades: A link would be good.
  93. (12:21:51 PM) bryce: 15-Apr-27 Fieramosca - Bryce Harrington - Inkscape Hackfest 2015 - Food <Adjustment> $ -0.01 $ 6,936.74
  94. (12:21:52 PM) bryce: Ex:Inksc:Conference:Food $ 395.43 $ 7,332.17
  95. (12:21:52 PM) bryce: 15-Apr-27 Currency Conversion and Costs - Bryce Harrington - Inkscape Hackfest 2015 ..In:Currency Conversion $ 3.06 $ 7,335.23
  96. (12:21:52 PM) bryce: 15-Apr-24 StartAClothingLine.com - Digital Fashion Pro Ex:In:License C:Shipping $ 14.00 $ 7,349.23
  97. (12:21:59 PM) bryce: there's a snippet from the expenses script
  98. (12:22:51 PM) bryce: so the data's all there, I just need to go through and sort the individual items into the proper categories.
  99. (12:23:06 PM) bryce: ok, enough budget, on to... CoC I guess?
  100. (12:23:13 PM) bryce: ------------------- Website statement for code of conduct and privacy policy -----------------
  101. (12:23:48 PM) bryce: tweenk, thanks for doing last month's round of reviews.
  102. (12:24:06 PM) philip_rhoades: http://sourceforge.net/p/inkscape/mailman/inkscape-devel/thread/20151030032715.GH23795%40bryceharrington.org/#msg34580263 - towards the end
  103. (12:24:15 PM) bryce: do you guys feel we should give it one more review/update or should we push to get it up and into use?
  104. (12:24:55 PM) tweenk: bryce: I think it's good enough - we just need contact info
  105. (12:24:57 PM) bryce: philip_rhoades, ah right! we'll tackle that next.
  106. (12:25:18 PM) philip_rhoades: Cool
  107. (12:25:44 PM) tedg: I'm +1 on posting for now. Then we can review later if need be.
  108. (12:25:47 PM) ScislaC: bryce: I read it over and honestly think it looks good as is.
  109. (12:25:53 PM) tedg: Let's keep it a live document
  110. (12:25:59 PM) bryce: Tavmjong, did you already do a review? If not would you like to tackle the contact info and any final t crossing and i dotting?
  111. (12:26:05 PM) ScislaC: +1 to living document
  112. (12:26:06 PM) Tavmjong: Maybe an email to inkscape-dev and inkscape-user giving people a week to comment.
  113. (12:26:20 PM) tweenk: I would just give contact details for Martin (website), info on how to recognize moderators on IRC, etc
  114. (12:26:28 PM) tweenk: for Wiki we can put in my contact details
  115. (12:26:28 PM) Tavmjong: bryce: I have not done a review but can do it in the next day or two.
  116. (12:26:28 PM) bryce: yeah, I agree it's not like we can't keep working on it as issues come up.
  117. (12:26:41 PM) bryce: Tavmjong, that would be great, thanks.
  118. (12:27:27 PM) bryce: I see the agenda item includes "...and Privacy Policy". Is there anything particular we need to handle for that?
  119. (12:27:49 PM) bryce: I seem to recall Martin emailed Conservancy for advice on that but don't think we got any specifics from them.
  120. (12:28:17 PM) tweenk: bryce: I think it's enough to say that we only collect data explicitly entered into the website, we store them only to facilitate the use of website, and we do not share it with any third parties
  121. (12:28:41 PM) Tavmjong: Do we use cookies?
  122. (12:28:56 PM) tweenk: bryce: though there probably should also be some info on user submitted content (InkSpaces and gallery)
  123. (12:28:57 PM) Tavmjong: In Europe that is a big legal issue.
  124. (12:29:21 PM) bryce: mm
  125. (12:29:44 PM) tweenk: Tavmjong: from a legal standpoint it's enough to have an overlay that says "We use cookies" and button "OK"
  126. (12:29:47 PM) tedg: I'd imagine the CMS does
  127. (12:30:06 PM) su_v: what is tracked by the CMS for downloads?
  128. (12:30:06 PM) bryce: it must, yeah
  129. (12:30:07 PM) ScislaC: Tavmjong: I would imagine so for the 3rd party login system
  130. (12:30:14 PM) Tavmjong: Just checked, we do use cookies.
