Create simple, line-drawing animations for the web from selected paths. When you look at the file that you've applied the extension to using a web browser, it will look as if someone were drawing the paths with an invisible pen. Notes: * Find the extension as `Extensions > Animation > Line Animator` * **Only path objects** can be used for this. * **No path effects** should be applied to the paths (something may happen, but perhaps not what you expect). * The paths must have **a visible stroke** (else you won't see anything happen). * The object **lowest in stacking order** will be drawn **first**, then the one above it etc. * Animation speed can be changed by using the same animation name and selecting the same objects, then setting a different duration. * If you are animating a path consisting of **multiple subpaths**, all of them will start to be animated **at the same time**, but the shorter ones will finish first. * If you want to **change the direction** in which a path is drawn, change the path direction in Inkscape (`Path > Reverse`). Examples -------- See Installation ------------ Drop the files `` and `line-animator.inx` into your user extensions directory. Learn where to find the directory in Inkscape: `Edit > Preferences > System > User extensions`. License ------- This software is licensed under the GPL v2.0 or higher. Note ---- Due to a bug in Inkscape (, Inkscape 1.3 instantly crashes when you open the Selectors and CSS dialog. So don't do that! Inkscape 1.4 does not crash, but try to avoid editing the animated paths with the Selectors and CSS dialog - this may in some cases disable the animation.
Extension based upon the eggbot_hatch extension from Creates plottable hatches (simple, cross-hatch, in a single path or separate) in all closed objects in the drawing or in all selected objects. Improvements include: * Updated to work with Inkscape 1.2 and higher * Simplified a portion of the code * Added the option to choose units for the hatch distance and inset * Only depends on inkex now, which makes installation much easier License: GPLv2 or higher
This extension creates the pieces needed to construct a 3D extruded papercraft project from a path (composed of straight segments) that defines its shape. Tabs and score lines are included. Both the decorative an the structural pieces are created. When installed, it will be under Extensions -- Papercraft Most recent documentation and code are at the link provided Updated to correct scoring color: 08/19/2022
This extension implements the Fillet and Chamfer function for inkscape described as
The Guilloche extensions for use with Inkscape v1.x. Includes several tests to try out the extensions on your computer.
Tabgen Papercraft Extension for Inkscape 1.1 by Obzerving Use the tabgen extension to add tabs on pieces for assembling papercraft projects. Please read the important setup info below. After installing, it is available under Extensions->Papercraft->Tabgen Using it is very simple and straightforward. Select the path that you want to put tabs on. Run the extension. It will generate a new piece with tabs along the outside edge, and/or any enclosed path (i.e. along the inside of cutouts.) The tabs have scorelines. The path MUST contain only straight segments, as tabs cannot be generated on curves. Every segment will create a tab, so eliminate stray nodes. New version allows for selective tab placement. Options/Parameters The angle of the tab is the angle used at the edges of the tab. The height of the tab is how far away from the path the tab extends. The length of the dashline is how large any one cuts making up the score line is. Making this number too large may result in missing score marks. If zero is used, the score line will be solid, and will not be part of the path, but will be a separate path grouped with it. The choice for tab placement are outside, inside and both. This affects whether tabs are placed along the outer path, inner paths (holes), or both. Dimension units are the units in which you specify your setting for height and length. Keep this consistent with your document parameters.
inkscape-tableau ----- Version 2024.1 For inkscape V 1.x ==================== Draw simple table with or not rounded corner. Optimized for laser cutter. Usage ----- Copy the .inx, .svg and *.py files into your Inkscape extensions directory (usually on windows C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\extensions). The actual directory can be found under Preferences/System. Restart inkscape. The table will be available under Extensions/Tableau. All code is offered under Licence : Public Domain. Translated in english. If you translat it in other language, please send me the pot file. Question possible en français.
This tool allows you to use multiple shapes as clipping regions to clip an image. Features include: Delete Selection: Optionally remove the clipping shapes after the operation. Group with Shape: Group each clipped part with its corresponding clipping shape (if not deleted with the option above). Add Below: Place the clipped images below the clipping shape in the layer stack (if the shape is not deleted with the option above). Animate: Add a simple translation animation to the clipped parts (can be tested only in browser). The extension is designed to be straightforward to use: select an image and the shapes, and apply the extension from the Extensions menu, no reordering of objects is necessary as the extension uses the first available image from selection and all the shapes for clipping. You can find it under Extensions > Generate from Path > Multi-clip Image. I look forward to any feedback or suggestions you might have. Thanks!
The extension maps a pattern from a boundary triangle to others using affine mapping
Create cut and fold book art patterns How To Use The Extension ======================== First import or create your design and scale it to the correct size. Open Extensions > Generate from Path > Book Art ... Set parameters as necessary, here the important ones: * number of pages (start page, end page) * book height * line distance for your convenience * font size * units Click on apply How to cut and fold your book ============================= Print the pattern and prepare your tools: * book and the printed pattern * pencil * ruler or triangle ruler * scissors Now draw two vertical lines on every page of the book: * cut line: to where you cut * fold line: to where you fold Use the pattern to mark the cut points. Cut horizontally from the mark to the cut line. Then fold. You can either fold the pattern to the inside or to the outside to achieve a different effect. Follow the link to see an illustration on how this is done.
