Beginners' Questions Online manual isn't online - UPDATE: back online
  1. #1
    ManfredB ManfredB @ManfredB

    I would like to read the manual to get started with inkscape.  However, following the link from Australia causes a timeout - no response from server.
    Using a VPN into France results in "Erreur 403 - Refus de traitement de la requête (Interdit - Forbidden)".

    Any other way to get the manual?

    PS: Using the contact form on also resulted in "Forbidden" -- however, once I registered and used a VPN to France, the contact form appeared to work.

  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Backup manual:

    I'm clueless on the contact page. 

  3. #3
    sbungay sbungay @sbungay

    Anybody know what the heck happened to the online manual? Are they changing hosting providers or what? Love the program but it's pretty unprofessional to receive an Error 403 when using the program's "Help" menu to get to the manual.

  4. #4
    sbungay sbungay @sbungay

    Error 403 - Refusal to Process Request (Forbidden - Forbidden)The server has understood the request, but refuses to comply with it. An authentication process will not do anything and this request should not be renewed. If the method invoked is different from HEAD and the server wants to make public the reason why it refuses processing, it will do so in the entity linked to that response. This status code is often used when the server does not want to elaborate on why it is denying access, or because it is the only response that is appropriate. You are trying to access a resource that is off-limits to you. It is possible that the account concerned is suspended (see Management Console)

  5. #5
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Yes, there is a problem with the website.

    The hosting service is not being helpful in getting access restored.


    Please use the backup:

  6. #6
    ltlnx ltlnx @ltlnx

    Just a heads-up, the manual is up again.

  7. #7
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden


Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions Online manual isn't online - UPDATE: back online