Beginners' Questions Changing Order of Nodes
  1. #1
    drlarrye drlarrye @drlarrye

    I think I asked this question a long time ago but I forgot the answer and can't find the post.Β  I am editing a file and I need to duplicate a node (easy enough), but then I want to move a particular node.Β  If it happens to be the one on top, fine, but if it isn't, I can't remember how to bring it to the top.

  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurdenβš–

    Nodes can be dragged, or the arrow buttosn can be used to raise/lower, in the XML editor... if XML editing is the subject.

  3. #3
    drlarrye drlarrye @drlarrye

    I must not be making myself clear.Β  There are 3 nodes in a row on a path.Β  I use the "Break path at selected node" option to split the path at one point.Β  I now have 2 paths with 2 nodes, one on top of the other.Β  I want to move one of the nodes but it has to be a specific node because I need the other node to stay in it's specific spot as a place marker.Β  When I try to move my node, the wrong node is moved, ie the node I want to move is below the other node.Β  How do I move the node that is not "on top"?Β  (I used quotations because I'm not sure that is the correct terminology)

  4. #4
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurdenβš–

    I'd select the top node, then use the Tab key or (Shift+Tab) to move the selection to the node underneath.

  5. #5
    drlarrye drlarrye @drlarrye

    You are describing exactly what I want but Tab or Shift+Tab doesn't work.Β  I should add that I am using an old version (0.92) but that there is a way to do it (I used to know how) but I haven't done much for 2 or 3 years and have forgotten.

  6. #6
    Hum Hum @Hum

    Hi. Does this topic and "solution" help or even work for your Inkscape version?


  7. #7
    Polygon Polygon @Polygonβš–πŸŒΆ

    You can select either the upper or bottom node by clicking right or left on the path/stroke; red indicates the top node and green the node beneath - no modifier key necessary:

  8. #8
    drlarrye drlarrye @drlarrye

    So the Tab or Shift+Tab solution and clicking on the path connected to the node I want to move solution work ONLY if I move the node with the arrow keys, not the mouse.Β  I can live with that and I certainly update to a newer version if needed.Β  I'm not sure, but that might be the solution provided to me several years ago.

