Community Café Data migration from previous forums?
  1. #1
    Chameleon Scales Chameleon Scales @Chameleon_Scales

    Is there any plan to migrate data from either Inkscape Community or Inkscape Forum ?
    Does it even seem achieveable to any extent?

  2. #2
    brynn brynn @brynn

    If you check the Learn dropdown menu (top-right area), there's a current archive of  It's updated regularly.  Inkscape Community is comparatively too small to matter.

    Somewhat related, I'm probably going to have to close Inkscape Community completely (6 months to a year time frame).  (personal issues) (financial)  If anyone wants to adopt the huge listing of tutorials and extensions on the Home tab, please contact me.

  3. #3
    Martin Owens Martin Owens @doctormo🌹🧀

    We've developed scripts for both archiving and for copying content into this forum. But haven't got a good reason to employ it yet. It's the what and when of it that's tricky.

  4. #4
    Chameleon Scales Chameleon Scales @Chameleon_Scales

    I'm not clear why there is both a read-only version and the regular version of inkscapeforum.

  5. #5
    z3z z3z @z3z

    The read-only version is an archive of the old forum, backed up here at the official site, in case the old forum ever disappears.

    The regular version you linked to is the actual old forum hosted at The site owner over there hasn't been around for a long time and there was a concern the forum would just shut down one day without notice, hence the shiny new forum here. Although the old forum was suffering from a lack of maintenance, there is still a lot of great information there and it would be a shame if it were lost.

  6. #6
    Chameleon Scales Chameleon Scales @Chameleon_Scales

    @z3z thanks for the clarification.

  7. #7
    Flamingolady Flamingolady @flamingolady🦩

    IMHO, The Resource Page of Brynn's Inkscape Community site is too vital to lose.  Is there any way to host that page here?  I realize it's a page of links.  I'd be happy to help delete dead links.  Sounds like we have a few months before her site goes away, but hoping it can be put on the To Do list fo review once this site is up and running well.


  8. #8
    Martin Owens Martin Owens @doctormo🌹🧀

    It's certainly possible. One of the things that sort of page needs to become is a proper page on the main website, such as but that would need some training for contributors to be able to submit a new page.

    They could also post them here to the forum, but that's less useful as they would be on the website.

  9. #9
    brynn brynn @brynn

    Oh, I certainly don't mind adding all that info to the website.  But I know we don't want 3rd party links.  And that's a TON of 3rd party links. Plus, I'm not sure if the website has a good format for nested, expandable lists, or something like it?

    I've been keeping an eye on the Around the Internet page, and removing dead links (appox every 6 months is the goal, but once a year is reality, haha).  But that Resources page listing is....rough guess, 1000 links.  Around the Internet page, rough guess 30 links.  So someone checking that page, clicking 1000 links once every 6 months or even once per year.....  Well....?  And not to mention updating it from time to time (with new tutorials, etc.)

    I will try to find someone else to adopt it, and host it off site.

    I've also been trying to think of a way to upload it to my gallery Inkspace.  But so far, I haven't figured out how to upload anything with live links in it.  I know a PDF can have live links, but I don't have the right kind of program to create them.  Maybe there's a free program that could make live links in a PDF?  But even if so, I'm not sure if the gallery would accept it?

    Hhm, I wonder if LibreOffice Writer could export a PDF with live links?

    Anyway, there's plenty of time for research  🙂

  10. #10
    z3z z3z @z3z

    Chrome should do it. Select Print from the menu, then save to PDF. I just tried the home page of Inkscape Community and I've attached the file I got. Is that what you're looking for (as a starting point, at least).

    EDIT: I don't think the attachment's working. Give me a mo and I'll upload it elsewhere.

    EDIT2: It works (in Firefox, at least) if you right click and chose 'Save Link As'. You can download & save it.

    EDIT3: deleted attachment, no longer required


  11. #11
    brynn brynn @brynn


    Well I'll have to reformat the page somehow, because the expanding list code (html) doesn't seem to work in the PDF.  On the actual page, you can click on a list item, and it exands into a new list.  Nested lists, I guess.  But I'm glad to know it might not be as hard as I think to get a PDF with active links.

    I would upload it to my gallery as a test, except I was having trouble the other day deleting images.  So until I'm sure I could delete it, if it does upload, I don't want to try it.  But one step at a time.


  12. #12
    z3z z3z @z3z

    Ah, I overlooked those.

