My mistake. I asked you to run before you can walk.
Here's a pre-built template. It has 21 A4 pages arranged in a 3x7 grid with overlapping edges. The overall size is 1140mm x 871mm. I added page numbers for clarity so delete these before you begin.Β
Open the template then [File > Import...] your scanned plan. The imported image might not be the size you expect. Use the Select tool [s] to set the correct width and height in the tool control bar [W: 140] [H: 85] [cm]. Move it so everything lies inside the page boundaries. Save your file in Inkscape's native svg format.
When you're happy with the placement, [File > Save a copy...] and choose [*.pdf] as the file type. Open your favourite pdf viewer and you should see 21 A4 pages each with a tile of your plan. Print!
What format is your scan? Can you open it in Inkscape? If so, you can stretch any shape to any size. If you don't know how, I recommend working through [Help > Tutorials > Inkscape: Basic]. Or upload the scan here for assistance.
Hi all,
I'm a avid shipmodeler and I'm new to Inkscape.
I received the scan of a big plan (85 cm x 140 cm) with all the frames on it.W
Now I want to print the different frames on A4 paper to cut them out and glue them on wood.
Which are the different steps to accomplish this ?
Thanks in advance,
Use the [Pages] tool to create 21 A4 pages. Arrange these in a 3x7 grid and overlap the edges by 10mm.
I recall a forum post discussing this and an extension that does the work for you, but I can't find it now. Here's a template for you instead.
Here's an improve template.
As I'm a complete novice...
How should I use this template ?
Is there a way to save this template and then ...
My mistake. I asked you to run before you can walk.
Here's a pre-built template. It has 21 A4 pages arranged in a 3x7 grid with overlapping edges. The overall size is 1140mm x 871mm. I added page numbers for clarity so delete these before you begin.Β
Open the template then [File > Import...] your scanned plan. The imported image might not be the size you expect. Use the Select tool [s] to set the correct width and height in the tool control bar [W: 140] [H: 85] [cm]. Move it so everything lies inside the page boundaries. Save your file in Inkscape's native svg format.
When you're happy with the placement, [File > Save a copy...] and choose [*.pdf] as the file type. Open your favourite pdf viewer and you should see 21 A4 pages each with a tile of your plan. Print!
Thanks for the help.
I think that I can't do the setting of the correct width and height because of the scale.
The big scan is on a 1/48th scale and I can't fiddle around with that.
What format is your scan? Can you open it in Inkscape? If so, you can stretch any shape to any size. If you don't know how, I recommend working through [Help > Tutorials > Inkscape: Basic]. Or upload the scan here for assistance.
The scan is in 1/48 scale of the real ship. The model will be in the same 1/48 scale, so I can't stretch the original.