1. Jul 07 11:58:36 <ryangorley> Hello all :)
  2. Jul 07 11:59:21 <JonCruz> hey
  3. Jul 07 12:00:01 <Tavmjong> ----------------- Inkscape Board Meeting --------------------
  4. Jul 07 12:00:11 <Tavmjong> Who's here?
  5. Jul 07 12:00:17 <Lazur> hey
  6. Jul 07 12:00:24 * tedg waves
  7. Jul 07 12:00:28 <Tavmjong> doctormon: ScislaC JonCruz tedg bryce_
  8. Jul 07 12:00:51 <ScislaC> hello
  9. Jul 07 12:01:10 <Tavmjong> Greetings!
  10. Jul 07 12:01:30 <JonCruz> greets
  11. Jul 07 12:02:03 <CRogers> I'm still awake.
  12. Jul 07 12:02:13 <CRogers> Apparently Dominos isn't right-wing.
  13. Jul 07 12:02:22 <Rob-Sterbal> it was
  14. Jul 07 12:02:29 <Tavmjong> doctormon and bryce_ should be here, let's give them a minute.
  15. Jul 07 12:02:35 <Rob-Sterbal> I'm investigating if they still are
  16. Jul 07 12:02:54 <CRogers> They have since stated they are not on any side of politics.
  17. Jul 07 12:03:10 <CRogers> Ooops, actually, board meeting started.
  18. Jul 07 12:03:30 * CRogers sits quietly and listens.
  19. Jul 07 12:03:53 <Tavmjong> ----------------- Hackfest Paris ------------------
  20. Jul 07 12:04:26 <Tavmjong> I think the participants would all say the hackfest was a great success. We still need to prepare a report.
  21. Jul 07 12:05:02 <Tavmjong> We had 9 participants for various numbers of days.
  22. Jul 07 12:05:36 <Tavmjong> Plus one host came in to give us some feedback (they are heavy users of Inkscape).
  23. Jul 07 12:05:40 <tedg> Great! Good to hear.
  24. Jul 07 12:06:21 <Tavmjong> And we were way under budget. I don't know the final figures but I think it will be under $3000.
  25. Jul 07 12:06:38 <Tavmjong> Plus under $300 for the hackfest dinner.
  26. Jul 07 12:06:57 <CRogers> Nice.
  27. Jul 07 12:06:59 <Rob-Sterbal> good news
  28. Jul 07 12:07:13 <Rob-Sterbal> will we post the expenses?
  29. Jul 07 12:07:45 <Tavmjong> I'm not sure about that, bryce_ would know.
  30. Jul 07 12:07:48 <CRogers> And yes, the hackfest was great. Was awesome to see everyone again, and some for the first time.
  31. Jul 07 12:07:53 <tedg> How did the location work out?
  32. Jul 07 12:08:06 <CRogers> Location was UNREAL.
  33. Jul 07 12:08:06 <tedg> Hotels, etc all fine?
  34. Jul 07 12:08:14 <CRogers> Hotels... yea. lol
  35. Jul 07 12:08:26 <CRogers> No AC, no fans.
  36. Jul 07 12:08:43 <CRogers> Paris was hot. But it was unusually hot I hear.
  37. Jul 07 12:09:00 <CRogers> But the stay was not that expensive.
  38. Jul 07 12:09:17 <Tavmjong> The location was great. Only problem was that we didn't have a room for the fifth day due to Fedora having a meeting (so we had a barbecue at my place where the diehards did more hacking).
  39. Jul 07 12:09:42 <Tavmjong> It was unusually warm... but not as warm as the week before.
  40. Jul 07 12:10:15 <tedg> Yes, that seems to be a problem for lots of Europe right now, we're used to it in Texas ;-)
  41. Jul 07 12:10:48 <Tavmjong> ... but I assume everyone in Texas has aircon and a pool!
  42. Jul 07 12:11:04 <CRogers> Yea, wish I could have gone to the bbq, I hear that was a high point of the hackfest.
  43. Jul 07 12:11:23 <bryce_> hi all
  44. Jul 07 12:11:32 <Tavmjong> hi bryce_
  45. Jul 07 12:11:47 <tedg> bryce_: We're finding out they BBQ'd without us :-(
  46. Jul 07 12:12:19 <tedg> Sounds great, I'm excited to read the full report. We need to make sure to do some PR there.
  47. Jul 07 12:13:18 <Tavmjong> I think having five days worked out well. Not everyone was able to stay all the days but given the distance some people travelled, it makes it more useful.
  48. Jul 07 12:13:27 <bryce_> great that it came in so much under budget, and good to hear people had some nice face time
  49. Jul 07 12:13:48 <bryce_> where any particular decisions reached?
  50. Jul 07 12:13:53 <CRogers> I want to live at the Science center. lol
  51. Jul 07 12:14:07 <bryce_> I looked at the meeting notes but they weren't very detailed
  52. Jul 07 12:14:22 <Tavmjong> We didn't do much discussion (except getting usability feedback from Cedric, Elisa, and CR).
  53. Jul 07 12:14:54 <CRogers> Doc also implimented a new feature for our hosts. I'm helping test it.
  54. Jul 07 12:14:57 <Tavmjong> I think each hackfest takes on it's own characteristics based on who is there.
  55. Jul 07 12:15:10 <CRogers> Tava nd I worked on text a LOT
  56. Jul 07 12:15:14 <doctormon> Hi! Was sorting through some vcf files.
  57. Jul 07 12:15:33 <CRogers> I still have to finalise the implimentation checklist for fixing it.
  58. Jul 07 12:15:42 <CRogers> It's 95% done.
  59. Jul 07 12:15:51 <bryce_> sounds like a lot of code change occurred
  60. Jul 07 12:15:56 <Tavmjong> That reminds me of one other problem with the venue... the Internet connections weren't the best (we had both WiFi and wired ethernet, not worked great).
