Meet Inkscape's New About Screen Artist
23 мая 2023 г. 19:09
Inkscape 1.3 is due to be released this summer. For each major release, we host a contest for artists who compete to have their artwork displayed on Inkscape's About Screen.
Overall, there were 54 entries submitted for the 1.3 About Screen. The Inkscape community voted, and the 5 remaining entries were then subjected to a second round of votes by the Inkscape contributors. This year was a close contest, with numerous high quality entries!
The winner of the 2023 Inkscape 1.3 About Screen Contest is Denis Kuznetsky with his illustration "Isometric Madness".
Each time we hold an About Screen Contest, we interview the winner and share the conversation with the Inkscape community. Read what our winning artist, Denis, had to say below.
Please note: Denis doesn't speak English, so the interview has been translated.
Please tell us a few things about yourself and your background.
Hello! My name is Denis and I live in Siberia, which is a cold and beautiful place.
I am a kind and positive person and I live a quiet and modest life surrounded by nature. I am fond of sports and I appreciate the kindness and knowledge of people around the world. At home, I have two cute "Pokemon" — a cat, Sonka, and a dog, Kuzya.
When did you start using Inkscape?
I've been using Inkscape for quite some time, most likely since I was 7 years old, but I can't be certain.
What made you choose Inkscape for your artwork?
I appreciate Inkscape, largely, as it is open source software. The program is free, which means that every person in the world may create with it. Also, I find Inkscape more convenient than Adobe Illustrator.
Do you use Inkscape professionally?
No, I don't work in a field where vector graphics are required, but I think this program is well suited for professional use. I believe Inkscape would be more popular amongst professionals if it wasn't for Adobe's effective marketing. With that said, I believe that Inkscape is a rival to paid vector graphics software, and I'm pleased about that.
Why did you enter the About Screen Contest?
For previous versions, I have seen people from all over the world participate in the About Screen Contest. I felt motivated by Inkscape's vast capabilities, but, for some reason, I was afraid or embarrassed to participate in the contest. Then, the day arrived: I gathered up my courage and began to create.
At some point, I realized that I had somehow missed adding the theme of the contest and I had to work around it by adding gifts and an inscription on the illustration. I even made an isometric cake with candles, but I couldn't fit it anywhere in the illustration. Then I accidentally deleted the cake forever. I enjoyed the experience.
What or who inspires your artwork?
I am inspired by the work of other people. For example, I was motivated to participate in the contest by the last winner, Chris Hildenbrand. It's like he sent me a signal saying, act, man! Atmospheric phenomena also inspire me to draw. With each event there's a different mood, immersing oneself in the space.
What are your favorite features of Inkscape?
I don't have any favorite function, since each tool and feature has its own purpose.
What improvements are you looking forward to in the upcoming release?
I'm mostly looking forward to improvements in Inkscape's core, rather than new features. The elimination of bugs, optimization, increased stability and an improved user experience. I understand that the developers are doing a great job, and I'd like to say thank you to them for their work and time. I would also like to thank those who support Inkscape in other ways, since their contributions have helped to create a great product.
Are there any other features you would like to see in Inkscape?
Personally, I have enough of everything in the application. I would like to see Inkscape work towards gaining more interest within business settings, so that more people working in professional fields switch to Inkscape and promote it. Maybe I'm writing the wrong things, perhaps Inkscape has already has this in hand.
What tips would you give to those wanting to improve their Inkscape skills?
I don't have any advice, since it's all relative to your goals. Whatever you are looking to create, it helps to watch relevant, high quality tutorials.
Thank you, Denis...
Thank you, Denis, for taking the time to answer our questions, for allowing us to share your words and views with our community and for the artwork we will display, proudly, on our 1.3 About Screen.
A quick look at the 1.3 About Screen Contest Finalists
In case you missed the contest, this slideshow contains the 5 top entries for the 1.3 About Screen Contest. Runners up included Milad Moosavi with "Portal", Djelita Abderrahmane with "Contest", and Chris Hildenbrand (the previous winner) with both "A Long Journey" and "Creative Growth".
Would you take part in the next About Screen Contest?
If you would like to enter the next About Screen Contest, consider subscribing to Inkscape News (via the email or RSS icons at the top) or you can follow us on Mastodon or Facebook where you will be updated with information on our upcoming releases.
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