1. Aug 05 12:00:17 <bryce> hi all
  2. Aug 05 12:00:26 <rindolf> oh , meeting time - forgot about it.
  3. Aug 05 12:00:34 <brynn> hi
  4. Aug 05 12:00:37 <rindolf> hi
  5. Aug 05 12:00:42 <bryce> http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Board_Meetings
  6. Aug 05 12:01:00 <bryce> I hope everyone's having a nice summer
  7. Aug 05 12:02:29 <fguimont> hi
  8. Aug 05 12:02:34 <tedg> It is a bit hot :-)
  9. Aug 05 12:02:43 <bryce> I didn't announce that we'd do a release meeting, but if anyone wishes to stick around we can chat post-meeting
  10. Aug 05 12:02:48 <Tavmjong> ============ Board Meeting ============
  11. Aug 05 12:02:57 <Tavmjong> Hi all!
  12. Aug 05 12:03:13 <Tavmjong> Where is hot?
  13. Aug 05 12:03:21 <tedg> It is hot in Texas.
  14. Aug 05 12:03:27 <tedg> August is not a good time to visit.
  15. Aug 05 12:03:33 <bryce> tedg, maybe you should move back to Phoenix
  16. Aug 05 12:03:36 <fguimont> It's even hot in Canada.
  17. Aug 05 12:03:39 <brynn> Colorado hot too!
  18. Aug 05 12:03:50 <Tavmjong> Rather cool here (but damp).
  19. Aug 05 12:04:02 <tedg> bryce: Heh, yeah, cool Phoenix.
  20. Aug 05 12:04:03 <bryce> perfect here in Oregon
  21. Aug 05 12:04:37 <bryce> so, I think there is nothing ultra urgent at the moment, but we do have a lot of items on our agenda page.
  22. Aug 05 12:05:09 <Tavmjong> doctormon ? ScislaC ?
  23. Aug 05 12:05:28 <tedg> So I think my thing there about Oct, we decided to not look at that because the GUADEC thing was replacing it, right?
  24. Aug 05 12:05:42 <doctormon> Tavmjong:
  25. Aug 05 12:05:50 <Tavmjong> Hey doctormon !
  26. Aug 05 12:06:10 <ScislaC> Hi
  27. Aug 05 12:06:27 <Tavmjong> I'm afraid I didn't do anything about GUADEC. The past month was quite busy. I never heard back from Alex if he could go.
  28. Aug 05 12:07:26 <bryce> tedg, ok that's fine. Don't worry looking further into that, I'll drop the action item.
  29. Aug 05 12:08:11 <bryce> doctormon, unless you're still interested in chasing that thread further yourself?
  30. Aug 05 12:08:25 <doctormon> bryce: For Guadec? no.
  31. Aug 05 12:08:42 <bryce> doctormon, alright
  32. Aug 05 12:09:47 <bryce> doctormon, what about unaligned with guadec? are you still interested in trying to organize something there in boston unrelated to that?
  33. Aug 05 12:10:12 <doctormon> https://wiki.gnome.org/Events/Summit still has no details for 2016, I think I might poke people at RedHat and MIT for that.
  34. Aug 05 12:10:22 <doctormon> Who is interested from this group of people, to coming to Boston?
  35. Aug 05 12:10:36 <Tavmjong> I would be interested.
  36. Aug 05 12:11:16 <doctormon> Last year was Oct 10th
  37. Aug 05 12:11:44 <tedg> It is usually Columbus Day
  38. Aug 05 12:12:04 <tedg> (which is a holiday I learned about by going to the event)
  39. Aug 05 12:12:45 <doctormon> OK, that would peg it to October 10th this year too
  40. Aug 05 12:13:08 <doctormon> Or I should say, October 7th-10th weekend
  41. Aug 05 12:13:16 <tedg> Yeah, that's what I found too. A bit weird that it's the same day. But eh, independent verification :-)
  42. Aug 05 12:13:38 <doctormon> (last year 10th was the start)
  43. Aug 05 12:14:09 <bryce> might be worth seeing if kk or alex would be interested
  44. Aug 05 12:14:37 <ScislaC> KK has no more vacation time left last I saw
  45. Aug 05 12:14:44 <bryce> ah
  46. Aug 05 12:15:25 <bryce> well, assuming martin + tav + 1-2 others, does that seem like a reasonable number to try and organize something?