  61. Jul 07 12:16:17 <CRogers> Yea, no ssh over wifi.
  62. Jul 07 12:16:44 <Tavmjong> There was some serious work on menus, icons, new filter dialog, dropper tool, and text.
  63. Jul 07 12:17:11 <bryce_> internet access/performance always seems to be problematic...
  64. Jul 07 12:17:24 <Tavmjong> Not all of the work has landed.
  65. Jul 07 12:17:41 <doctormon> tedg: I'm putting together a news article with photos
  66. Jul 07 12:18:04 <CRogers> here's the eyedropper tool mod checklist: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l8ghq89g74uaau8/inkscape_eyedropper_sample_drop_colour_mockups.pdf?dl=1
  67. Jul 07 12:18:12 <tedg> doctormon: Great, thanks!
  68. Jul 07 12:18:24 <ryangorley> doctormon: If you want to offload that on Vectors team, feel free.
  69. Jul 07 12:18:47 <doctormon> CRogers: dropbox again. :-/
  70. Jul 07 12:18:59 <bryce_> Tavmjong, any progress on roadmap items?
  71. Jul 07 12:19:02 <CRogers> doctormon: people can't use it?
  72. Jul 07 12:19:18 <doctormon> So embarrassing.
  73. Jul 07 12:19:29 <CRogers> It's a place on the internet.
  74. Jul 07 12:19:30 <bryce_> Tavmjong, or other highly user requested stuff, that can be marketed?
  75. Jul 07 12:19:31 <doctormon> bryce_: There wasn't the people for most of the roadmap
  76. Jul 07 12:20:51 <Tavmjong> A lot of things focused on Gtk3.
  77. Jul 07 12:21:05 <doctormon> bryce_: We did talk in depth about funding though, I've had my views altered a bit on how we should conduct ourselves I think. It would have been good to have you attend to talk about this more.
  78. Jul 07 12:21:09 <Tavmjong> (menus, icons, replacement for filters dialog)
  79. Jul 07 12:21:15 <bryce_> Tavmjong, ah yes
  80. Jul 07 12:22:25 <Tavmjong> We do have a few Gtk3 issues to work out. Alex might be able to go to GUADEC a couple of days (it's in Manchester this year) to talk with Gnome developers.
  81. Jul 07 12:22:36 <Tavmjong> I'ld be interested in going too.
  82. Jul 07 12:22:40 <bryce_> doctormon, interesting, what views were changed?
  83. Jul 07 12:24:22 <doctormon> bryce_: The model we have worked out is very centralised, but we're a pretty anarchistic type of project, I'm not as convinced as I was about centralised funding and instead think we should try a distributed model.
  84. Jul 07 12:25:51 <doctormon> Did I kill the meeting? ;)
  85. Jul 07 12:25:59 <bryce_> doctormon, no, keep going :-)
  86. Jul 07 12:26:05 * CRogers cries into his dropbox
  87. Jul 07 12:26:26 <Rob-Sterbal> I'm still too new here to have an opinion
  88. Jul 07 12:26:33 <Lazur> what's the status of the filter dialog?
  89. Jul 07 12:27:20 <doctormon> Ok... So the distributed model would work like this. We continue with our central donations which go through the conservancy, these we dedicate to things we already dedicate them to. hackfests, infrastructure, etc etc.
  90. Jul 07 12:27:50 <Tavmjong> Lazur: The filter dialog uses a lot of customized Gtk2 code that would be hard to port to Gtk3. In additon it tends to take up to much space. We've designed a new dialog using standard Gtk3 stuff that should be more compact and more usable.
  91. Jul 07 12:28:18 <Lazur> had started writing a filtering guide
  92. Jul 07 12:28:20 <Lazur> https://inkscape.org/en/~Lazur/%E2%98%85t-005-built-in-filters
  93. Jul 07 12:29:36 <doctormon> Secondly we have links to a limited list of well defined inderviduals developing inkscape. These links are in two forms a) links to contact the person for contractings (aka people like me) and b) links to developer's patreon pages (and alt c) for google SoC). We'd have tight requirements for patreon updates for us to continue linking to them and fo
  94. Jul 07 12:29:36 <doctormon> r them to callthemselves "inkscape developers"
  95. Jul 07 12:30:08 <Lazur> a preview function and a connection node-editor where you could zoom in/out, pan, label things and duplicate primitives/subchains would be a real boost
  96. Jul 07 12:30:32 <ScislaC> I still think Blender's node editor approach would be the ideal way to handle filters.
  97. Jul 07 12:30:47 <doctormon> ScislaC: There isn't a node editing widget for gtk3
  98. Jul 07 12:30:58 <tedg> Ah, so the issue you're talking about is for feature contract work? Making it direct with the devs doing the work.
  99. Jul 07 12:30:58 <Tavmjong> The lines with connecting filter primitives will disappear. Each primitive will have a drop down menu listing what inputs are available (including Source Graphics, etc.).
  100. Jul 07 12:31:00 <su_v> ( https://github.com/grindhold/libgtkflow )
  101. Jul 07 12:31:34 <JonCruz> imho, that would delight 50% of the people and frustrate 50%. Most solutions will
  102. Jul 07 12:31:36 <Lazur> +1 for blender
  103. Jul 07 12:31:44 <ScislaC> su_v: you never cease to amaze me :)
  104. Jul 07 12:32:02 <tedg> su_v: Neat!
  105. Jul 07 12:32:32 <Tavmjong> GtkFlow is interesting but I think what we've designed is more compact (the size of the dialog was a major complaint from designers).
  106. Jul 07 12:32:35 <CRogers> Yea, that looks perfect.
  107. Jul 07 12:32:41 <doctormon> tedg: For the contactors, yes. For the patreons, it's more loose. Not features, just general funding for them to continue developing inkscape.
  108. Jul 07 12:33:00 <JonCruz> so... the filters stuff is an area where alternative views can really help
  109. Jul 07 12:33:29 <doctormon> ScislaC: You can tell Alex, we spent way too much time doing the glade/viewbox stuff for that dialog.
