Translators of the website
每個 Inkscape 團隊都有其責任、規則和特殊的權利。這些都紀錄在這裡,如此所有團隊就能瞭解事情如何運作以及需要做些什麼。
We're a helpful and supportive little team of people dedicated to lowering the barriers for people whose first language is not English to get started with Inkscape.
- All content on the website is licensed CC-BY-SA and GPLv2 or later. Team members are required to agree to this license when they first edit a page.
- We don't disrupt existing pages, in the English original or in languages other than those we are able to translate to.
- No page is precious to any one person. All pages can be translated by any translator for that language and disputes about changes should be brought to the inkscape-translators' mailing list, the website editor in chief or the webmaster.
- The website's content is usually very flexible to updates, but final decisions by the webmaster must be accepted by all editors.
- Page language in English or translated should keep to the contributors rules. No swearing, no aggressive content and on website pages there should be no opinion.
- Translations should be strictly a translation of the English versions of pages. If there is new content, it should be added to the English page first to keep all versions of the page in sync. Please contact the inkscape-docs mailing list if you would like to join the website editors team for the English original pages, too.