Using Inkscape with Cutters/Plotters Not even sure what this problem is called
  1. #1
    fruggie fruggie @fruggie

    Hi everyone.  I am trying to make a design.  I posted a picture below.  This is going to be cut on cricut but I dont think that really matters.  This is part of a bigger design because yes, I know it looks weird as is. 

    So basically I want to make these little line cutouts which would act as giving it some kind of depth I guess you could say?  I really don't know so Im honestly not artistic at all.  Its not the left side. It is the right side. The two lines at top are already done.  The rest are not.  I was using difference for the first two but the rest, when I used difference, they disappeared.  

    Basically I want to have the white design with these black lines cut out so that the black shirt that I put this design on later shows through.  Otherwise I would just be wasting vinyl printing out these small little lines and I don't want to do that  I hope this makes sense  

    Thank you.



  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Not easy to guess. An example Inkscape svg file would be best.

  3. #3
    julioneto julioneto @julioneto

    This was really confusing hahaha

    But i think you basically want to "remove" the lines, as it's a blank space.

    After drawing the line, go to menu Path > Stroke to Path then press shift and select the drawing bellow, both should be selected now. Then go again to Path > Difference.

    Basic path operations are not hard to understand and will vastly improve your work and time.

  4. #4
    AuntieWin AuntieWin @AuntieWin

    I think that you have more than one object so you need to send the OBJECT on top (the one with the lines already done) to the bottom. Then use DIFFERENCE. Any time that you need to use Difference you must make sure that the object you want to "insert" is on Top. Hope this works or you.