  110. Jul 07 12:33:32 <tedg> Tavmjong: Might be interesting to ask the GTK Flow folks if they'd consider a different style or perhaps adding some CSS theming hooks.
  111. Jul 07 12:33:54 <Mc> Hi all!
  112. Jul 07 12:33:59 <tedg> doctormon: Sure, adding that as well.
  113. Jul 07 12:34:00 * Mc is late
  114. Jul 07 12:34:00 <Tavmjong> doctormon: Do you have a picture of the dialog?
  115. Jul 07 12:34:04 <Tavmjong> Hi Mc!
  116. Jul 07 12:34:28 <tedg> doctormon: Are there any FOSS folks making money of Patreon?
  117. Jul 07 12:34:40 <CRogers> tedg: yes.
  118. Jul 07 12:34:43 <tedg> I'm sure there are some smaller ones, but big ones to look at.
  119. Jul 07 12:35:06 <CRogers> GEGL dev Pippin is completely funded on Patreon.
  120. Jul 07 12:35:22 <ryangorley> tedg: https://www.patreon.com/pippin
  121. Jul 07 12:35:24 <CRogers> And I'm hoping to secure some funding for Mc this week.
  122. Jul 07 12:36:21 <CRogers> There are probably a ton more. I'm on there too, though I haven't mentione dit to anyone. lol
  123. Jul 07 12:36:27 <Lazur> it's not the size that matters that much with the current editor but the functionality
  124. Jul 07 12:36:43 <tedg> That's very cool
  125. Jul 07 12:36:50 <tedg> I didn't realize pippin was doing that.
  126. Jul 07 12:36:56 <Lazur> you always have to have a portion rendered of the whole image
  127. Jul 07 12:37:00 <doctormon> tedg: There are a few, most of them are artists though, so we'll be following people use use inkscape more than fellow foss devs
  128. Jul 07 12:37:13 <Lazur> what if it is overblown with filters and you just want to edit one
  129. Jul 07 12:37:13 <ryangorley> tedg: https://www.patreon.com/solus (OS Developer)
  130. Jul 07 12:37:41 <JonCruz> so the blender thing is probably really good for a significant portion of users
  131. Jul 07 12:37:54 <Mc> I also saw a js library patreon-funded a few days ago
  132. Jul 07 12:38:01 <Rob-Sterbal> We could drive people to the patreon page from the facebook group and page
  133. Jul 07 12:38:03 <Lazur> ok you could use layers to reorganise the document but you cannot switch rendering the filters off on just a few layers only
  134. Jul 07 12:38:05 <CRogers> Lazur: it would be an aweful lot of scrolling/panning, zooming in a tiny box vs what was devised at the hackfest.
  135. Jul 07 12:38:29 <Mc> tedg: https://www.patreon.com/evanyou
  136. Jul 07 12:38:30 <doctormon> Rob-Sterbal: So the goal also is to have both a page on the website and regular drives to get users to help fund development.
  137. Jul 07 12:38:37 <Mc> https://www.patreon.com/arieln
  138. Jul 07 12:38:45 <bryce_> doctormon, interesting. Perhaps we could have a discussion some time with how it fits with the funded project system
  139. Jul 07 12:38:51 <CRogers> I love blender's compositor, but I'd like it much less if it were shived into a tiny box on the Right of the screen.
  140. Jul 07 12:38:53 <doctormon> The advantage of not driving it centrally, is that we don't incur liability and we don't have 10% chopped off by the conservancy.
  141. Jul 07 12:39:08 <doctormon> bryce_: Thanks, we should chat more about this.
  142. Jul 07 12:39:26 <doctormon> bryce_: Tav wants another hackfest for the fall. So maybe we can drag you along?
  143. Jul 07 12:39:36 <Tavmjong> We probably should discuss the filter dialog another time (board meetings aren't for technical discussions).
  144. Jul 07 12:39:44 <Rob-Sterbal> is that how the conservancy is funded?
  145. Jul 07 12:39:45 <JonCruz> yeah
  146. Jul 07 12:40:33 <Tavmjong> You lose 10% through patreon so I think that is a wash.
  147. Jul 07 12:40:40 <doctormon> Tavmjong: 5%
  148. Jul 07 12:40:43 <Rob-Sterbal> is the agreement posted somewhere?
  149. Jul 07 12:40:45 <JonCruz> (to both points)
  150. Jul 07 12:40:59 <Lazur> for that future time look at this filter: https://openclipart.org/detail/268572/hatched-apple
  151. Jul 07 12:41:02 <bryce_> doctormon, maybe.
  152. Jul 07 12:41:03 <Tavmjong> doctormon: +credit card fees.
  153. Jul 07 12:41:21 <doctormon> Tavmjong: We can talk more I think at a special time.
  154. Jul 07 12:41:23 <Moini> https://inkscape.org/en/about/governance/
  155. Jul 07 12:41:46 <Rob-Sterbal> ty
  156. Jul 07 12:41:52 <Mc> Rob-Sterbal: https://inkscape.org/es/news/2015/11/08/new-fsa-with-software-freedom-conservancy/
  157. Jul 07 12:42:13 <bryce_> also, "less having to drive it centrally" translates equivalently to "don't have influence over what work is done"
  158. Jul 07 12:42:26 <Lazur> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDI6ZZh4G_o
  159. Jul 07 12:42:31 <CRogers> So there's another reason no one mentioned for doing it via Patreon.
  160. Jul 07 12:42:39 <CRogers> It's actually the best reason.
  161. Jul 07 12:42:51 <ryangorley> CRogers: Ping pong logo
  162. Jul 07 12:43:02 <CRogers> Accountability is built in to the Patreon model.
  163. Jul 07 12:43:21 <CRogers> the dev is answerable directly to those that fund her.
  164. Jul 07 12:43:21 <ryangorley> CRogers: +1
  165. Jul 07 12:43:33 <CRogers> Or him.
  166. Jul 07 12:43:36 <CRogers> etc.
  167. Jul 07 12:43:41 <Rob-Sterbal> The conservancy doesn't respond to voice message. Maybe they shouldn't :)
  168. Jul 07 12:43:57 <Mc> ?
  169. Jul 07 12:44:56 <doctormon> bryce_: Part of what makes inkscape project unique is how decentralised we are. So that might not be too much of a problem. Although inkscape blessed developers would be developing "for inkscape"
  170. Jul 07 12:45:12 <CRogers> Thus, the developer on Patreon says clearly what they will be doing, and if they don't, then they lose funding over time.
