






作者 Silly Cat

This is "the Boundless Aeronaut", my submission for the Inkscape "about screen" contest. I wanted to convey that art and creativity are boundless and fun. Also, what says "no limitations" more than a steampunk look!?

From an artists perspective, there are improvements I definitely want to make. But from a time perspective, I better submit my entry now, so I can get valuable user feedback.

Fonts used are the standards:
Euphoria Script - http://scripts.sil.org/OFL
Libertinus - https://github.com/alerque/libertinus/releases/latest

Thanks to all you "Inkscapers", for providing a great tool and providing an inspiring community.

PS Did anyone actually fill in the other splash screens included in this contest's template file located at https://inkscape.org/~Moini/%E2%98%8511-about-screen-template

About Screen Contest

280.1 KB
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 (CC-BY-SA 4.0)
Tim Jones 寫於

This entry was edited by the Inkscape Team, so that it conformed to the contest rules, in the spirit of inclusion. ;-)

Silly Cat 寫於

I noticed that the SVG uploaded is missing the teddy bear's face. My local copy has been updaed. Is it OK to update my submission?

Also, Tim what did I miss in regards to my original submission where my "entry was edited"?

Tim Jones 寫於

Submissions are now closed.

We moved the Inkscape Mountain Logo, so that it is visible in the scene.
In your original the Mountain logo was cut off at the bottom. This constitutes editing of Inkscape Branding, which is not permitted.

Rather than disqualify the entry, we made this minimal adjustment.

Unfortunately we cannot allow any further edits to the submissions.

Silly Cat 寫於

Hi Tim,

I was updating my entry and just scrolled down and saw your post. Sorry for updating. I won't make any more changes.

The mountains were originally cut off because I used a canvas height of 652 instead of 625 by mistake. Typo.
