Beginners' Questions How to customize toolbars in Inkscape
  1. #1
    Kresimir Kresimir @kresimir235

    I find that the default toolbars clutter the workspace. I have no need for New, Open, Save, Undo, and similar buttons, as these use standard keyboard shortcuts. I also never use the Star tool or the Spiral... Is there a way to remove these buttons from the toolbars and have a more minimalist interface?

  2. #2
    brynn brynn @brynn

    Currently the neither the toolbar, command bar or control bar can be customized.

    In much older versions of Inkscape (I remember in version 0.44) it was possible to move the various toolbars around on the canvas.  But it has not been possible in quite a long time.

    I have not heard of any formal requests for this, or active work on it (although I have heard this question asked before, I don't know if anyone has actually requested it officially).  But that doesn't necessarily mean no one is working on it.  But you can browse the GitLab Issues, to find out if anyone is working on it, or if it's even been requested.  I suspect it's been requested, but it's probably in the old bug tracker (Launchpad).  The community is in the process of moving to the new bug tracker (Issues in GL), so if you find the request in LP, you might want to move it yourself to GL, to make sure it stays viable.  After some point, any bugs which have not been migrated will probably just die when we finally close the LP account.  Here's info on migrating bugs:  

    Or you can also look at the Release Notes for 1.0 beta, in case there is something new coming up.  This page says "Release Notes" in the title, but that's not the real thing.  It's really a much bigger document!  I'm sure you'll find it if you look around, since 1.0 beta is being tested now.   You could even test it yourself, if you want  πŸ™‚

  3. #3
    Kresimir Kresimir @kresimir235

    That seems like an odd decision, to have the UI hard-coded like that. But if it is not possible for an ordinary user to change anything about it, I guess I'll just have to live with it. πŸ˜ž I am not a software developer. If there is an easy way to request this feature, please let me know, but I have no experience in using either Launchpad or GitLab. 

  4. #4
    brynn brynn @brynn

    Oh sorry.  I forgot to give you the link to GitLab.  This message tells how and where to make feature requests or bug reports:

    It's probably not so much of a concious decision by developers, not to have the toolbars customizable.  I would guess they would be be in favor of having such a feature. It's probably more likely that no developer has been motivated enough, or had enough time, to do it.  Or maybe someone is working on it already?  I just don't know for sure.

    But if you're interested enough to make sure that there is a formal request for it, you should search both bug trackers, and migrate the old request to the new bug tracker, including your own personal requests (if they differ from the old one).  Or just make a new request, if you can't find an existing one.  You don't need experience.  In that message above, it gives a link to instructions.

  5. #5
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moiniβš–

    Inkscape 1.0 will allow you to customize a) existance and b) order of icons in toolbars.

  6. #6
    Kresimir Kresimir @kresimir235

    This is excellent news! Thank you!

  7. #7
    brynn brynn @brynn

    Oh yes, really great!  I had no idea...

  8. #8
    evkamat evkamat @evkamat

    Does anyone know where is it? I have version 1.0 and still can't find it.

  9. #9
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moiniβš–

  10. #10
    psychoslave psychoslave @psychoslave

    Opened a dedicated issue :

  11. #11
    Xav Xav @XavπŸ‘Ή

    I've been playing around with this a little. This is based on the v1.0 snap installation for Linux, but I'll try to keep things as platform agnostic as I can. Just bear that in mind, as the names of the files I've found are not the same as those mentioned in the release notes on the wiki.

    1. First you need to find where Inkscape looks for its shared files and user files. Run Inkscape 1.0 and open the Preferences dialog (Edit > Preferences).
    2. Within the Preferences dialog find the "Inkscape data" entry (for me this is "/snap/inkscape/7627/share") and take note of it. This is where it finds its shared files.
    3. Also find the "User config" entry (for me this is "/home/xav/snap/inkscape/7627/../../../.config/inkscape", which actually evaluates to ".config/inkscape" from my home directory) and take note of it. This is where you'll need to put the files you edit.