  131. (12:30:28 PM) tweenk: and some stuff about "use your browser settings to control cookie storage"
  132. (12:30:43 PM) bryce: anyone recall if there was proposed text written for the privacy policy, or are we starting from scratch on this?
  133. (12:31:13 PM) tweenk: there should be a plugin for Django that does the cookie notice thing since I imagine it's a very common problem
  134. (12:31:42 PM) tweenk: ah, here it is:
  135. (12:31:43 PM) tweenk: https://www.djangopackages.com/packages/p/django-cookie-law/
  136. (12:31:54 PM) tweenk: https://www.djangopackages.com/packages/p/django-cookie-consent/
  137. (12:32:25 PM) bryce: ok
  138. (12:33:07 PM) bryce: alright, well I feel we need some input from Martin on this; let's punt to next month, and focus on getting the CoC finished off.
  139. (12:33:21 PM) bryce: anything else to say on CoC or PP?
  140. (12:33:39 PM) tweenk: Specifically we need 100% of the input from Martin since he's our webmaster ;)
  141. (12:33:55 PM) tweenk: I'll send him these links since he doesn't seem to be around
  142. (12:34:15 PM) tweenk: CoC: who should be the contact for the mailing list?
  143. (12:34:39 PM) bryce: ok cool
  144. (12:34:55 PM) bryce: I think we were discussing setting up a special mailing list for that
  145. (12:35:15 PM) tweenk: bryce: just for CoC violation reports?
  146. (12:35:57 PM) bryce: tweenk, yeah for that and a couple other website related items.
  147. (12:36:19 PM) tweenk: bryce: even if we have a mailing list, I really think there needs to be 1 person that handles these reports, otherwise there is a risk of inaction
  148. (12:36:45 PM) tweenk: and that 1 person can delegate if they are temporarily too busy
  149. (12:37:08 PM) bryce: tweenk, you may be right, although I'm more worried about there being a single point of failure
  150. (12:37:53 PM) tweenk: bryce: so the way to have it set up is to have 2-3 people, 1 person is in charge of these reports, and the others are backups if something is left without a response for more than 1 day
  151. (12:37:54 PM) bryce: the Inkscape facebook page's team seems to tackle issues swiftly enough
  152. (12:38:08 PM) bryce: tweenk, I'd be fine with that
  153. (12:38:23 PM) ***ScislaC nods
  154. (12:38:29 PM) bryce: anyway, I suspect we're steering beyond board more to website administration matters...
  155. (12:39:08 PM) bryce: iow I suspect we can defer how the contact team is assembled to the web team.
  156. (12:39:31 PM) ScislaC: That sounds like a good idea imho
  157. (12:39:43 PM) tweenk: who is the web team? :)
  158. (12:40:24 PM) bryce: basically it sounds like we're agreed that there should be a point of contact, and it needs to be set up such that it's responsive. tweenk I gather you're wanting to make sure there's accountability in case of troubles?
  159. (12:41:46 PM) ScislaC: tweenk: Martin, Maren, and Brynn?
  160. (12:42:17 PM) bryce: ok, shall we move on to Phil's topic?
  161. (12:42:20 PM) tweenk: bryce: yes, basically I want to avoid a situation where someone has a problem and the CoC says it is a problem and then there's no contact info
  162. (12:42:43 PM) tweenk: bryce: if there's no contact info there's no point in having a CoC
  163. (12:43:09 PM) bryce: tweenk, yep +1 agreed. Hopefully that'll sort itself out this month. We can revisit next meeting to follow up.
  164. (12:43:12 PM) tweenk: bryce: I can volunteer to be the contact point for now until we come up with a more elaborate structure
  165. (12:43:22 PM) bryce: tweenk, thanks that would be great
  166. (12:43:37 PM) ScislaC: thanks tweenk
  167. (12:43:46 PM) tweenk: bryce: I am aginast leaving things to sort themselves out :) Let's just put my email there and then think about something more elaborate or finer division of duties
  168. (12:43:58 PM) bryce: tweenk, ok :-)
  169. (12:44:24 PM) bryce: ---------------------------- Sponsorship of SVG Interpolation for Animation Development -------------------
  170. (12:45:03 PM) bryce: philip_rhoades shared a proposal for funding work going on this feature he'd like.
  171. (12:45:04 PM) philip_rhoades: http://sourceforge.net/p/inkscape/mailman/inkscape-devel/thread/20151030032715.GH23795%40bryceharrington.org/#msg34580263 - about 1/3 of the way down for description
  172. (12:46:10 PM) bryce: philip_rhoades, I noticed Riccardo Bernardini shared something he'd done in Ada. Did that look suitable for what you need?