  47. Aug 05 12:15:36 <Tavmjong> Alex seemed to be short on vacation time too...
  48. Aug 05 12:15:54 <doctormon> I think 4 is a good magic number
  49. Aug 05 12:16:11 <Tavmjong> Yeah, 4 would be minimum, me thinks.
  50. Aug 05 12:17:14 <doctormon> OK I will work on that bryce, I'll update next meeting if we have enough interest
  51. Aug 05 12:17:16 <bryce> doctormon, I know Oct 10 is coming up soon so rather short notice... how would you feel about trying to get something set up for Boston for us?
  52. Aug 05 12:17:32 <doctormon> Not a problem.
  53. Aug 05 12:17:32 <tedg> I'm not sure that we'd gain too much by aligning with GNOME there, it might be easier to be more flexible.
  54. Aug 05 12:17:33 <bryce> doctormon, ok cool
  55. Aug 05 12:17:46 <doctormon> tedg: What kind of event would you go to?
  56. Aug 05 12:17:47 <bryce> tedg, explain?
  57. Aug 05 12:17:53 <doctormon> (just curious)
  58. Aug 05 12:18:05 <tedg> I mean, we could have a hackfest without it being the same as the GNOME event.
  59. Aug 05 12:18:22 <tedg> So if things are available the weekend after or in a location not close to MIT, that seems worthwhile to me.
  60. Aug 05 12:18:36 <tedg> doctormon: Honestly, somewhere that I thought if I came I'd be helpful.
  61. Aug 05 12:18:58 <doctormon> True. tedg what have you been working on recently? (I haven't been tracking much)
  62. Aug 05 12:19:05 <bryce> so we had brainstormed a few ideas in addition to Boston
  63. Aug 05 12:19:22 <tedg> Not a lot of Inkscape stuff really, mostly just trying to get a snap building for 0.92.
  64. Aug 05 12:19:59 <bryce> one is SCALE oriented, the other would be whereever but be fully focused on hacking
  65. Aug 05 12:20:28 <doctormon> Focuses I think might be important > Gtk3/C++11 > Mac Build > 1.0 polishing
  66. Aug 05 12:21:07 <bryce> For a SCALE event, my guess is it'd be better treated as outreach/user-oriented than as a hackfest
  67. Aug 05 12:21:44 <tedg> Yeah, it might be interesting to do a graphics mini-conf there more than an Inkscape thing. The graphics track at TXLF was well attended.
  68. Aug 05 12:21:48 <bryce> Tav wrote a page for us on scoping out a more focused hackfest - http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Hackfest_0.93
  69. Aug 05 12:22:27 <bryce> ^^^ please add additional ideas for focused hackfest topics to that page
  70. Aug 05 12:23:54 <bryce> a few random thoughts, if we have a hackfest unrelated to an event, that frees us up to pick a location that optimizes travel cost/time
  71. Aug 05 12:24:08 <tedg> Is the move to Github timing figured out? That might be something good to do with a group of folks together.
  72. Aug 05 12:24:38 <tedg> Would be nice to tie in Travis CI at the same time.
  73. Aug 05 12:24:40 <doctormon> Agreed, github would be good to do. I'd also like to prioritise whatever time and place is good for the whole board to attend.
