Inkscape & Gimp. Original image
April challenge.Little joke. Reminder to myself :)
Poster of Tatiana Shmailyuk, vocalist of the band Jinjer / Inkscape & Gimp
Another entry for July's challenge.
Created with Shape Builder and textured with some of the patterns that come in the development version. Very fun to make :)
Entry for the March challenge. Playing with the scatter extension.
Homer Fan art. Original image
Inkscape & Gimp Covid 19 / 2020 harvest. It' s better to handle things with a bit of humour. The illustration of the skull was not done by me.
September challenge. Photos used for the composition.
Phoenix bird over a fountain, representing fire and water. August challenge.
September challenge. Inspired by Bauhaus school.
Entry for the January 2023 challenge
A small montage with silhouettes and trace bitmaps.
Inkscape Practice. Reference
I'm trying to learn Inkscape and have decided to share this here. I've tweaked it with Gimp 2.10. Thanks to the team of this wonderful program.
Challenge January 2022 / Book Cover.
As always, just for fun and learning. Thanks Inkscape. I used Gimp for final touches.
I did this for December's challenge. All the best to all of you!