  171. Jul 07 12:45:48 <doctormon> afk
  172. Jul 07 12:45:59 <CRogers> without the need to bug the conservancy, which doesn't really handle accountability matters anyway (nor should they).
  173. Jul 07 12:46:03 <bryce_> Tavmjong, doctormon more on Paris hackfest?
  174. Jul 07 12:46:20 <Tavmjong> Not that I can think of... time to move to a new topic?
  175. Jul 07 12:46:24 <bryce_> ok
  176. Jul 07 12:46:35 <bryce_> Tavmjong, doctormon wanted to talk about board election
  177. Jul 07 12:46:43 <CRogers> Oh, bryce, I need your mailing address for your hackfest cup
  178. Jul 07 12:46:59 <Tavmjong> ------- Board Election -------
  179. Jul 07 12:47:32 <Tavmjong> doctormon: ?
  180. Jul 07 12:48:40 <bryce_> CRogers, thx
  181. Jul 07 12:49:15 <CRogers> bryce_: no problem.
  182. Jul 07 12:50:11 <Tavmjong> While we wait for doctormon , bryce_ , what's the status of our Hackfest account? Have we received recent donations?
  183. Jul 07 12:52:29 <bryce_> Tavmjong, unfortunately when I last checked it, ledger hadn't been updated since April :-(
  184. Jul 07 12:52:36 <bryce_> let me recheck now...
  185. Jul 07 12:53:27 <bryce_> ok it's up through end of May now
  186. Jul 07 12:54:07 <bryce_> guessing funding issues have been impacting the conservancy?
  187. Jul 07 12:55:07 <bryce_> ;Memo: From beninu@beninu.dk Thank you for a really awesome vector drawing program. It has all t\
  188. Jul 07 12:55:07 <bryce_> he features I need and is really intuitive and easy to use. The more I use the more I discover of all the \
  189. Jul 07 12:55:07 <bryce_> brilliant features that makes life easier as I learn. I've been on the lookout for a program to make SVG f\
  190. Jul 07 12:55:07 <bryce_> or so long and finally I discovered InkScape. You are doing an amazing job. I hereby donate USD 300 and I \
  191. Jul 07 12:55:07 <bryce_> hope they'll do some good for the dev. team. Yours truly Beninu Andersen DENMARK
  192. Jul 07 12:55:32 <bryce_> ;Memo: Bonsoir à tous , je suis très heureux de pouvoir contribuer même un peu , à tout ce que v\
  193. Jul 07 12:55:32 <bryce_> ous faites pour nous , merci , cordialement gilx .
  194. Jul 07 12:56:09 <Moini> Those are so nice :)
  195. Jul 07 12:56:26 <Mc> :)
  196. Jul 07 12:56:33 <CRogers> Brilliant! :D
  197. Jul 07 12:56:48 <CRogers> Gives me the warm fuzzies reading things like that.
  198. Jul 07 12:56:52 <Tavmjong> Nice!
  199. Jul 07 12:57:44 <Mc> there should have been at least one donation for the hackfest from https://twitter.com/estudio_gunga/status/879350355280187393
  200. Jul 07 12:58:21 <bryce_> Mc, I have no donation data here that is newer than May 30th
  201. Jul 07 12:59:05 <CRogers> ps- there was a whole classroom full of students using inkscape in the room next to our hackfest area: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2nqti69qyv3ybk3/DSC00178.JPG?dl=1
  202. Jul 07 12:59:25 <CRogers> That was also rather motivating. :D
  203. Jul 07 12:59:40 <bryce_> We get $5 donations very frequently, maybe as much as daily. Plus scattered larger amounts $10 and $20 and sometimes higher
  204. Jul 07 12:59:55 <CRogers> Makes me wish the stickers had come on time. :/
  205. Jul 07 13:00:09 <bryce_> CRogers, wow that's a nice coincidence
  206. Jul 07 13:00:15 <bryce_> did you guys talk to any of them?
  207. Jul 07 13:00:38 <Tavmjong> Didn't know they were there....
  208. Jul 07 13:00:44 <CRogers> We were working on Inkscape, but one of the artists came to talk to us.
  209. Jul 07 13:00:48 <bryce_> CRogers, ^^ that's the type of anecdote that would probably go over really well in a hackfest report, for future hackfest donations
  210. Jul 07 13:00:57 <Tavmjong> CRogers must be more observant than me.
  211. Jul 07 13:01:08 * CRogers is painfull observant. :/
  212. Jul 07 13:01:15 <Rob-Sterbal> I walked through an art fair, and about 1/2 the artists were interested
  213. Jul 07 13:01:26 <bryce_> Rob-Sterbal, that's cool
  214. Jul 07 13:01:40 <Rob-Sterbal> I need to figure out some marketing materials
  215. Jul 07 13:01:58 <Rob-Sterbal> I can collect email addresses from the fair directories
  216. Jul 07 13:02:01 <bryce_> it really personalizes it when you meet passionate users, or people using it / learning it for serious purposes
  217. Jul 07 13:02:04 <Rob-Sterbal> or at least tweet them all
  218. Jul 07 13:02:18 <CRogers> Yea, I went to a tattoo convention in Brighton, and was showing off Inkscape to the designers using illustrator, and tired of the subscription model.
