Новости за 5 февраля 2022 г.

Inkscape 1.1.2, 1.2 alpha released, About Screen Contest and Other Exciting News!

Banner from Inkscape 1.1 About Screen, CC-By-SA 4.0 Ozant Liuky The stable Inkscape 1.1.2 winter release is out, fixing many bugs and crashes!
At the same time, we're also releasing a feature-packed alpha preview version of the upcoming 1.2 release, giving you the opportunity to help the project with testing all the new bells and whistles.
Along with these two releases, we're launching the About Screen Contest for Inkscape 1.2 (submission period: Feb 6 to March 6) - the prize is having your art be the symbolic image for Inkscape 1.2!