  173. (12:46:49 PM) philip_rhoades: I haven't had time to look at it yet but it would certainly have made my previous little animation effort easier
  174. (12:46:57 PM) Tavmjong: Have you thought about JavaScript? There must exist software that would do just this as it is needed to test animation.
  175. (12:47:01 PM) tweenk: philip_rhoades: OK so basically there are 3 things in there. 1: computation of intermediate shapes / colors, 2: specifying endpoints, 3: computing and exporting the results
  176. (12:47:48 PM) philip_rhoades: I have never looked at the Inkscape code so I have no idea what would be involved or the best way to do it
  177. (12:48:36 PM) bryce: ok, so for the purposes of this meeting, I figure we should focus less on the technical aspects of the feature, and more help philip answer questions related to the money end
  178. (12:48:59 PM) philip_rhoades: It would be nice if everything could be done from within Inkscape though and not need another script / program
  179. (12:49:22 PM) bryce: philip_rhoades, assuming that this isn't already solved via Ada or JS or some other trivial solution, there's a few options that can be considered
  180. (12:49:47 PM) philip_rhoades: I guessed it would be about an hour's work for someone who knew what they were doing?
  181. (12:50:40 PM) philip_rhoades: Depends on priorities I guess . .
  182. (12:52:12 PM) philip_rhoades: bryce: What are the options?
  183. (12:53:03 PM) tweenk: philip_rhoades: depends what the solution would look like. If you just want a command that lets you select 2 shapes and export N interpolates between those, then that's not very complex
  184. (12:53:18 PM) philip_rhoades: Right
  185. (12:53:46 PM) philip_rhoades: I think it would need the two end points too though
  186. (12:54:10 PM) bryce: so, if you are willing to fund the entire project yourself (and if it's just an hour's work such as doing it just as an extension, that might be most appropriate) then I think we can just help you find a willing dev and let you and they work out details yourselves.
  187. (12:54:32 PM) tweenk: philip_rhoades: the simplest input paradigm would be to select 2 objects, lower object in Z-order is the start and upper object is the end
  188. (12:54:42 PM) tweenk: philip_rhoades: just like boolops
  189. (12:54:48 PM) philip_rhoades: Sounds good to me - how do you find the devs?
  190. (12:54:48 PM) bryce: second option, if it's going to be a larger effort, or if you want to pay just a portion of the work and crowdfund the rest, we have a process for handling Funded Development that we could use
  191. (12:55:13 PM) philip_rhoades: What is the second option?
  192. (12:56:25 PM) philip_rhoades: I mean what is the larger effort? - it seems option #1 does what I want?
  193. (12:57:05 PM) bryce: ok yeah. Let's just get you hooked up with an appropriate developer and you can work out details with them.
  194. (12:58:03 PM) bryce: tweenk, are you thinking this would be best done as a regular inkscape patch or would it be better as an extension?
  195. (12:58:03 PM) philip_rhoades: Cool - how do you find these people though? Are they people who have done previous work and have available time from a day job or something?
  196. (01:00:34 PM) tweenk: bryce: since it's pretty limited in what it does, I think an extension would be OK
  197. (01:01:40 PM) jabiertxof: we can use the interpolate extension as base adding export feature to it
  198. (01:02:35 PM) philip_rhoades: Doing this exercise would be a convenient start point for me getting familiar with the code too . .
  199. (01:02:50 PM) bryce: philip_rhoades, yeah pretty much. It's mostly about finding someone with the time (and interest) to do it. We typically haven't had a lot of contract work in Inkscape so we're a bit rusty on process.
  200. (01:03:37 PM) bryce: philip_rhoades, if you're open to doing the development yourself, we do have well worn paths for mentoring folks in adding functionality like this
  201. (01:03:39 PM) philip_rhoades: tweenk: That is what I thought might be possible
  202. (01:04:27 PM) philip_rhoades: bryce: I am interested but I prefer a faster result now and then get more involved . .
  203. (01:04:55 PM) philip_rhoades: If that is possible in terms of finding people . .
  204. (01:04:59 PM) bryce: extensions can be coded up fairly readily. If you want to hire it out, I'd probably suggest budgeting for a few hours, to cover testing/debugging adequately.