  219. Jul 07 13:02:47 <Rob-Sterbal> I wonder how many tatoo artist there are... 100,000 maybe?
  220. Jul 07 13:03:02 <CRogers> Tatto artists= artists.
  221. Jul 07 13:03:04 <bryce_> Tavmjong, while we wait on doctormon, anything to report on GSoC?
  222. Jul 07 13:03:14 <CRogers> Inkscape is made for artists.
  223. Jul 07 13:03:23 <CRogers> And some others. :)
  224. Jul 07 13:03:36 <su_v> just "some"?
  225. Jul 07 13:03:41 <su_v> (jk)
  226. Jul 07 13:03:42 <CRogers> okay, lits.
  227. Jul 07 13:03:44 <CRogers> lots
  228. Jul 07 13:03:49 <CRogers> everyone. ;)
  229. Jul 07 13:03:53 <bryce_> tedg, and do you have anything to debrief on regarding the git migration?
  230. Jul 07 13:04:07 <doctormon> back
  231. Jul 07 13:04:17 <tedg> bryce_: Not really, the folks at the hackfest suggested replacing the bazaar repo with a README, which is on my TODO.
  232. Jul 07 13:04:27 <Tavmjong> bryce_: Alex is doing really well. The other student is struggling a bit but making slow progress.
  233. Jul 07 13:04:28 <tedg> Need to redownload the Bazaar repo to do it :-)
  234. Jul 07 13:04:41 <tedg> But I think that's the last part.
  235. Jul 07 13:04:46 <CRogers> tedg: need a mailing address for your hackfest cup.
  236. Jul 07 13:05:14 <CRogers> I may toss in some stickers too.
  237. Jul 07 13:05:30 <CRogers> Oh yea, I have stickers. Can we talk about that at some point? :)
  238. Jul 07 13:05:40 <tedg> I think we've also got the CI in a pretty good place. Mc helped a bunch there.
  239. Jul 07 13:06:25 <Mc> tedg: did you approve my MR for docker, btw ? ^^
  240. Jul 07 13:06:26 <tedg> I volunteered to do an interview with Gitlab as a PR piece. I was out-of-town for work last week, but need to get back on that. Give them some help for hosting all our code :-)
  241. Jul 07 13:06:49 <tedg> No clue how many downloads of the Git repo there, but I imagine that adds up.
  242. Jul 07 13:06:50 <Rob-Sterbal> what is the relationship between git, github and gitlab?
  243. Jul 07 13:07:13 <CRogers> git hub and gitlab are hosts for git archives.
  244. Jul 07 13:07:18 <Mc> Rob-Sterbal: git is a software, gitlab and github are two different websites running git
  245. Jul 07 13:07:22 <tedg> Rob-Sterbal: Git is an OSS project. Github is a proprietary hosting service that uses it. Gitlab is an OSS one.
  246. Jul 07 13:07:39 <Rob-Sterbal> tu
  247. Jul 07 13:07:41 <Rob-Sterbal> ty
  248. Jul 07 13:07:44 <CRogers> tedg wins for best explanation
  249. Jul 07 13:07:58 <bryce_> tedg, good to hear, thanks. Make sure to share the interview if it gets published :-)
  250. Jul 07 13:08:38 <tedg> It'll be on twitter, so I'm sure you'll see it, right bryce_ ? ;-)
  251. Jul 07 13:08:48 <bryce_> Tavmjong, thanks for the gsoc update. let us know if anything needs followed up on there.
  252. Jul 07 13:09:06 <doctormon> Rob-Sterbal: Git is a conservancy project, so their brothers in terms. Github is a company of a propritary project management service, GitLab is a company of an open source project management service
  253. Jul 07 13:09:12 <Rob-Sterbal> is there a table somewhere that translates names to twitter handles to irc handles?
  254. Jul 07 13:09:51 <tedg> Best I'd guess would be keybase.io :-)
  255. Jul 07 13:09:55 <JonCruz> mine's the trockiest. but I thought we had some on the wiki
  256. Jul 07 13:10:04 <doctormon> bryce_: Want to talk board election?
  257. Jul 07 13:10:07 <bryce_> doctormon, sure
  258. Jul 07 13:10:24 <bryce_> === board election ===
  259. Jul 07 13:10:29 <bryce_> doctormon, you've got the floor
  260. Jul 07 13:11:22 <doctormon> bryce_: So it looks like we have to have an election for JonCruz's spot, since the rules we have indicate missing 3 votes in a row is instant boot. We don't get to choose if the boot is applied.
  261. Jul 07 13:11:29 <Mc> (Rob-Sterbal: I have https://twitter.com/inkscape/lists/inkscape-dev/members )
  262. Jul 07 13:11:41 <doctormon> https://inkscape.org/en/*board/charter/
  263. Jul 07 13:11:59 <bryce_> doctormon, right
  264. Jul 07 13:12:27 <doctormon> So with that. We should elect a set of people and/or person to run the election of a new member.
  265. Jul 07 13:13:01 <bryce_> doctormon, yes, a proctor
  266. Jul 07 13:13:06 <Rob-Sterbal> thanks. I think I'm missing the IRC to name one now
  267. Jul 07 13:13:23 <Mc> (Rob-Sterbal: /whois)
  268. Jul 07 13:13:53 <Tavmjong> We should ping kk to see what his plans are. He's been semi active the past year.
  269. Jul 07 13:14:30 <doctormon> That's true, if anyone wants to step-down, now's a great time to do it.
  270. Jul 07 13:14:33 <Rob-Sterbal> Thanks Mc, I'm used to that not working
  271. Jul 07 13:15:06 <doctormon> bryce_: You've done this before, so a proctor vote is a board only vote by simple majority?
