Another submission for the Inkscape About Screen Contest ([link]).
This one tries, somehow, to resemble technic blueprints (¿is this the correct wording?). I think it feels a bit cluttered, but I wanted the picture to be traced by circles and lines (I know that it's not a technical drawing -- I don't know how to do those. If you do, and think that the `technical feeling' was not properly represented, please tell me how I could do it better. But don't point me towards a manual of technical drawing, because I am not interested in that). Besides, once I started, I kinda got carried on. :)
It feels as if it would be a good About Screen for a 0.99 version (hence the "almost technically perfect"). But since that's very far away in time, and Inkscape is bound to be thriving with lots of new features in the meanwhile, I don't think it makes a lot of sense to wait till then. If it does not get chosen, I may redo it, though.
Yes, the scale is correct. the small bar in the lower-left cor