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Topic Title Created by Latest post
Can Shortcut Keys Be Reassigned to the Mouse 1 therobster
Path Effect BEND - can't change bend direction 6 therobster Paddy_CAD
Inkscape randomly grouping objects together 7 therobster rokket
FInd out actual line length (not just height & width) and also edit line length 2 therobster Polygon
Install new version of Inkscape alongside older version? 2 therobster TylerDurden
Closed Alignment pane and now can't dock it properly 2 therobster Polygon
Copy image from clipboard to canvas 5 therobster Polygon
New Objects Have Blur (even though no other objects did!) 2 therobster TylerDurden
Text Always Right Up-Down Instead of Left-Right 5 therobster TylerDurden
Using "create stars & polygons" to get polygons to draw "straight" 3 therobster Guerreiro64
What's your "why didn't I think to do that before?" moment 2 therobster TylerDurden
Break at selected nodes - how to select the node underneath another? 3 therobster julioneto
Select object properties - increase length of a line that's at an angle 5 therobster TylerDurden
Using Path > Difference to punch a shape from a polygon but it's not working 2 therobster therobster
Updating from Inkscape 0.92 to 1,2 3 therobster therobster
Add Perspective to Imported Image? 4 therobster pacer
Option to make node handles bigger? 3 therobster ken10001000
Text & Font Dialog Box so long can't see the bottom or any buttons 2 therobster TylerDurden
Resizing an existing text box 8 therobster therobster
Displaying colours in Adobe RGB 6 therobster Polygon
  • 1-20 of 28