  205. (01:05:12 PM) tweenk: philip_rhoades: how do you interpolate right now? using the interpolate extension?
  206. (01:05:24 PM) philip_rhoades: bryce: Sounds fine
  207. (01:05:42 PM) bryce: jabiertxof or tweenk is this something either of you would be interested in taking on?
  208. (01:06:01 PM) philip_rhoades: tweenk: I have only done it once but I interpolated and then manually created the separated SVGS
  209. (01:06:04 PM) bryce: or if not, can you suggest someone who could knock it out relatively quick for philip?
  210. (01:07:18 PM) philip_rhoades: The ADA script will help that process a little but I want something nicer - I think it would attract more attention to Inkscape too
  211. (01:08:05 PM) tweenk: bryce: I could do it, but I'm not sure I should commit to anything before I take care of the relocation
  212. (01:08:59 PM) bryce: philip, yeah my personal interest here is in trying to improve our ability as an organization for handling paid work
  213. (01:09:17 PM) philip_rhoades: bryce: Right
  214. (01:09:49 PM) Tavmjong: Maybe we should wrap this discussion and move on. We still need to talk about the Hackfest and Funded Development.
  215. (01:09:58 PM) bryce: Tavmjong, ok
  216. (01:10:21 PM) bryce: tweenk and philip_rhoades I'll follow up via email. thanks.
  217. (01:10:34 PM) philip_rhoades: bryce: Well it would be nice for me if I could find someone who is interested in developing the animation for this game using Inkscape - I thought Inkscape would be useful for demoing but maybe there is a bigger role?
  218. (01:10:50 PM) bryce: --------------------------- Funded Development -----------------------------
  219. (01:11:30 PM) bryce: philip_rhoades, I'll chat more on that in email. :-)
  220. (01:11:40 PM) philip_rhoades: OK, Cool.
  221. (01:11:41 PM) jabiertxof: let me informed please
  222. (01:11:57 PM) bryce: jabiertxof, will do, thanks :-)
  223. (01:12:08 PM) bryce: for funded development, Martin took time to teach me the ins and outs of how to develop django apps for our site
  224. (01:12:08 PM) jabiertxof: :)
  225. (01:12:57 PM) bryce: I think I understand the technicals of how to do it, I've just been trying to scrape together some hacking time to get it put together.
  226. (01:13:19 PM) Tavmjong: I found the site rather awkward to use.
  227. (01:13:39 PM) bryce: but my preschoolers seem to soak up all my non-work time
  228. (01:13:39 PM) Tavmjong: How soon do you think we can go live?
  229. (01:13:49 PM) Tavmjong: teach them to code!
  230. (01:14:05 PM) bryce: Tavmjong, yeah next step for me is to go through that list you made and start knocking items off
  231. (01:14:12 PM) bryce: simple matter of coding and all that
  232. (01:14:40 PM) bryce: my daughter loves to interrupt me at the end of the work day with requests to draw shapes and text in inkscape
  233. (01:15:17 PM) bryce: last time she insisted on me teaching her how to type ë so she could write her name as Zoë
  234. (01:15:53 PM) Tavmjong: I don't even know how to do that and I live in a country that uses such things....
  235. (01:16:01 PM) bryce: anyway, sorry my time's so fragmented I can't begin to guess at an eta, but I'll *try* to get something showable by next meeting. 2nd priority after budget
  236. (01:16:28 PM) bryce: Tavmjong, if you're on ubuntu... http://blogs.s-osg.org/custom-compose-keys-on-ubuntu/
  237. (01:16:49 PM) bryce: anyone have anything to say on the funded devel app? else moving on...
  238. (01:16:53 PM) Tavmjong: I was hoping to be able to try to get funding for the next SVG WG meeting in February but it doesn't look like it will be ready in time.
  239. (01:17:45 PM) bryce: it's sad that I've been thinking we need funded projects to develop the funded project app.... :-/
  240. (01:18:02 PM) bryce: ok, speaking of events....
  241. (01:18:10 PM) bryce: ------------------------------ Hackfest 2016 ------------------------------
  242. (01:18:19 PM) bryce: or any other events related discussions.
  243. (01:18:29 PM) philip_rhoades: bryce: Is there a link for the Funded Project app?
  244. (01:18:57 PM) bryce: fwiw, I think work's going to be cutting back on travel so my likelihood of attendance is probably diminishing.
