Beginners' Questions Completing frames of a ship
  1. #1
    MarcM MarcM @MarcM


    How should I proceed to complete the half-frames of a sailing ship ?

    I have the drawings of a old sailing ship that I want to build.

    The drawing is a half frame, only the starboard (right) side.

    How can I complete the frame along the vertical, center line, like a mirror.

    Maintaining the same exact measurements.

    Thanks in advance for your time,


  2. #2
    Polygon Polygon @Polygonโš–๐ŸŒถ

    Make a clone - mirror horizontally (press "H") - snap to point.

  3. #3
    MarcM MarcM @MarcM

    Sorry Polygon, but I didn't succeeded in completing the frames. Perhaps the drawing itself helps my explanation.

  4. #4
    Polygon Polygon @Polygonโš–๐ŸŒถ

    A picture will help.

  5. #5
    MarcM MarcM @MarcM

    What I want to do:

    - Put all the half frames under each other.

    - Mirror each frame along the vertical axis, so that I get a complete frame.

    All this without losing the exact measurements.


  6. #6
    Polygon Polygon @Polygonโš–๐ŸŒถ

    You need duplicates for every parts of the image - draw clipping paths - clip away - duplicate - mirror - align:

  7. #7
    MarcM MarcM @MarcM

    Thanks Polygon, but I'm really a beginner !

    How should I do that ? Draw a clipping path, clip away ?

  8. #8
    Polygon Polygon @Polygonโš–๐ŸŒถ

    1. Make a duplicate of the image

    2. Draw a path around that portion that needs a mirrored companionย 

    3. select image +path and go Object->Clip->Set

    4. Duplicate the result - hit "H" to mirror horizontally

    5. Align with the other half - select both and "group"

    6. start at 1. with the next part.


    PS.: the image above is an Inkscape SVG by the way, download and check out.

  9. #9
    MarcM MarcM @MarcM

    Up to item 3 is ok.

    But duplicate the result and mirror it, is a problem.

    The clipped area is duplicated and mirrored, but without the actual frame. It's an empty area !

    What am I doing wrong after x-times trying ?

  10. #10
    Polygon Polygon @Polygonโš–๐ŸŒถ

    Please download my example from above and reverse-engineer it.ย 

  11. #11
    MarcM MarcM @MarcM

    Thanks, I did that.

    With your example I successfully drew complete frames.

    Thanks for the help !

    The only thing I still have, is that I can't exactly align the path with the center line.


    Vriendelijke groeten,


  12. #12
    Polygon Polygon @Polygonโš–๐ŸŒถ

    I did this via arrow keys and when you need tiny increments with alt-key down.

    But with enabled snapping to "cusp" nodes it will snap:

  13. #13
    MarcM MarcM @MarcM

    Thanks, for your invaluable help.

    I've got the hang of it and already made several complete frames.



  14. #14
    MarcM MarcM @MarcM

    Hi Polygon,

    Some 2 years ago you've helped me with the drawing of the frames of my ship.

    But now I have to draw again some frames and I don't succeed.

    1. Open the pdf fileย 

    2. Save as a svg file

    3. Duplicate the drawingย 

    4. Draw a path around the part that I need.

    5. Object --> Duplicate --> Setย 

    And then I end up with a empty path.

    Could you help (again) ?

  15. #15
    Polygon Polygon @Polygonโš–๐ŸŒถ

    What does the Status Bar tell about your selection before Object->Clip->Set?

  16. #16
    David248 David248 @David248

    Here is an attempt.

    I used quite the same method as Polygon explained, with minor differences :

    • I'v drawn all paths around frames (the future clipping paths), then selected bitmap and paths and used shapebuilder tool : with inkscape 1.4, it will creates clipped clones of image (decreasing file size).
    • I used vertical guides then placed bitmap clipped images so that dashed middle line of image matches with guide. I dragged rotation point on guide (using snapping to guides and rotation centers). Eventually I did rotate clipped bitmaps a bit when dashed middle line of bitmap wasn't exaclty vertical, using the 3 pixels of width of this line on bitmap).
    • With node tool (enable show clipping paths option) I place the left nodes of clipping paths (enable snapping to cusps nodes and guides) on guides : this way my clip is perfect on midlle dashed line.
    • Once satisfied, I cloned the clipped image and reversed it and used snapping to rotation centers to place original and its clone exaclty.