This was a super fun project. I sketched El Guapo the character in my sketch book. Then took a pic and imported him into Krita. I refined the sketch in Krita focusing on proportions. Once I had a decent sketch I imported that drawing into Inkscape. I placed it on the top layer and lowered the opacity and then traced the character with the bezier curve tool. I had to redo the sombrero a few times. The mustache changed lengths a number times but finally settled on what you see here. The background scene was also sketched in krita and then imported into inkscape and then traced with the bezier curve tool. I used the path tools to cut out the tears in the background. The inspiration for this came from the movie "The Three Amigos". The villain in the movie is named "El Guapo" or "The Handsome". Pretty funny movie.
This llama was first drawn by hand then imported into Krita. I did a version in Krita and then decided I wanted a vector. I inked the llama in Krita and then imported that into inkscape. Then I traced the bitmap of the ink drawing and then used the path editor to add color. Find your happy place!
This design was drawn out in pencil. I took a picture of it and imported into inkscape and traced it with the bezier tool. I filled it in with the colors of my choosing and added some gradients to the outline of the penguin. I chose an open source font the word "Linux". The mosaic background was the most tedious part of the project. I followed a tutorial from youtube, author of the tutorial was "Logos by Nick".
This was a sketch on paper then I sketched it a second time in Krita. Once I had a clean sketch I imported that into inkscape. I placed the sketch on the top layer and lowered the opacity for tracing. Then with the bezier curve tool I traced the drawing. “Hey Brah” is the phrase that was used many times in the movie “Storks”. The small annoying bird said it over and over again trying to gain popularity among the other storks. This drawing morphed into what you see now. Hope this art makes you smile.
This was done entirely in inkscape. I started with some basic shapes, converted them to paths and then joined them to make the sign. The clouds are just a bunch of circles joined and then converted to paths. The wood effect was done with bezier curves tool and then converted stroke to path and tweaked the path handles to make the unique shapes of the wood texture. Looking forward to summer and days on the sand.
This was hand drawn and then traced in inkscape with the beizer curve tool. I chose a cool font for the linux logo, added the cool mosaic background with mesh gradient and a ton of squares. This was a fun project!
This was first sketched and inked in Krita. I exported the inked layer as a png and imported it into inkscape. I ran the trace to bitmap tool and converted the inked drawing to a vector. I smoothed out the lines by deleting some of the nodes and playing with the node handles. Then I added color objects for the skin, swim trunks, etc... This was a fun little project! Feel the burn or wear sunscreen
Done completely in inkscape. The mountain was a simple bezier curve and the base is an ellipse. The trees were a series of triangles converted to paths and handles tweaked to form the tree shape. The car was also a created with the bezier curve tool (love that tool). I love the outdoors and hiking in the mountains. It wasn't hard to come up with this idea. I will most likely do more with the same theme. A great t-shirt/illustration for the outdoorsman.
This was a sketch on paper then I sketched it a second time in Krita. Once I had a clean sketch I imported that into inkscape. I placed the sketch on the top layer and lowered the opacity for tracing. Then with the bezier curve tool I traced the drawing and started forming the penguin and the letters. Then I tweaked the colors to my liking. I tried to give the word linux a glass/ice effect with some white gradient rectangles and added a gradient of blues to it as well. Yet another linux penguin but we draw what we love.