  245. (01:19:06 PM) bryce: philip_rhoades, yes one sec
  246. (01:19:23 PM) Tavmjong: I contacted Alex. He's willing to help organize a hackfest in Leeds.
  247. (01:20:06 PM) bryce: philip_rhoades, the app itself isn't that interesting/useful right now (mostly it's just the administrative interface that works) but the design / process docs are at https://inkscape.org/en/support-us/funded-development/
  248. (01:20:15 PM) Tavmjong: Leeds is three hours from London and half the price.
  249. (01:20:21 PM) philip_rhoades: bryce: thanks
  250. (01:20:34 PM) Tavmjong: I think Leeds is a good choice.
  251. (01:21:13 PM) bryce: *nod*
  252. (01:21:48 PM) bryce: haven't been to Leeds myself but England is a lovely place
  253. (01:21:50 PM) bryce: is there a wiki page set up so far?
  254. (01:21:56 PM) Tavmjong: I would think right before or after LGM would be a good time.
  255. (01:22:08 PM) tweenk: bryce: http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Hackfest2016
  256. (01:22:51 PM) tweenk: the stuff about Warsaw is probably not current since I'm moving to U.S. for at least a few years and so won't be local anymore
  257. (01:22:57 PM) jabiertxof left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 244 seconds).
  258. (01:23:10 PM) Tavmjong: I think we can rule out Warsaw and Phnom Penh.
  259. (01:24:05 PM) bryce: yeah
  260. (01:24:33 PM) Tavmjong: It would be good to have a local organizer.
  261. (01:24:59 PM) bryce: agreed
  262. (01:25:11 PM) Tavmjong: If we can agree tentatively on Leeds I can get back to Alex and have him start working on the details.
  263. (01:25:18 PM) bryce: do we need to vote on whether to hold it at Leeds?
  264. (01:26:05 PM) Tavmjong: Good question...
  265. (01:26:16 PM) bryce: financially, it'd be interesting to compare N nights London vs. train tickets + N nights Leeds
  266. (01:26:34 PM) bryce: I'm betting Leeds wins that for N>1. London is spendy
  267. (01:26:47 PM) Tavmjong: Train tickets are 22 pounds.
  268. (01:27:25 PM) Tavmjong: ... so yes Leeds would win.
  269. (01:27:33 PM) tweenk: Tavmjong: one way or roundtrip?
  270. (01:27:33 PM) bryce: oh that all, yeah that's nothing
  271. (01:28:49 PM) philip_rhoades: What are numbers for attendances at the LGM and an Inkscape meeting? - I was thinking of being in the UK to do some genealogy around then (I am Oz)
  272. (01:29:04 PM) bryce: oh actually sounds like £8+22 each way. Still, likely less than the delta of hotel costs
  273. (01:29:41 PM) bryce: philip_rhoades, 50-100 for LGM, Inkscape meeting was 8 people this year.
  274. (01:30:09 PM) philip_rhoades: bryce: Hmm . . interesting . .
  275. (01:30:11 PM) bryce: Tavmjong, anyway yeah let's tentatively agree on Leeds and invite Alex to draw up some additional details
  276. (01:31:00 PM) bryce: it would be nice to get a proposal together that we can vote on for budgeting purposes, by next meeting
  277. (01:31:32 PM) tweenk: so the plan is commute to LGM from Leeds, while the hackfest would be in Leeds only?
  278. (01:31:47 PM) bryce: tweenk, no
  279. (01:31:57 PM) Tavmjong: one way
  280. (01:31:58 PM) Tavmjong: Can we have a rough show of hands on who would favor a hackfest in Leeds?
  281. (01:32:02 PM) bryce: tweenk, stay in london for LGM then train to leeds for the hackfest
  282. (01:32:06 PM) bryce: (or vice versa)
  283. (01:32:18 PM) tweenk: ah, OK
  284. (01:32:36 PM) bryce: sounds like the train is 3 hrs each way so beyond the realm of a daily commute ;-)
  285. (01:32:58 PM) bryce: Tavmjong, +1 for Leeds
  286. (01:33:05 PM) tweenk: I'm in favor of a Leeds hackfest, especially if Alex can arrange a meeting space for free
  287. (01:33:10 PM) Tavmjong: +1
  288. (01:33:12 PM) bryce: tedg, ScislaC ^^
  289. (01:34:13 PM) ScislaC: I am fine with it
  290. (01:34:21 PM) Tavmjong: OK, I'll ask Alex to add some details.