  74. Aug 05 12:24:47 <bryce> tedg, I've not seen a discussion about that.
  75. Aug 05 12:25:18 <tedg> bryce: Oh, I thought it was decided. We should put that on an agenda somewhere.
  76. Aug 05 12:25:31 <Tavmjong> We discussed it in Leeds.
  77. Aug 05 12:25:39 <bryce> the vacation time issue seems a pertinent topic
  78. Aug 05 12:26:04 <bryce> timing it to fall on common holidays might be an idea
  79. Aug 05 12:26:22 <doctormon> Except for Tav, are we all in the USA now?
  80. Aug 05 12:26:27 <tedg> Yeah, but Common Holidays Are Hard™
  81. Aug 05 12:26:37 <tedg> They don't all align usually.
  82. Aug 05 12:26:44 <bryce> tedg, yeah I hate imposing on people's family vacations :-/
  83. Aug 05 12:26:50 <tedg> That too.
  84. Aug 05 12:27:01 <tedg> We should do a Disney Cruise! ;-)
  85. Aug 05 12:27:14 <doctormon> Euro Disney!
  86. Aug 05 12:27:18 <Tavmjong> I would prefer East Coast US.
  87. Aug 05 12:27:30 <tedg> I think it's going to take someone just leading and deciding a time and we'll have to hope folks will make it. Nothing is perfect.
  88. Aug 05 12:27:51 <Tavmjong> I'm not a Euro Disney fan but at least its only an hour away.
  89. Aug 05 12:28:01 <bryce> are there any cities where we already have 2+ people?
  90. Aug 05 12:28:40 <tedg> Closest would probably be SF where KK is and ScislaC is very close.
  91. Aug 05 12:28:49 <bryce> SF is close for me too
  92. Aug 05 12:29:03 <bryce> hotels aren't cheap though...
  93. Aug 05 12:29:20 <doctormon> My house comes with spare room :-P why does no one elses.
  94. Aug 05 12:29:24 <tedg> Well, I guess the opposite of that is we could convince KK to drive to ScislaC's house :-)
  95. Aug 05 12:29:38 <Tavmjong> If it is timed to the GSoC Mentor's meeting, that could cover my airfare (but I wasn't planning on going).
  96. Aug 05 12:29:53 <tedg> Oh, that's an interesting idea.
  97. Aug 05 12:30:01 <tedg> Tavmjong: When is that?
  98. Aug 05 12:30:01 <ScislaC> Indeed
  99. Aug 05 12:30:20 <Tavmjong> End of October, I think. Let me check.
  100. Aug 05 12:32:21 <doctormon> My costs are airfair + hotel + child care, I don't claim child care expenses obviously, but the longer the trip during workdays, the more expensive.
  101. Aug 05 12:33:35 <Tavmjong> GSoC Mentor's meeting is Fri. Oct 28 - Sun, Oct 30.
  102. Aug 05 12:34:10 <bryce> that might be nice for solidifying relationship with the students too
  103. Aug 05 12:34:29 <tedg> I don't think the students are at that event.
  104. Aug 05 12:34:31 <Tavmjong> I was planning on going to the Graphical Web Conference (SVG Open) from Nov 1-4th.
  105. Aug 05 12:34:37 <bryce> tedg, oh? hm
  106. Aug 05 12:34:40 <ScislaC> Where is it Tav?
  107. Aug 05 12:34:48 <Tavmjong> Students don't attend GSoC Mento'rs meeting.
  108. Aug 05 12:34:58 <bryce> yeah we wouldn't want to overlap halloween
  109. Aug 05 12:35:02 <doctormon> Tavmjong: Is that the one I went to last year?
  110. Aug 05 12:35:15 <Tavmjong> Exeter, England
  111. Aug 05 12:35:33 <Tavmjong> doctormon: Yes. It should be better attended that the one in Pittsburgh.
  112. Aug 05 12:35:58 <Tavmjong> I think we're having an SVG working group meeting then.
  113. Aug 05 12:36:05 <doctormon> Yeah I blacked the pittsburgh trip out, it was like being the last man standing at a bar.