  272. Jul 07 13:15:56 <bryce_> JonCruz, if you're still present do you have anything you'd like to discuss?
  273. Jul 07 13:15:58 <JonCruz> plenty of fresh blood to step up, right?
  274. Jul 07 13:16:16 <bryce_> Tavmjong, that is a good idea, would you mind sending him an email and enquiring?
  275. Jul 07 13:16:26 <Tavmjong> bryce_: Sure.
  276. Jul 07 13:16:46 <bryce_> It probably goes without saying but anyone that's been on the board and steps down is welcome to re-run in future elections
  277. Jul 07 13:17:01 <Tavmjong> Of course!
  278. Jul 07 13:17:08 <rindolf> is it the meeting now?
  279. Jul 07 13:17:10 <JonCruz> for the future we mihht want to look into that leave of absence thing. but I'm personally ready to focus more on dev and architecture now
  280. Jul 07 13:17:15 <Mc> rindolf: ongoing ^^
  281. Jul 07 13:17:19 <rindolf> Mc: ah
  282. Jul 07 13:17:27 <bryce_> rindolf, yes
  283. Jul 07 13:17:30 <rindolf> I almsot forgot
  284. Jul 07 13:17:33 <rindolf> thanks
  285. Jul 07 13:17:45 <tedg> Generally speaking I don't mind running the vote again, but I'd rather help in someone else's committee to spread the knowledge.
  286. Jul 07 13:17:49 <JonCruz> giving others a chance is good for project longevity
  287. Jul 07 13:18:01 <bryce_> JonCruz, yes agreed. And thanks again for your lengthy service on the board!
  288. Jul 07 13:18:41 <bryce_> tedg, noted
  289. Jul 07 13:18:45 <JonCruz> and ironically I'm experiencing personal PC hardware failure again. did get my ph I ne set for backup though :-)
  290. Jul 07 13:18:53 <JonCruz> phone
  291. Jul 07 13:19:18 <bryce_> doctormon, yes the board elects the proctor.
  292. Jul 07 13:20:47 <doctormon> OK. So do we have candidates for proctor?
  293. Jul 07 13:21:15 <bryce_> doctormon, right, that's the main thing we need to sort
  294. Jul 07 13:21:45 <bryce_> tedg would be a great candidate for it based on his past experience doing it, although he has a fair point that would be good to bring someone new up to speed on the process
  295. Jul 07 13:22:12 <doctormon> Tavmjong: would you be interested as a less senior but more senior than I person?
  296. Jul 07 13:22:25 <bryce_> it's been pointed out that while it's not required that the person be on the board, logistically that makes the most sense
  297. Jul 07 13:22:41 <Rob-Sterbal> maybe we should have a proctor and an assistant proctor or proctor in training?
  298. Jul 07 13:23:02 <Tavmjong> doctormon: I'm quite occupied for the next few months, so go for it.
  299. Jul 07 13:23:14 <bryce_> tedg, btw who was on the committee with you last time?
  300. Jul 07 13:23:43 <tedg> bryce_: The biggest help was Maren, but I'm hoping she'll run for one of the seats, though I haven't asked here.
  301. Jul 07 13:23:45 <tedg> her
  302. Jul 07 13:23:57 <bryce_> tedg, yes I hope she runs too
  303. Jul 07 13:24:31 <doctormon> What's the restrictions for proctor and potential candidates?
  304. Jul 07 13:24:41 <tedg> You can't run if you're proctor
  305. Jul 07 13:25:08 <doctormon> If that's the only restriction, I put myself forward for proctor with tedg as mentor.
  306. Jul 07 13:25:19 <tedg> +1
  307. Jul 07 13:25:20 <Tavmjong> +1
  308. Jul 07 13:25:40 <bryce_> I believe same is true for committee members. But it probably works well to invite nominees that refuse nomination to be in the committee
  309. Jul 07 13:25:56 <bryce_> +1 for doctormo as proctor w/ tedg mentoring
  310. Jul 07 13:26:22 <Mc> that makes it 4/7
  311. Jul 07 13:26:43 <JonCruz> +1
  312. Jul 07 13:26:46 <bryce_> ScislaC, would you like to vote?
  313. Jul 07 13:27:40 <bryce_> ok, doctormon, thanks for taking on the proctor role for the election!
  314. Jul 07 13:28:05 <doctormon> bryce_: right. thanks
  315. Jul 07 13:28:10 <bryce_> I'll post an email to the inkscape lists today or this weekend announcing the vote and the start of the process
  316. Jul 07 13:28:17 <doctormon> :-D
  317. Jul 07 13:28:31 * tedg will brb
  318. Jul 07 13:28:34 <doctormon> tedg: Can you send a basic run-down of the process to me via email?
  319. Jul 07 13:28:42 <bryce_> Tavmjong, if you can get back to me and doctormon about kk soonish it would help in planning the election
  320. Jul 07 13:29:06 <Tavmjong> I've already sent an email. I'll let you know when I get a reply.
  321. Jul 07 13:29:06 <bryce_> doctormon, have you had a chance to look at the election procedure document?
  322. Jul 07 13:29:15 <bryce_> Tavmjong, excellent thanks
  323. Jul 07 13:29:25 <Tavmjong> I'll need to sign off soon...
  324. Jul 07 13:30:02 <bryce_> Tavmjong, do you have anything else to bring up for the meeting?
  325. Jul 07 13:30:11 <tedg> doctormon: Yeah, I'll find my notes from last time.
  326. Jul 07 13:30:31 <tedg> It started raining and I had my car windows open :-)
  327. Jul 07 13:30:56 <Tavmjong> bryce_: nothing urgent. I do think we need to get the 2017 budget worked out.
  328. Jul 07 13:31:21 <bryce_> doctormon, let me know if there's any other random tasks you need me to tackle wrt kicking off the election
  329. Jul 07 13:31:37 <doctormon> thanks bryce_
  330. Jul 07 13:32:03 <bryce_> Tavmjong, yeah I started looking at it but postponed when I saw how out of date ledger was. I'll get to it at some point though.
