Beginners' Questions path size HUGE
  1. #1
    ken ken @holtsie


    I have this odd problem where I trace a bitmap and have a perfect path. If I delete any nodes from the path, I get these crazy long path handles that extend very long to the top of the screen and ruin the path. 

    For example, say I trace a picture of a horse. After I trace the picture and have a path, I want to remove the horses tail, so I select the tail section and press delete. At this time The nodes get crazy,. Some will stretch way out, some will have handles all over the screen etc. 

    Another issue is that lets say that horse path was 3"x3". Because the nodes or handles stretch wayy out, when I select the image, it selects a huge area around my path because it thinks the image is as big as the furthest handle?? I know its confusing, so I'll attach a few images. 

    How can I avoid this happening? and once I delete the issue nodes, how can I bring the selection frame to just my path, and not include the huge space around it ?


    Close Up
    Selection Is Huge
    Issue Nodes
  2. #2
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    I guess when you´re zooming in it´s maybe a single node or 2 nodes trying to build kinda circular shape. Inkscape tries to rebuilt the shape by default when nodes are deleted which probably changes when you uncheck "Deleting nodes preserves shape" at Preferences->Tools->Node ↓

  3. #3
    Paddy_CAD Paddy_CAD @Paddy_CAD

    By coincidence, a related post arrived in the forum just after yours.

  4. #4
    ken ken @holtsie

    Perfect thanks!