Beginners' Questions file saving in huge MB in 1.0.1 how do i fix this
  1. #1
    jlo726 jlo726 @jlo726

    Every since I upgraded to 1.0.1 my projects are saving in huge 6-10 MB files. It takes forever to even get one loaded. Usually causes the program to freeze and say "not responding". Why is this happening? I save as inkscape svg. 

  2. #2
    jlo726 jlo726 @jlo726

    So, I'm not a beginner, however I only upgraded to 1.0.1 and now having problems with these over sized files that continue to cause my program to freeze up. Also, I hate not having an easy way to save as a png


  3. #3
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Even if you are not a beginner, you can improve the chances of getting a good answer by following the guidelines outlined here:

  4. #4
    jlo726 jlo726 @jlo726

    Well I’m someone can read my Q and help with the problem. I upgraded from to 1.0.1. Not doing anything different than before. Save my files to Inkscape svg. Now it saves them as huge MB files instead of the small kB. I don’t know what else to tell you. The only thing that changed was the version. 

  5. #5
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    We cannot guess your workflow.

    Feel free to post a link to an example Inkscape SVG file. Maybe it will provide some clues.

  6. #6
    Grobe Grobe @Grobe

    Probably you saved as svgz (compressed svg format) and now you're saving as svg (not compressed). That may explain the size difference.

  7. #7
    jlo726 jlo726 @jlo726

    There is NO workflow. I just try to open a file and the whole program freezes up and says not responding. I have Mojave 10.14.6 and had upgraded to 1.0.1 inkscape. Now when I save a basic inkscape svg it's saving as huge MB rather than smaller kb which I'm sure is the reason why it's freezing. I haven't done anything different since I started using this a year ago. i'm on this every day creating and editing files, so it's not that I'm ignorant. I've also noticed I can't see thumbnails anymore either. 

  8. #8
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    I don’t know what else to tell you.

    I'll paste the guidance from the linked post:

    Your question has a much better chance of getting fast, good answers if you follow these tips:

    1. Describe the steps you took. Please be specific. 
    2. Describe the result you expected.
    3. Describe the result that actually happened.
    4. Describe what you have already tried, attempting to resolve the issue.
    5. Describe your OS & version, the version of Inkscape and the installer you used, plus any special hardware like tablet/stylus or multiple monitors.

    Bonus points, if you:

    • Attach* a screenshot of the issue.
    • Attach* an example SVG file that has the issue.
Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions file saving in huge MB in 1.0.1 how do i fix this