  331. Jul 07 13:32:14 <bryce_> == Other Business ==
  332. Jul 07 13:32:26 <CRogers> Stickers?
  333. Jul 07 13:32:26 <bryce_> anyone have any opens for new topics?
  334. Jul 07 13:32:32 <Lazur> forum status?
  335. Jul 07 13:32:35 <bryce_> CRogers, go ahead
  336. Jul 07 13:32:39 <Rob-Sterbal> I have some social media questions
  337. Jul 07 13:32:44 <bryce_> Lazur, ok after stickers
  338. Jul 07 13:32:47 <ryangorley> Do you want to mention the formation of the Vectors team?
  339. Jul 07 13:32:51 <CRogers> So yea, someone said we needed stickers.
  340. Jul 07 13:33:07 <CRogers> So like, I made a bunch, and ordered them.
  341. Jul 07 13:33:15 <CRogers> Everyone has seen them?
  342. Jul 07 13:33:23 <bryce_> CRogers, yep, my wife liked them
  343. Jul 07 13:33:26 <JonCruz> Cool
  344. Jul 07 13:33:56 <CRogers> Okay. well, I'm happy to send them out to people who want some.
  345. Jul 07 13:34:22 <Mc> o/
  346. Jul 07 13:34:32 <Moini> Me too!
  347. Jul 07 13:34:40 <bryce_> CRogers, I wouldn't mind a few
  348. Jul 07 13:34:40 <doctormon> CRogers: has made some stickers, but there's a question on paying for them. I'm willing to pay for some.
  349. Jul 07 13:34:50 <JonCruz> yes, please. :-)
  350. Jul 07 13:34:58 <CRogers> I'll send these out for free.
  351. Jul 07 13:35:26 <bryce_> doctormon, CRogers if either of you need help on reimbursement, email me
  352. Jul 07 13:35:31 <CRogers> Since like, we needed a vote on them or something... and something about the concervancy, and them wanting to keep them... fuck it. I'm mailing them out. ;)
  353. Jul 07 13:35:40 <JonCruz> I'll follow up on getting you some money
  354. Jul 07 13:35:47 <CRogers> We can vote on the next batch I guess.
  355. Jul 07 13:36:03 <bryce_> CRogers, yeah it's a bit of a process... :-/ but I can help spin the gears
  356. Jul 07 13:36:11 <bryce_> CRogers, ok sounds good
  357. Jul 07 13:36:14 <doctormon> The batch the Conservancy are making will be different anyway, no problem with having multiple batches.
  358. Jul 07 13:36:26 <bryce_> doctormon, right
  359. Jul 07 13:36:29 <CRogers> So here's the dea, anyone who wants a set, email me (cajhne@gmail.com) mention stickers in the subject.
  360. Jul 07 13:36:38 <CRogers> Is there anyone who has not seen the current set?
  361. Jul 07 13:36:53 <ryangorley> CRogers: I haven't yet
  362. Jul 07 13:36:59 <bryce_> Lazur, alright, if you'd like to update us on forum stuff please go ahead
  363. Jul 07 13:37:30 <CRogers> current stickers: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qzws1g3fp2wnsgf/sticker_samples_all.png?dl=1
  364. Jul 07 13:37:35 <Lazur> was just asking since I don't know where it went to development hell
  365. Jul 07 13:37:53 <CRogers> the foodey ones are my designs. I've marked others with the names of the artists.
  366. Jul 07 13:38:03 <Rob-Sterbal> what is the license on the sticker design?
  367. Jul 07 13:38:09 <ryangorley> CRogers: These are awesome! :D
  368. Jul 07 13:38:16 <CRogers> ryangorley: Thanks!
  369. Jul 07 13:38:45 <CRogers> Wanted to have them for the hackfest, but they didn't come in time.
  370. Jul 07 13:39:36 <Rob-Sterbal> My wife will like the coffee cup
  371. Jul 07 13:39:58 <JonCruz> Maybe a follow up for SCALE and such
  372. Jul 07 13:40:25 <CRogers> Rob-Sterbal: email me which ones you want and a mailing address.
  373. Jul 07 13:40:53 <JonCruz> oh, any conferences/shows we want to look at?
  374. Jul 07 13:41:49 <bryce_> Lazur, since the data is not being provided, and since we did not seem to have much pushing from the forum community, we opted to not carry it as an open agenda item for the board. If/when the situation changes we can re-look at it.
  375. Jul 07 13:41:54 <doctormon> JonCruz: Not much I could find for the fall
  376. Jul 07 13:42:00 <Rob-Sterbal> I'll print my own. My address is 523 Florence Dr, Bethel Park, PA 15102
  377. Jul 07 13:42:02 <CRogers> Rob-Sterbal: about licensing, I need to look into it. I want to sell sets of these to raise money for inkscape.
  378. Jul 07 13:42:27 <CRogers> But I think they could be a bit larger, and maybe higher res printing.
  379. Jul 07 13:42:44 <doctormon> CRogers: Keep them (C) all rights reserved for publishing and just giver inderviduals a license as they email you.
  380. Jul 07 13:42:49 <Rob-Sterbal> I'm guessing they are in SVG format somewhere :)
  381. Jul 07 13:42:51 <doctormon> CRogers: talk to me later about it
  382. Jul 07 13:43:00 <ryangorley> @bryce_ Does the board know about the new team? Should I just summarize that stuff in an email?
  383. Jul 07 13:43:05 <CRogers> Rob-Sterbal: Yep. :)
  384. Jul 07 13:43:13 <CRogers> doctormon: okay.
  385. Jul 07 13:43:25 <bryce_> ryangorley, ah right yes let's raise that
  386. Jul 07 13:43:33 <bryce_> === Vectors Team ===
  387. Jul 07 13:43:46 <Mc> CRogers: or you can put them on CC-BY
  388. Jul 07 13:44:10 <bryce_> there was an excellent kickoff meeting held for promotion/marketing
  389. Jul 07 13:44:36 <bryce_> ryangorley, why don't you update the board on status?
  390. Jul 07 13:44:38 <CRogers> Mc: depends on the kind of fundraising we want to do. Was thinking of pricing them higher, which would require a more restrictive (c) to keep people from underselling us.