  291. (01:34:36 PM) Tavmjong: I'm going to need to sign off soon...
  292. (01:34:38 PM) bryce: ok, speaking of next meeting, anything else for this meeting or should we go ahead and close?
  293. (01:34:54 PM) su_v: I'd have one more question ...
  294. (01:35:06 PM) su_v: (if you have the time)
  295. (01:35:09 PM) Tavmjong: Yup...
  296. (01:35:18 PM) bryce: su_v, definitely! go ahead.
  297. (01:35:49 PM) su_v: I'd be interested in how other board members/devs see doing a bug-fix release of current stable
  298. (01:36:14 PM) tedg: I think that Leeds makes sense
  299. (01:36:15 PM) su_v: I mentioned it on the mailing list last month, and one board member dismissed it (no bug-fix releases anymore until 1.0)
  300. (01:36:15 PM) bryce: su_v, seems reasonable to me
  301. (01:36:21 PM) tedg: Sorry, got distracts
  302. (01:36:24 PM) tedg: distracted
  303. (01:36:25 PM) su_v: current stable has > 120 commits already
  304. (01:36:43 PM) tweenk: su_v: I noticed you did a ton of backports, so I think it's a very good idea
  305. (01:36:44 PM) ScislaC: su_v: I'm in favor of it given how much has gone in already.
  306. (01:36:49 PM) su_v: and only one missing (no patch yet)
  307. (01:37:18 PM) su_v: we need a fix for this one:
  308. (01:37:19 PM) su_v: https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/1488079/comments/6
  309. (01:37:21 PM) Tavmjong: +1 for a bug-fix release
  310. (01:37:51 PM) su_v: (it's a minor change - checking two library versions in configure.ac, and setting CXXFLAGS as needed based on the checks)
  311. (01:38:06 PM) su_v: I'll see to work with Alex to get that fixed soon.
  312. (01:38:28 PM) jazzynico: yes, a 0.91.1 release would fix some nasty regressions...
  313. (01:38:30 PM) bryce: frankly I'm not sure I understand why we wouldn't do bug fix releases until 1.0... I'd need to read the post you're referencing. I should think the more bug fix releases the better, but maybe I'm missing something.
  314. (01:38:51 PM) su_v: bryce: here's my message: http://sourceforge.net/p/inkscape/mailman/message/34539843/
  315. (01:39:01 PM) tweenk: su_v: I can patch this by Nov 13 (I'll be away Nov 7-11 unfortunately)
  316. (01:39:01 PM) su_v: and the response: http://sourceforge.net/p/inkscape/mailman/message/34539963/
  317. (01:39:31 PM) jabiertxof [~jabiertxo@] entered the room.
  318. (01:40:45 PM) tweenk: su_v: basically we would need to add a trial compilation of the libsigc++ header and retest with -std=c++11 if it fails
  319. (01:41:09 PM) su_v: tweenk: can't we check the version? we know when they switched
  320. (01:41:32 PM) su_v: * sigc++-2.0 >= 2.5.1
  321. (01:41:32 PM) su_v: * glibmm >= 2.45.31
  322. (01:42:06 PM) su_v: anything >= requires c++11 (unconditionally)
  323. (01:42:26 PM) tweenk: su_v: In general, functional tests are better than version checks; we just use AC_TRY_COMPILE of a file that includes libsigc++ and glibmm headers with and without -std=c++11
  324. (01:42:41 PM) su_v: ok
  325. (01:43:37 PM) Tavmjong: So we all agree that a bug-fix release is a good idea?
  326. (01:43:47 PM) ScislaC: Looks like it
  327. (01:43:51 PM) bryce: su_v, oh I get what he's saying. He's not opposing bug fix releases, just saying that our versioning scheme for bugfix releases would change once we're past 1.0.
  328. (01:44:28 PM) Tavmjong: Yeah, I think bryce is right. I don't think he's against bug-fix releases.
  329. (01:44:29 PM) bryce: although I'm not sure that's necessarily true. But whatever.
  330. (01:45:00 PM) bryce: su_v, so yeah looks like we're in consensus favoring a bug fix release, doesn't sound like there's any opposition
  331. (01:45:17 PM) Tavmjong: One more quick question... what happened to sponsorship levels?
