I'm having an issue with Inkscape's UI text showing up with what I can only describe as a strange chromatic aberration-esque effect (see screenshots).
Win10 64-bit
Inkscape ver 1.3.2
Fresh install via msi (uninstalled and reinstalled once)
I use my 3 displays zoomed in to 110-125% for my eyesight, but changing it back to 100% zoom doesn't change anything.
It does the same thing on all three displays, which are different models but all display at 1920x1080
Color profile is sRGB, No Windows HD color settings on
Changing "Cleartype" settings doesn't do anything.
None of my other applications have an issue with the text.
It seems the most pronounced with the white text on dark grey (I use dark mode for my eyesight also).
I noticed when the window is inactive, the greyed-out text does it too
My research on similar issues seems to be limited to Linux or Mac machines having either "choppy" or blurry looking text, or Windows have "jumbled" text but that's not my issue.
My husband also runs Windows 10 64 and doesn't have this issue and has never seen this issue.
Any help on this is appreciated! I'm brushing up on Inkscape to familiarize myself with it for students who want to do vector work at home and don't have Adobe access. Our district locks our Adobe licenses to our Mac lab's machines and not to the student's accounts, so they don't have access outside of class. :(
I'm having an issue with Inkscape's UI text showing up with what I can only describe as a strange chromatic aberration-esque effect (see screenshots).
Any help on this is appreciated! I'm brushing up on Inkscape to familiarize myself with it for students who want to do vector work at home and don't have Adobe access. Our district locks our Adobe licenses to our Mac lab's machines and not to the student's accounts, so they don't have access outside of class. :(