Beginners' Questions Pencil controls and Simplify LPE
  1. #1
    hildybingen hildybingen @hildybingen

    Smoothing, especially for the Pencil tool in 1.1, has me confused.  There are several issues, both in the Pencil and in the LPE.

    1. If I put the smoothing on 0.00, there is already smoothing--a fair amount of smoothing.  Once I get up to 1.00, I get the jagged lines and lots of nodes that I was used to in .92 version.

    2. What does the squiggle button which is labeled as "LPE based interactive simplify" actually do? Whether I click it or not, using the LPE seems to work, though less responsive if it's highlighted than if it's not.

    3. What does the next button do? It's labeled "LPE Simplify Flatten," but I don't see that it does much, if anything.

    4. The menu for the LPE isn't exactly transparent:

    a. I suppose "steps" are rather like the smoothing steps in the Pencil?

    b. What is "roughly threshold"? Can't find anything about it. It seems very aggressive.

    c. How do I know what I want for "Max degree of distance on handles to perform a smooth." I suppose this has to do with nodes, but ????

    d. What the heck is a helper and how do I know how big to make it?

    Thanks in advance for any help you can give.  I'd be happy to read instruction on all this, but I can't find anything.

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions Pencil controls and Simplify LPE