Donate to Inkscape

Donating to Inkscape

The Inkscape Fund is a charity fund for supporting the Inkscape project. It is used in various ways, most particularly to help with costs of gathering Inkscape developers at important conferences such as Libre Graphics Meeting or SCALE and host our own events such as Hackfests. It goes towards Outreachy mentorship programs and other infrastructural costs of running the Inkscape project.


Donation via Software Freedom Conservancy

The Inkscape Fund is currently managed by the Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit. All donations made through it are fully tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. If you have any questions or are otherwise in need of assistance, please visit the SFC site.


Send check

You can also send a check or international money order in US funds to:

Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
Brooklyn, NY 11201-3548

Make sure to specify "Inkscape" in the memo field, or include a note to this effect, so it gets credited to the Inkscape project.

Become an official sponsor of Inkscape