Hi, super new to this haven't found how to do this anywhere (using Inscape 1.0.1 on Win10).
Is there a way to quickly select nodes from different objects at once? I know I can select multiple objects and then select their nodes but is there a quicker way for his?
Hi, super new to this haven't found how to do this anywhere (using Inscape 1.0.1 on Win10).
Is there a way to quickly select nodes from different objects at once? I know I can select multiple objects and then select their nodes but is there a quicker way for his?
Thanks a lot ^__^
Hi, thanks for the answer! That way I still need to select all the objects from which I want to select notes first and the select the actual notes.
I guess what I'm asking is if there is a way to select them without having to select all the different objects first.
(How did you post that cool gif/video?)
You could try Ctrl+A (select all) before N (node tool).
On the win machine, I use ShareX (Win only) for screen cap/recording.
Ah, yeah, Ctrl-A and then the node tool makes, thanks!
Sorry, I meant how to you add the video/image to the post here on the forum.
Edit: Welp, just saw that tiny paperclip down on the left. I would have thought it's up in that bar above the text-input field. That's so weird.
I use LICEcap.app for my tut-gifs - but it canΒ΄t record the main menu due itΒ΄s upper frame. Can ShareX do? If so= Cool!
@PixelPest I love you avatar ^__^
Thanks! ItΒ΄s actually a 3d rendering I made long ago.