  391. Jul 07 13:44:55 <ryangorley> Okay
  392. Jul 07 13:45:12 <bryce_> ryangorley, and +1 to an email; if you want help with copyediting send it to me and Il
  393. Jul 07 13:45:18 <bryce_> I'll help wordsmith :-)
  394. Jul 07 13:45:48 <ryangorley> Firstly, the name of the marketing/outreach/promotions/etc. went to vote and the winner was Inkscape Vectors
  395. Jul 07 13:45:59 <Mc> CRogers: come one, these are stickers
  396. Jul 07 13:46:08 <ryangorley> We have a team up on the site here: https://inkscape.org/en/*inkscape-vectors
  397. Jul 07 13:46:10 <CRogers> Mc: they are art.
  398. Jul 07 13:46:12 <Mc> not stuff that people are looking for cheaper resellers
  399. Jul 07 13:46:28 <doctormon> Mc, CRogers: Let's take this to #inkscape
  400. Jul 07 13:46:38 <ryangorley> We're testing out Mattermost as our real-time communication channel at: https://teams.freecreatives.org/inkscape
  401. Jul 07 13:47:31 <Lazur> hmm didn't heard about that one
  402. Jul 07 13:47:33 <ryangorley> I'll be proposing project management on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape-vectors
  403. Jul 07 13:47:38 <CRogers> +1 for Inkscape Vectors team. That name is brilliant.
  404. Jul 07 13:47:52 <tedg> Yeah, the name is cool.
  405. Jul 07 13:48:03 <Rob-Sterbal> except we sound like insects
  406. Jul 07 13:48:03 <CRogers> Very dynamic sounding.
  407. Jul 07 13:48:06 <ryangorley> (Hidden right now)
  408. Jul 07 13:48:32 <CRogers> A vector in mathematics is a point and a direction.
  409. Jul 07 13:48:36 <ryangorley> I can't take credit for the name, but it should be fun :)
  410. Jul 07 13:48:42 <CRogers> I think that's poetic.
  411. Jul 07 13:48:44 <bryce_> Rob-Sterbal, bzz bzz jointhehive bzz
  412. Jul 07 13:49:10 <Rob-Sterbal> yeah yeah yeah...
  413. Jul 07 13:49:25 <CRogers> Yars Revenge anyone?
  414. Jul 07 13:49:33 <ryangorley> I think GitLab is going to be awesome for tracking all kinds of work...
  415. Jul 07 13:49:43 <Lazur> so where a vector meeting is supposed to be announced?
  416. Jul 07 13:49:50 <Lazur> and when
  417. Jul 07 13:50:05 <ryangorley> I'll probably push out an email to inkscape-devel in the next couple days
  418. Jul 07 13:50:20 <doctormon> These kinds of satelite teams always must connect back to the mainline project. So I'd like to see meetings being announced in inkscape-user and inkscape-devel
  419. Jul 07 13:50:35 <ryangorley> doctormon: +1
  420. Jul 07 13:51:08 <bryce_> doctormon, yep agreed.
  421. Jul 07 13:51:11 <ryangorley> I'm going to propose the following sub-projects: Social, Content, Research, Press, Events, Brand, SEO
  422. Jul 07 13:51:27 <ryangorley> That's probably getting into the weeds
  423. Jul 07 13:51:32 <tedg> I think we might want to make a standing item for vectors and docs at the board meeting?
  424. Jul 07 13:51:32 <Rob-Sterbal> where does the wiki fit?
  425. Jul 07 13:51:37 <bryce_> especially with this being in mattermost vs. irc people might need a bit more heads up
  426. Jul 07 13:52:00 <bryce_> tedg, ah good suggestion
  427. Jul 07 13:52:03 <ryangorley> Basically We have a group of interested people, I'm exploring tools, and we have a TBA meeting this month
  428. Jul 07 13:52:23 <tedg> ryangorley: Great, that's exciting, good to see this moving forward!
  429. Jul 07 13:52:31 <ryangorley> @Rob-Sterbal Excellent question!
  430. Jul 07 13:52:44 <doctormon> ryangorley: Each of these sub-projects could probably be re-labeled 'processes' or 'activities' so it doesn't look like the vectors team has sub-teams.
  431. Jul 07 13:52:55 <Rob-Sterbal> http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Mattermost
  432. Jul 07 13:52:57 <bryce_> tedg, or possibly time to think about a second meeting for focusing on project management, like we've done for release stuff
  433. Jul 07 13:53:40 <Rob-Sterbal> I would probably be less annoying there :)
  434. Jul 07 13:53:43 <tedg> bryce_: Sure, but I was thinking more a short report just to keep everyone feeding into one place. Perhaps when doing releases we'd make it much the same. "Release Report"
  435. Jul 07 13:54:37 <bryce_> tedg, yep. Just thinking that we already have trouble keeping the meeting to an hour, why not formally extend it to 2 hrs with 1st half be board stuff, 2nd half general project. Or vice versa
  436. Jul 07 13:54:42 <tedg> Let's not make it a place for further discussion, just a summary more or less.
  437. Jul 07 13:55:27 <ryangorley> doctormon: I think we may actually try to find someone to own each of those groups. Names are a WIP
  438. Jul 07 13:55:29 <bryce_> tedg, of course. but even summaries can take some time, esp. if there's discussion. three 15 min status summaries is pretty much a full meeting ;-)
  439. Jul 07 13:55:32 <tedg> We have recently, I'm not quite sure why the meetings have exploded. Perhaps we need timed items.
  440. Jul 07 13:56:01 <tedg> 10 min items! ;-) /me is a solver
  441. Jul 07 13:56:35 <bryce_> tedg, keep all y'all to a timer is a fool's task I've learned ;-)
  442. Jul 07 13:56:39 <tedg> Sure, let's think about it more. Excited about vectors, like to see how we could help but also make sure the project stays moving the same direction.
  443. Jul 07 13:56:53 <bryce_> ok cool
  444. Jul 07 13:57:10 <bryce_> I think we're done with other business, and at the hour mark, so this is a good point to wrap things up.
  445. Jul 07 13:57:11 <ryangorley> That's the gist.
  446. Jul 07 13:57:28 <bryce_> === End of Meeting ===
  447. Jul 07 13:57:30 <bryce_> thanks all!
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Board Meeting - July 7, 2017

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