  114. Aug 05 12:36:22 <bryce> doctormon, that bad?
  115. Aug 05 12:36:34 <ScislaC> What happened in Pittsburgh and when?
  116. Aug 05 12:37:38 <Tavmjong> Graphical Web conference. It was poorly attended. The organizer lost his shirt.
  117. Aug 05 12:37:47 <doctormon> I was sick too, but the majority of attendees were students (adobe) and facility. Had a couple of useful discussions with some adobe people actually, but it was mostly upper class hob-nobbing. Not much use for inkscape there.
  118. Aug 05 12:37:51 <ScislaC> yikes
  119. Aug 05 12:39:09 <Tavmjong> SVG Open was a pretty nice conference and the Adobe convinced them to expand to all things Graphical and it kind of lost its way.
  120. Aug 05 12:39:19 <Tavmjong> s/the Adobe/then Adobe/
  121. Aug 05 12:40:12 <doctormon> That sort of makes sense with what I saw
  122. Aug 05 12:40:30 <Tavmjong> The conference in Exeter is sponsored by the English weather organization who, of course, are very interested in presenting data graphically.
  123. Aug 05 12:40:47 <doctormon> Do you think d3 will attend?
  124. Aug 05 12:40:58 <tedg> Yes, but only rain ;-)
  125. Aug 05 12:41:33 <Tavmjong> The previous year's conference in Winchester had a lot of people from the UK press. d3 was at that one.
  126. Aug 05 12:41:50 <doctormon> Interesting,
  127. Aug 05 12:42:16 <bryce> a few other random questions on location... Align to Inkscaper presence: Reno? Portland? San Francisco? Los Angeles? Or, in interest of maximizing attendance align to family-friendly spots: Sacramento? Orlando? New Orleans? Las Vegas? etc.
  128. Aug 05 12:43:50 <Tavmjong> Bigger cities are better for air connections.
  129. Aug 05 12:44:04 <tedg> I doubt I'd be able to bring family anyway, so that isn't a benefit to me. But I'm fine with either.
  130. Aug 05 12:44:54 <Tavmjong> Hey, can't beat Paris for keeping the family busy.
  131. Aug 05 12:45:18 <bryce> ok optimizing for air connections adds Chicago, Denver, New York
  132. Aug 05 12:45:50 <brynn> I could help organize for Denver, but doubtful if I could attend
  133. Aug 05 12:46:16 <bryce> fwiw, the length of the hackfest plays a factor - longer hackfests weight hotel cost savings heavier than airfare
  134. Aug 05 12:46:35 <bryce> how many days do we want to plan for?
  135. Aug 05 12:46:55 <doctormon> The week was useful in England
  136. Aug 05 12:47:08 <Tavmjong> Three days minimum, more would be better.
  137. Aug 05 12:47:14 <bryce> 5? 7?
  138. Aug 05 12:47:38 <Tavmjong> LGM basically was an extension of the hackfest.
  139. Aug 05 12:47:41 <doctormon> 3-6, I'd go for 5, it allows you to dig into some deep stuff.
  140. Aug 05 12:47:57 <doctormon> That's true, we used LGM to sort a bunch of things.
  141. Aug 05 12:47:57 <Tavmjong> 7 would be probably too long (burn out, being away from family).
  142. Aug 05 12:48:16 <bryce> *nod*
  143. Aug 05 12:49:04 <doctormon> I'd also say that a group arangement for hotel would be preferable. I really dislike sorting out a place to stay and then re-claiming. I'd pay for my own airfair if I could be sorted with a bed without an drawn out expenses faff.
