Inkscape 1.0 About Screen by Rania Amina

Rania AminaInkscape 1.0 About Screen by Rania Amina

Rania Amina

Just try to give another option for Inkscape v1.0 about screen, hope you like it. Btw, thanks to all Inkscape developers, we love your hard hardwork :") -Inkscape brand font: Linux Libertine & Euphoria Script Regular Extended Thank you.

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Rania AminaInkporter

Rania Amina

An extension that will help you to export your object in your SVG file to several formats (SVG, JPG, PDF, Multiple PDF Page, WEBP, and EPS) by its ID. If you're a book creator, icon designer, seller in a marketplace, web designer, this extension will help you with your task. This extension is also available as a CLI version ( How does Inkporter work? The simple explanation is that Inkporter will read ID patterns (i.e icon-1, icon-2, icon-3, etc) that you've set and then export them to the file format you need. Inkporter allows you to feel like you're working with artboard-like or multiple pages in Inkscape. How do you use Inkporter? Just copy and paste the Inkporter directory, inkporter.inx and to the Inkscape extension directory. If the installation is correct, you will find Inkporter menu in Extensions -> Export -> Inkporter. For a complete guide and the dependencies needed, please refer to the file. If you need better performance of this tool, we provide Citramanik ( the next generation of Inkporter. --- Reviewed by Martin Owens on May 12 2021 4:55 PM pytest coverage: 0% pylint score: 5.75/10 Tested on Inkscape 1.1, packaging issues. --- Curated by Martin Owens on May 25 2021 1:37 PM --- Curated by Martin Owens on May 25 2021 2:41 PM

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Gradient Saver

Rania AminaGradient Saver

Rania Amina

Gradient Saver: Inkscape Gradient Manager for Your Next Project! An extension that will help you to organize your gradient on Inkscape. By using Gradient Saver you have ability to save your favorite gradient and reuse it on your next project. Hope it will help much Inkscpae user out there. For dependencies & installation info, please refer to README or this page: We've update this extension for Inkscape Ver. 1.0, hope you enjoy it. Quick demo/overview:

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Inkscape Multicalendar

Rania AminaInkscape Multicalendar

Rania Amina

Multicalendar is extended version of svgcalendar from Aurelio A. Heckert (2008). Upstream version already included in inkscape release as main extension (see changelog). The aims of this fork is to add new features, such as Hijri Calendar, Local Calendar (Javanese), update UI and more. Requirements - inkscape 1.0 - python >= 3.6 How to Install? just copy the .ink an .py file into inkscape user extensions folder (usually located in $HOME/.config/inkscape/extensions) Cannot find your inkscape user's extensions folder? Check Edit > Preferences > System > User Extensions Multicalendar also available in Gimpscape PPA: How to Use? Open this menu: Extensions > Render > Multicalendar

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Group to Layer

Rania AminaGroup to Layer

Rania Amina

This extension is owned by and as written in python file, everyone allowed to modify as long as comply with the provisions that have been determined. So, we modify this extension in order to make Group to Layer Extension can running well on Inkscape 1.0.

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NTC - Create Color Code

Rania AminaNTC - Create Color Code

Rania Amina

NTC is an Inkscape extension that generates color information (HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL, HSV) for a selected object. Demo:

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Inkdaviz - Visualize Data in Inkscape

Rania AminaInkdaviz - Visualize Data in Inkscape

Rania Amina

Inkdaviz is an Inkscape extension that generates SVG chart from CSV data directly in Inkscape.. Dependencies This extension use matplot library to generate chart. Make sure this package already installed in your system: - python3-matplotlib - python3-tinycss2 # Installation - Download the files and inkdaviz.inx. - Copy both files to the extensions directory in Inkscape's configuration folder: - Linux: ~/.config/inkscape/extensions/ - Restart Inkscape. # Usage - Open extension the menu **Extensions > Generate > Inkdaviz.. - Select CSV file and fill the fiels. See help tab to get more info for each field. - Click Apply. Demo: # Notes - You need to ungroup generated chart to make the object movable.

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