  332. (01:45:46 PM) bryce: Tavmjong, oh yeah. I think we pretty much agreed on them, and notified Conservancy
  333. (01:46:05 PM) bryce: I think maybe only remaining task is to ensure we have a web page somewhere listing them.
  334. (01:46:19 PM) Tavmjong: Did we get the donation that brought up the issue? Do we need to put their logo on a web page?
  335. (01:46:32 PM) bryce: never heard anything back on that
  336. (01:46:50 PM) bryce: I can dig through the accounting logs to see if there's evidence of the donation though.
  337. (01:47:07 PM) Tavmjong: We should still go ahead and put the info on the sponser web page.
  338. (01:47:41 PM) Tavmjong: Time for me to say good night... Thanks you all for participating!
  339. (01:47:48 PM) bryce: there is a €2,000 donation from August
  340. (01:48:06 PM) tweenk: Tavmjong: bye, good night!
  341. (01:48:21 PM) bryce: ok, thanks all
  342. (01:48:26 PM) bryce: -------------------------- EOM --------------------------
  343. (01:48:44 PM) philip_rhoades: Thanks people!
  344. (01:48:45 PM) bryce: wow, we've been getting some largish donations over the past few months
  345. (01:48:45 PM) tweenk: bryce: a webpage about the level is a must though
  346. (01:48:59 PM) tweenk: *the sponsorship levels
  347. (01:49:09 PM) ScislaC: good night Tavmjong!!!
  348. (01:49:23 PM) philip_rhoades left the room.
  349. (01:49:26 PM) bryce: tweenk, agreed, I'll bump it up on next month's meeting. Not sure if anyone owned that task.
  350. (01:50:05 PM) bryce: (dec 4th-ish for next meeting probably)
  351. (01:50:20 PM) tweenk: bryce: I can become the owner of the sponsorship levels task once the CoC stuff is finalized
  352. (01:51:32 PM) bryce: tweenk, ok thanks
  353. (01:51:35 PM) tweenk: bryce: Since I guess the main work item would be putting up a webpage that says what the levels are and what we provide for each level
  354. (01:52:11 PM) vk_tmz left the room (quit: Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client).
  355. (01:52:19 PM) bryce: yeah it's mostly going to be just an html formatting exercise. The level names and amounts are already nailed down.
  356. (01:53:00 PM) bryce: FY2012 12-Mar-02 - 13-Feb-28 Inc:Inkscape:Donations $ 6,389.29 $ 6,389.29
  357. (01:53:00 PM) bryce: FY2013 13-Mar-05 - 14-Feb-28 Inc:Inkscape:Donations $ 7,637.61 $ 7,637.61
  358. (01:53:00 PM) bryce: FY2014 14-Mar-03 - 15-Feb-28 Inc:Inkscape:Donations $ 13,066.98 $ 13,066.98
  359. (01:53:00 PM) bryce: FY2015 15-Mar-01 - 15-Sep-17 Inc:Inkscape:Donations $ 9,723.83
  360. (01:53:32 PM) tweenk: and what about the perks? e.g. I guess for $X one would get a logo on the website, for $Y a logo on the about screen and for $Z a logo on the splash screen
  361. (01:53:42 PM) tweenk: (for example)
  362. (01:53:42 PM) bryce: oh wait, that's $ 9,723.83 + €1,985.00
  363. (01:54:38 PM) tweenk: looks like a reasonable amount of money
  364. (01:54:41 PM) bryce: tweenk, iirc we only discussed website placement as perks but would be good to brainstorm more beyond that
  365. (01:55:03 PM) tweenk: bryce: OK, so there are actually 2 items in this task ;)
  366. (01:55:58 PM) bryce: would be great if we could meet our 2014 numbers. Maybe we could put out a general request for donations, with the goal of reaching last year's amount.
  367. (01:56:47 PM) bryce: after I run the numbers, maybe I'll send out a call for funds
  368. (01:57:20 PM) tweenk: sounds good. though we should be honest and indicate that this money will not directly finance feature development.
  369. (01:57:40 PM) bryce: right
  370. (01:57:49 PM) bryce: just filling the coffers for next year's activities
  371. (01:58:10 PM) tweenk: Alright it's almost 11PM on my end, and I still have a presentation to do...
  372. (01:58:19 PM) tweenk: so I'll have to sign off
  373. (01:59:18 PM) tweenk: I think this meeting was more to the point than the last one, I hope they'll only keep improving :)
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