  144. Aug 05 12:49:20 <bryce> and should it span a weekend, e.g. Th/F/S/S/M or should it be M-F?
  145. Aug 05 12:49:44 <doctormon> Depends on airfairs, I think they're cheaper during the week right?
  146. Aug 05 12:49:47 <bryce> doctormon, one idea we'd kicked around would be to air-bnb a big house
  147. Aug 05 12:49:54 <Tavmjong> Don't forget a travel day before/after.
  148. Aug 05 12:50:30 <doctormon> +local person to view the house, no more in door water falls
  149. Aug 05 12:51:19 <Tavmjong> Over one weekend would probably be better family wise.
  150. Aug 05 12:53:23 <bryce> fwiw if we did Portland my wife's volunteered to do logistics
  151. Aug 05 12:53:33 <doctormon> nice :-)
  152. Aug 05 12:53:41 <doctormon> Always wanted to go to portlandia
  153. Aug 05 12:53:43 <tedg> Woot! Done! ;-)
  154. Aug 05 12:53:55 <bryce> hah :-)
  155. Aug 05 12:54:29 <bryce> I could probably rope Kees Cook and some other local techies to come by at least for one of the days
  156. Aug 05 12:55:26 <bryce> I know Portland's not a main travel hub and a long haul esp. from Europe
  157. Aug 05 12:55:39 <bryce> but I'll take an action to draft up some ideas
  158. Aug 05 12:55:46 <doctormon> sounds good
  159. Aug 05 12:55:47 <Tavmjong> 13hrs minimum from Paris
  160. Aug 05 12:56:01 <bryce> ok, we're nearly at the hour... any other topics people want to discuss?
  161. Aug 05 12:56:32 <Tavmjong> Quick question for tedg: What exactly is Snap?
  162. Aug 05 12:56:48 <doctormon> Some website updates
  163. Aug 05 12:57:16 <bryce> Tavmjong, Canonical's NIH packaging system afaict
  164. Aug 05 12:57:27 <tedg> Tavmjong: It is a format for shipping things confined to various desktops
  165. Aug 05 12:57:47 <tedg> Tavmjong: Comes preinstalled on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, so we can push teh latest versions there without needed a Ubuntu Dev to do it for us.
  166. Aug 05 12:57:49 <bryce> doctormon, please go ahead
  167. Aug 05 12:57:53 <doctormon> Local red hatters won't even talk to me about it, something about being a PR disaster.
  168. Aug 05 12:58:14 <doctormon> OK, website updates
  169. Aug 05 12:58:22 <Tavmjong> Is there an equivalent for other distributions?
  170. Aug 05 12:58:23 <tedg> Tavmjong: http://snapcraft.io/
  171. Aug 05 12:59:00 <tedg> Tavmjong: There are a bunch of different similar formats, nothing has gained market share really.
  172. Aug 05 12:59:26 <Tavmjong> OK, I see it works for all. This would mean we don't have to worry about supporting old library versions on Linux.
  173. Aug 05 12:59:29 <doctormon> Web: Test coverage is up; every GET, breadcrumbs and object is covered now.
  174. Aug 05 12:59:55 <doctormon> Web: Caching is much improved, speed is up to reasonable, cache testing is in the next cycle (almost finished)
  175. Aug 05 12:59:57 <tedg> Tavmjong: Correct, they'd get bundled into the single image. We'd choose the versions. So we could ship older or newer at our choosing.
  176. Aug 05 13:00:22 <doctormon> Web: Alerts are proving useful, we've had a mass of content translations in the last few months, french, portugues and chinese.
  177. Aug 05 13:00:26 <tedg> Tavmjong: If you want to play with what I have, it is here: https://launchpad.net/~ted/+snap/inkscape
  178. Aug 05 13:00:51 <doctormon> tedg: Can we ship a paid for version yet?
  179. Aug 05 13:01:16 <tedg> doctormon: Yeah, and we can do fixed donation prices, just not variable.
  180. Aug 05 13:01:36 <doctormon> Web: Release app is prepared for the next release, but will need to be tested some more.
  181. Aug 05 13:01:52 <doctormon> tedg: sounds good
  182. Aug 05 13:02:09 <tedg> doctormon: Unfortunatly I keep hear about, but not seeing, an option that is all donation (like where Canonical doesn't take a cut)
  183. Aug 05 13:02:23 <doctormon> Web: we're ready to move to git and github in the web team. Just need the nod from the rest of the team.
