I am afraid i may not be able to share the video but as i attached the screen shot in my previous reply, here is my step by step process:
Step 1 Open inkscape document obvious
Step 2 Select Shape tool ( Star) Fill Color and no stroke
Step 3 Select the shape with select tool and Duplicate with Ctrl + D
Step 4 Attempt to Repeat and Duplicate with CTRL + ALTR + D.
I have reloaded and reinstalled Inkscape number of times but it dosent work. I have to manually go into transform tool and use ctrl d along with rotate function, which is very much manual mode!!
I can get just a single Transform to repeat let it be scale or rotation for instance (in contrast to Affinity Designer where i can add numerous transformations and all will be repeated by a normal Duplicate command) - but just the last transform command will be repeated here.
Not Happening Sir, can u please demonstrate in steps??
Just to add, I can rotate around a particular angle once and then using the transform panel & pressing CTRL +D to repeat the last action ( Move/Scale?Rotate/Skew/Matrix) Panel
I was trying to use Repeat and Duplicate Short Cut ALT + CTRL +D /T in Inkscape Version 1.3.2 but its not working. Somebody advised to download the Beta version 1.4 and try it out, however it still isnt working in that version either.
Is there anything that I need to do in terms of software updation etc.
I am using Windows 10 on Dell Latitude 7430 machine with 16gm Ram.
Seems to work here in Win 10, MSI Predator, 16GB ram.
Thanks for your time & the Demonstration but unfortunately its not working on my machine.
Rakesh Raina
Hi, I don't want to hijack the thread... I just want to know what software do you (@TylerDurden) use to record the animated (gif?) screen ?
Jean H//
Hi Jean, I use ShareX on Windows, and I forget what I use on Linux.
Rakesh, a video of your step by step process would be helpful. If that is difficult, an accurate step by step description might suffice.
Hello Tyler,
I am afraid i may not be able to share the video but as i attached the screen shot in my previous reply, here is my step by step process:
Step 1 Open inkscape document obvious
Step 2 Select Shape tool ( Star) Fill Color and no stroke
Step 3 Select the shape with select tool and Duplicate with Ctrl + D
Step 4 Attempt to Repeat and Duplicate with CTRL + ALTR + D.
I have reloaded and reinstalled Inkscape number of times but it dosent work. I have to manually go into transform tool and use ctrl d along with rotate function, which is very much manual mode!!
That is it!!!
Rakesh Raina
Very much similar to what your are following!!
It is essential to perform both at the start:
After this, the Repeat Duplicate/Transform key shortcut should work.
I can get just a single Transform to repeat let it be scale or rotation for instance (in contrast to Affinity Designer where i can add numerous transformations and all will be repeated by a normal Duplicate command) - but just the last transform command will be repeated here.
Hi Tyler,
Not Happening Sir, can u please demonstrate in steps??
Just to add, I can rotate around a particular angle once and then using the transform panel & pressing CTRL +D to repeat the last action ( Move/Scale?Rotate/Skew/Matrix) Panel
That Works!!! But not Ctrl + Alt + D
Rakesh Raina
Rakesh Raina
Steps as seen in gif above:
Still not happening!!
How is it that your shift plus right arrow moves quite some steps, mine just moves almost 1mm i suppose!!
However after that it dosent happen???
The distance of the arrow moves can be set in Preferences>Behavior>Steps.
Inkscape Downloaded on my other Laptop Dell Inspiron just to check if my machine was not doing it correctly!!!
But its the same story!!!!
However thanks for the Tip about behavior steps in preferences!!!
Rakesh Raina
That shortcut never worked for me either. (Inkscape 1.3.2, macos 14.4). I really was hoping for a breakthrough here.
@Paddy_CAD - well it works here on BigSur but just for a single last command.
@raina.RAKESH19 wrote:
After installing Any Inkscape version, I suggest resetting the preferences: https://inkscape.org/forums/questions/getting-back-to-square-one-and-starting-over-its-easy/