Beginners' Questions How do I know the names of the icons on the User Interface?
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  1. #1
    zanshin777 zanshin777 @zanshin777

    How Do I Know The Icon Names On The User Interface?


    How do I know the names of the icons on the User Interface?


    I hover the mouse over them but the name does not pop up.


    On the users manual there are a lot of missing icons from the current version as you see;



    Inkscape User Interface
  2. #2
    David248 David248 @David248

    I can (Inkscape 1.4-dev (1:1.2.0-alpha1+devel+202310181935+210742b463)) get informations when I hover the mouse on quite every icon in inkscape interface (except from the palette choice icon bottom right of screen, 3 tiny horizontal lines stacked).

  3. #3
    versiontwopointohoh versiontwopointohoh @versiontwopointohoh

    Hi Zanshin777. What version of Inkscape are you using?

    I'm using Inkscape 1.3 (the stable version) and I also get info when I hover the mouse over the majority of all icons.


  4. #4
    zanshin777 zanshin777 @zanshin777

    It does not work from TeamViewer.


    On PC It works.

  5. #5
    eurogricer eurogricer @eurogricer

    I've just encountered the same problem, on a Windows 10 laptop. Solved by closing Inkscape and restarting it.

  6. #6
    zanshin777 zanshin777 @zanshin777

    Thanks for informing. I’ll try that.

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions How do I know the names of the icons on the User Interface?