  184. Aug 05 13:02:27 <tedg> doctormon: I think the volume is too low to get the business folks involved figuring that out yet :-/
  185. Aug 05 13:02:54 <doctormon> tedg: We need market creators, not business folks. Such small world thinking ;-)
  186. Aug 05 13:02:55 <tedg> doctormon: I'm not excited about it until then.
  187. Aug 05 13:03:28 <doctormon> End Web/>
  188. Aug 05 13:03:29 <bryce> doctormon, thanks for the web update. Any thing you need board help with atm?
  189. Aug 05 13:03:40 <bryce> ok, last call for topics, else EOM.
  190. Aug 05 13:03:53 <doctormon> I think we're good. The forum people might have an update. The website won't be used for the forum though.
  191. Aug 05 13:04:07 <doctormon> brynn, any news?
  192. Aug 05 13:04:25 <brynn> Not much, people are busy, but a couple of little progress
  193. Aug 05 13:05:04 <brynn> Courney didn't want to give us access to his server, so we're trying to sort out how to get backups and where to put them
  194. Aug 05 13:05:21 <brynn> I set up an account on Framapad so we can work on the documentation
  195. Aug 05 13:05:29 <brynn> That's about all to report, at this time.
  196. Aug 05 13:05:30 <doctormon> Any progress on getting the domain name?
  197. Aug 05 13:06:25 <brynn> No, but I have a question to ask you privately about that. There's no reason we can't get that going, it just needs to be in smaller steps
  198. Aug 05 13:06:33 <doctormon> ok, no problem
  199. Aug 05 13:06:43 <doctormon> thanks for all your hard work brynn
  200. Aug 05 13:06:55 <brynn> You're welcome :-)
  201. Aug 05 13:07:42 <bryce> bryce, thanks
  202. Aug 05 13:07:49 <doctormon> lol,
  203. Aug 05 13:07:59 <bryce> alright, thanks all
  204. Aug 05 13:08:03 <bryce> === End of Meeting ==
  205. Aug 05 13:08:29 <bryce> if anyone's interested in discussing release stuff, I'm up for it
  206. Aug 05 13:09:26 <tedg> bryce: Are you playing release manager for this release?
  207. Aug 05 13:09:39 <bryce> tedg, yeah
  208. Aug 05 13:09:53 <doctormon> The records say yes: https://inkscape.org/en/release/0.92/?latest=1
  209. Aug 05 13:10:21 <tedg> bryce: K, so I have a couple of changes to the location independent binaries that I'd like to put in. I don't think anyone else is using that code anymore, right? Want to make sure I didn't break them if so.
  210. Aug 05 13:10:30 <bryce> I really want to get it wrapped up. Not sure entirely what to do about the blocker bugs
  211. Aug 05 13:10:54 <doctormon> bryce: start prodding people about specific bugs.
  212. Aug 05 13:11:13 <bryce> tedg, I've really lost track entirely of the location independent packaging work
  213. Aug 05 13:12:10 <tedg> bryce: Yeah, I think the last "snap like thing" that added that code died.
  214. Aug 05 13:12:42 <tedg> Anyway, the way the cmake build works with the sublibs broke it. So I'm pretty sure no one else was using it :-)
  215. Aug 05 13:13:52 <bryce> tedg, if you're concerned of possible breakage, maybe package your patch in your packaging (ala whatever your equivalent of debian/patches/*.patch is)
  216. Aug 05 13:14:18 <bryce> in any case, feel free to land the changes in trunk. 0.92 is now on a stable release branch
  217. Aug 05 13:14:27 <tedg> bryce: Well, there is no such concept in Snaps. But, I'm not too worried, just wanted to test.
  218. Aug 05 13:17:41 <bryce> ok
  219. Aug 05 13:18:07 <bryce> doctormon, sounds easy in theory doesn't it? ;-)
  220. Aug 05 13:18:30 <bryce> alright, well thanks everyone, TTYL
  221. Aug 05 13:18:59 <doctormon> yep :-)
  222. Aug 05 13:19:18 <doctormon> thanks bryce, sweome meeting




Board Meeting - August 5, 2016



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