Inkscape Vectors Team

The Vectors are the marketing, outreach, and promotion team for Inkscape. Designers, artists, marketers, writers, and anyone enthusiastic about bringing Inkscape to more people in more places is welcome to join.


Contributing to open source projects usually implies programming and working directly on app code. But as with any successful commercial project, open source projects also need to work on all the other parts in order to make programming efforts worth the while. Common belief that “if you build it, they will come” has been disproved many times.

Contributions other than programming aren't as automatically tracked and credited, but they are essential in growing the project, drawing users to it and multiplying even its code contributions.

You don't have to be a programmer to significantly help Inkscape development. Show your appreciation for this awesome app by joining The Inkscape Vectors Team!

The Inkscape Vectors Team is a group of contributors who work on issues that traditionally fall under marketing. These involve:

The core group of people who regularly contribute to Inkscape isn't huge (as is the case with many open source projects), and Vectors were originally recruited from other areas of Inkscape development (bug fixing, website development, community management). Keeping up with many overlapping roles is strenuous so we are always on the lookout for fresh faces who can step in now and again with anything not related to programming.

No matter how small the task may seem from the outside, it is always a tremendous help to have more people involved. It creates a hackfest momentum for every operation and it makes it so much more fun :)

How activities are organized

We hold a monthly meeting each first Saturday in a month 8:00 AM PT / PDT, it is the day after the Inkscape Board Meeting is held. Use the calendar link on the right to see our upcoming meetings.

We use Jitsi or BigBlueButton for audio/video conferencing (it accesses your microphone and camera through the browser), there is a Jitsi Meet app for your tablet, and for those who can only text chat we use our channel.

The Inkscape Vectors Team has a group on GitLab as part of the official Inkscape development code repository. Most of the work is organized through Issues and Wiki pages posted there.

How to get involved

Come to the meeting or contact any of the team members to introduce yourself and offer your kind service. We're a very friendly bunch and we love to see new faces join discussions and expand the family :)

What next

Register/login to a chat account by clicking on 'sign in to start talking' Request Access to GitLab

