Beginners' Questions aligning the center of rotation of several objects
  1. #1
    gohonleeds gohonleeds @gohonleeds

    I spend more time than is healthy aligning the center of rotation of objects. Are there any strategies for how this can be speeded up?

    I mean one of the objects has the "correct" center of rotation, and I quickly want several other objects to align and use that same center of rotation.

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Hum Hum @Hum

    Hi. You can adjust each individual object's center of rotation individually or if you want, all objects to a single point of rotation. The latter is probable done by using a guide(s) and snapping each object center to your desired key rotation point.

    Have you done a quick search for "inkscape adjust objects center of rotation"?

    Doing such a search, I came up with many instructions and video links.

    Such as








  3. #3
    David248 David248 @David248


    See there if it fils to your purpose :

  4. #4
    gohonleeds gohonleeds @gohonleeds

    Thank you both. After posting I did figure out the "using guides to decide where I want to put the center of rotation then snapping to there" method is just what I want. Very flexible way to center objects and re-center them if necessary.

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions aligning the center of rotation of several objects