I need to print various circular dials. That requires placing text at equally spaced angles around the circumference of a circle. A clock face would be a simple example. Could someone kindly point me in the right direction to get me started please? Once I know how to draw radial lines I can place the text visually.
There is in align and distribute panel a tab for circular repartition of objects. They need to be sorted by z order (see screenshot).
A classical way to process would be :
Type a center justified text, rotate it clockwise, place it near right quadrant of circle (3 o'clock).
Move its rotation center on circle's rotation center (use snap option rotation centers). Now duplicate it, open transform panel and set the exact rotation angle, or use clone tiling.
Another option is to use rotate copies LPE and move handle on center of circle. EDIT : now in front of my PC : I forgot LPE rotate copies doesn't support text. LPE rotate copies is very handy for graduations, thus.
Thanks both. Even a year or so ago, the last time I used Inkscape, I was at best on the lower slopes of its learning curve. So both approaches might take me a while, but they look promising.
That clock example delivers one of the two types of result I’m planning for my electronics project cases, namely text placed on the knobs themselves, with a static marker above or below. The other will have the text on the case, all normal (not radial), with the pointer on the knob.
Following up on your link. The new version to work with Inkscape 1.0 called looks OTT for my simple projects. https://list.sndmt.link/synth-panels-designer
How do you reply to a specific post in this forum? In this case I identifed the author and added it before my text.
The knob scale generator seems easy-peasy to me...
Was thatusing version 1.3? I didn’t go further one I’d read it would not work with newer versions but I’ll try it again tomorrow.
I do also recall having trouble installing and/or and loading that extension a year or so ago when I first tried a similar task, but I’ll step through it all again methodically shortly and report back.
Re: deletions, not even the authors’ own within minutes of posting?
I need to print various circular dials. That requires placing text at equally spaced angles around the circumference of a circle. A clock face would be a simple example. Could someone kindly point me in the right direction to get me started please? Once I know how to draw radial lines I can place the text visually.
Maybe this extension: https://inkscape.org/~sincoon/%E2%98%85knob-scale-generator
Not in front of my pc but some ideas :
Thanks both. Even a year or so ago, the last time I used Inkscape, I was at best on the lower slopes of its learning curve. So both approaches might take me a while, but they look promising.
That clock example delivers one of the two types of result I’m planning for my electronics project cases, namely text placed on the knobs themselves, with a static marker above or below. The other will have the text on the case, all normal (not radial), with the pointer on the knob.
@Tyler Durden
Following up on your link. The new version to work with Inkscape 1.0 called looks OTT for my simple projects.
How do you reply to a specific post in this forum? In this case I identifed the author and added it before my text.
On using the x 'Remove' icon to delete my mysteriously duplicated post above, I got a picture of a rabbit (?) and the message:
Permission Denied
Sorry, you're not allowed to see this.
This website has many features for project management and community involvement. Permissions are needed to access certain functions.
Only moderators are empowered to delete posts.
The knob scale generator seems easy-peasy to me...
The knob scale generator seems easy-peasy to me...
Was that using version 1.3? I didn’t go further one I’d read it would not work with newer versions but I’ll try it again tomorrow.
I do also recall having trouble installing and/or and loading that extension a year or so ago when I first tried a similar task, but I’ll step through it all again methodically shortly and report back.
Re: deletions, not even the authors’ own within minutes of posting?
Nope. You should not have edit permissions either, but that has not been fixed. Enjoy it while it lasts.
And still have the loading problem: greyed.
The gitlab page has the zip file containing the two files needed. I would:
Successfully installed and loaded, many thanks!
Now, how do I pause/play your video so that I can note its many steps please?
Much appreciate your patient help.
(I thnk the cause of the duplicates is that, thinking the first Submit hadn't worked, after a few seconds I clicked it again. I'll wait this time.)
I'd just open the extension and have a play: Extensions>Render>Knob Scale...