    With those paths in hand, you can start to hunt for the files you need. Go to the path for the "Inkscape data" directory and search for the files below. In my case they were in the "inkscape/ui/" subdirectory:

    1. To modify the main command toolbar (the one with Open, Save, Print...) you'll need to find the "toolbar-commands.ui" file (referred to on the wiki as "commands-toolbar.ui").
    2. To modify the main toolbar you'll need to find the "toolbar-tool.ui" file (referred to on the wiki as "tool-toolbar.ui").
    3. Create a folder named "ui" inside your "User config" directory. In my case I therefore ended up with "~/.config/inkscape/ui".
    4. Copy both the files from steps 1 & 2 into the new "ui" directory.

    Now when Inkscape 1.0 starts it should use the files you copied, rather than the originals. To check it's working, comment out some lines in each file, as follows:

    1. Open the file in a text editor (not a word processor - if you don't know the difference, this procedure probably isn't for you).
    2. They're XML files, so you can comment sections out by wrapping them in "<!--" and "-->" delimiters. Try this on some of the entries (see below).
    3. Quit and re-launch Inkscape. If everything worked, you'll now be missing some entries in each toolbar.

    For example, in the "toolbar-tool.ui" file I changed this line:

    <toolitem action='Tool3DBox' />

    to this:

    <!-- <toolitem action='Tool3DBox' /> -->

    in order to hide the 3D box tool that I rarely use.


    If the icons disappeared as expected then you've put the files in the right place, and Inkscape is using them. Now you can edit the files again to remove the comments you added. You can then re-order the lines in the files to change the order of the tools and icons, or add other comments to hide icons you no longer wish to appear.


    Edit: I note that there are now also some very good instructions, similar to my own, on the issue that was opened (Β )

  12. #12
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moiniβš–

    Fixed the Wiki names, thanks, Mark!

  13. #13
    jonpatterns jonpatterns @jonpatterns

    Is there a way to config the 'controls tool bar'? currently if I maximise the Inkscape window the object height is hidden - the only way for me to see it is to increase the window width greater than the screen width.

  14. #14
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moiniβš–

    @jonpatterns Have you tried any of the descriptions and links given above?

  15. #15
    zenfactor zenfactor @zenfactor


    I had the same problem. Solved commenting out a section of the file select-toolbar.cpp to hide buttons for rotate/flip/raise/lower objects (I use shortcuts for that functions, so I don't need them in the selection toolbar).

    You need to download the inkscape source code from github in a separated folder on your pc, commenting out from line 74 to 100 of the file:


    (I'm on Ubuntu)

    Then you can compile the source and you will have the object height box showing again in the selection toolbar.

    To compile the source I have followed this tutorial (using the first method suggested: dpkg-buildpackage), very simple and very well explained:

    Hope it can helps.

  16. #16
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moiniβš–

    @zenfactor - your solution is for a different problem. The commands toolbar and the toolbox items can be changed by editing a simple xml file, without the need for compiling anything (only restarting Inkscape).

  17. #17
    zenfactor zenfactor @zenfactor


    Hi, can you please tell me which xml file I need to edit to configure the [tool control bar] of the [selection] tool? Thanks

  18. #18
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moiniβš–

    Sure. Copy the files /share/inkscape/ui/toolbar-commands.ui and toolbar-tool.ui into a new folder ui in your Inkscape user preferences directory and adjust them to your liking.

  19. #19
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moiniβš–

    (location of the original files may vary by operating system)

  20. #20
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moiniβš–

    Oh, sorry. I provided the solution for the original issue, not for yours... lol.

  21. #21
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moiniβš–

    Better start a new topic for your solution, because it really doesn't belong here.

  22. #22
    zenfactor zenfactor @zenfactor


    Nope, that's not the point.

    With that files (toolbar-commands.ui and toolbar-tool.ui) you can't customize the TOOL CONTROLS BAR that is active only when you have selected the SELECTOR tool.

    Because, you know, the "object height box" is showed only when the "selector" tool is selected.

    My solution (modifyΒ select-toolbar.cpp and then compile the source) is for the problem faced by @jonpatterns and me.

    Thank you anyway for the suggestion.

  23. #23
    zenfactor zenfactor @zenfactor



    Better start a new topic for your solution, because it really doesn't belong here.

    Seems to me that customize the [tool controls bar] of the [selector] tool is a perfect match for the topic "How to customize toolbars in Inkscape" of this thread. Don't you think?


  24. #24
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moiniβš–

    Nope. The first poster clarified their problem, and asked about those two specific bars. Your issue and solution is a different one.

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions How to customize toolbars in Inkscape