An extension to wrap off paths to receive horizontal lines or extruded bands. Can be used for paper crafting, analysis and other works. You can also just use it to colorize path segments. Docs: Note: Unwind Paths is similar to, but it is more andvanced as it supports bezier curves and allows to create extruded bands, style config, etc.
Randomly place an object once or several times along a path. --- Curated by Maren Hachmann on May 20 2018 9:29 PM Added tags
A simple extension that exports paths as g-code compatible with cheap GRBL 0.8c based laser cutters. The laser control is simple on/off. Minor typo fixed 18/08/2020.
Initially fork of this one : Added some functionnality : - Translate in english and french. Possibility for other languages. - One click in inkscape update. - Convert in path inside the extension. - Possibility to make a database of material with kerf. Select an object, run the extension and you can add tabs on each edge. You can also create slot for this edges.
A program which adds a series of circles along a path. This is intended to look like a polymer.
Add current object live effect to his layer
A set of extensions that allows export of paths to PCB layout editors, namely: 1) the pcb-rnd layout editor as a subcircuit in native pcb-rnd lihata file format (.lht) ( ) 2) the gEDA PCB layout editor as a footprint in native gEDA PCB footprint format (.fp) ( ) 3) KiCad users, indirectly, who can import gEDA PCB footprints from within KiCad The export script for pcb-rnd will also export paths as polygons, along with the outlines, provided the paths depict simple, non self-intersecting polygons. The pcb-rnd layout editor has a more capable data model, allowing polygons within footprints, and also load and save in KiCad formats. The script has been updated and tested with Inkscape 1.1 and the download also includes a zip file with the previous 0.9x compatible version.
Inkscape .91 extension: example1 for frame: frame, circle or enlarge selected objects
Inkscape .91 extension: example2 for frame: frame, circle or enlarge selected objects
Inkscape extension for "unwinding" paths For each selected path element consisting of straight segments, this extension creates an additional path element consisting of horizontal line segments which are the same size as the original line segments. Installing: Copy hlines.inx and into your Inkscape user extensions directory. Where is that? Open Inkscape and go to the System section of the Preferences menu (Edit --> Preferences --> System). You will find a User extensions item containing the path to your user extensions directory. NOTE: As of this time, this extension works under Inkscape 1.0, but not the 1.1 release candidate. However, it will work on 1.1 (and above) by commenting out line 45 of and uncommenting line 46. Update: 06/24/2021 new version handles transforms better
This extension is util for who want to learn the base principle of python language and in special for who want create for first time or want to understand how request all paths or nodes for ulterior custom programming.
Gears extension for tracing involute gears and metric pitch gears (belt pulley); allows spokes, center cross, metric module, best evolute shape. Initially, copy of inkscape-gears-dev by jnweiger. - 2024-11-09 | 2024.3 : - Added the ability to define fixing holes based on material thickness. - Ability to make a hole that matches the material thickness. - Added the drawing of the axis if the perfect square option is chosen. - 2024-11-06 | 2024.2 : The fixing wheel for servomotors is now configurable. - 2024-10-25 | 2024.1 : Added the drawing of the fixing wheel for servomotors. Versioning change. Flanks for T-type wheel. - 2024-07-20 | 1.4 : Added the drawing of metric pitch pulley. Retouched explanations. Added diagrams. - 2024-06-22 | 1.3 : Added colors for cutting order. Separated into multiple objects to facilitate retouching and recoloring. - 2024-06-18 | 1.2 : Added the ability to choose the shape of the hole (rectangular, round, or servo imprint) and to choose the dimensions of the hole. Added the ability to choose an imprint for the servo hole. The imprints are placed in the file engrenage.ini. - 2024-04-21 | 1.1 : Translated into French. Modified the color in case of undercut. Modified the dedendum to be 1.25 times the addendum. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 2024-11-09 | 2024.3 : - Ajout de la possibilité de définir les trous de fixation en fonction de l'épaisseur du matériau. - Possibilité de faire un trou qui correspond à l'épaisseur du matériau. - Ajout du dessin de l'axe si on choisit l'option carré parfait. - 2024-11-06 | 2024.2 : La roue de fixation pour les servomoteurs est maintenant paramétrable. - 2024-10-25 | 2024.1 : Ajout du tracé de roue de fixation pour les servomoteurs. Changement de versionnage. Flancs pour roue de type T. - 2024-07-20 | 1.4 : Ajout du tracé de poulie au pas métrique. Retouche des explications. Ajout de schémas. - 2024-06-22 | 1.3 : Ajout de couleurs pour l'ordre de découpe. Séparation en plusieurs objet pour faciliter la retouche et la recolorisation. - 2024-06-18 | 1.2 : Ajout de la possibilité de choisir la forme du trou (rectangulaire, ronde ou empreinte de servo) et de choisir les dimensions du trou. Ajout de la possibilité de choisir une empreinte pour le trou du servo. Les empreintes sont placées dans le fichier engrenage.ini - 2024-04-21 | 1.1 : traduction en français. Modification de la couleur en cas d'undercut. Modification du deddendum pour qu'il fasse 1,25 fois l'addendum. Translated in english. Please send me pot file for other languages.
Draw a brick box with or without lid. Translated in english.