    I've been poking around some more, and tried the page with the Reader View extension installed. How does this look to you?

    EDIT: deleted attachment, no longer required

  13. #13
    brynn brynn @brynn

    Is Reader View a Chrome feature?  I don't seem to have Print to PDF in Firefox.  But it might have something to do with not being connected to a printer.  I'm not sure.

    Wow, that's a 31 page file!  It might be a good starting place though.  Umm....It doesn't open up for me as a PDF document.  At least not in my browser.  Yet, my browser's zoom doesn't work on it.  If I saved it to my system, I could probably open it with a PDF reader, and get some zooming ability.  The way I see it in my browser, I would want to tweak the text sizes and spacing, and try to make it a little easier to see and use.

    The way it is, it's hard to realize the main Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, etc. grouping.  But with some tweaking, it could work.

    Thanks for your effort and testing!

  14. #14
    Martin Owens Martin Owens @doctormo🌹🧀

    That's a bug. No file links should show in lightbox like this. And should really be in the attachments (blue dropdown) instead. :-/

  15. #15
    brynn brynn @brynn

    The PDF doesn't even show in the lightbox.  I was opening it in a new browser window.

  16. #16
    Martin Owens Martin Owens @doctormo🌹🧀

    @brynn it's showing fine in Firefox/Ubuntu if you paste the link in. It's only if you click on the item it fails.

  17. #17
    brynn brynn @brynn

    I'm not sure what you mean by "paste the link in".


    Oh, you mean upload it using the piece of paper icon?  I understand

  18. #18
    z3z z3z @z3z

    @brynn I had to install a Reader View extension in Chrome to get the result in the 2nd PDF. Firefox can print to file, but the live links weren't included, so no use. Chrome keeps the links working.

    About the file upload, it is actually uploaded to my user space here at Inkscape. I was a little confused by the upload procedure, and thought it wasn't working at first, as nothing showed (that was my EDIT1 note in my comment #10 above). However, I went back into the settings and clicked the blue toggle button and that made it display, though not in the lightbox (so added an EDIT2 comment that you could download it via right click/save link). I hadn't used the upload feature before, and I'm not sure if I did it correctly, but no attachment was showing initially. Maybe it was too big (or maybe I just screwed up!)

    EDIT: Also, if it's no problem to anyone, I will probably delete those PDFs in a day or two, as they are quite large, and are using quite a bit of my space. At least you have an idea now of what can be achieved, which was the main purpose.

  19. #19
    brynn brynn @brynn

    I've saved the 2nd one to my computer, so you can delete them.  Then if it comes down to it, I can use that one.

    Thanks again for your help!

  20. #20
    z3z z3z @z3z

    No problem, brynn 🙂

  21. #21
    Martin Owens Martin Owens @doctormo🌹🧀

    @z3z If you find you need more quota, let me know. I'm the quota master and can decide to give more space if you're using it for tutorials, and other worthwhile things.

  22. #22
    z3z z3z @z3z

    Thanks, Martin. If it becomes an issue, I'll let you know. :)

  23. #23
    Lazur Lazur @Lazur

    Interesting info here. Will keep it in mind when backing things up/deleting stuff from the old forum...

  24. #24
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moini

    As inkscapecommunity is down now, is the data still available somewhere?

  25. #25
    Lazur Lazur @Lazur

    As inkscapecommunity is down now, is the data still available somewhere?


    I don't think so. Couldn't find information the other day it happened too. Was glad it was just a dns issue and after made a few extract of some parts. 

    Like the "filters in action, filters in pack topic. To at least know what went under with openclipart.

    Only have the url-s stored -quoted messages pasted to word docs- of the first page so if it'd resurface, would continue that kind of archiving in the weekend.

  26. #26
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moini

    It's back - the tutorials (esp. 'what to do when a tool stops working') are the most important things to rescue. Do you know how to scrape a website?

  27. #27
    Lazur Lazur @Lazur

    No, haven't done such yet.

  28. #28
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moini

    (and is Brynn fine with that?)

  29. #29
    Lazur Lazur @Lazur

    Hi Friends,
    I have a little bit more info now, about closing this forum.  The financial situation is going to be worse than I thought.  And that means, I can't wait for it to happen before I close the forum.  I need to close it as soon as possible, and try to save a little before the change happens.

    So I'm going to plan to shut it down the end of January, 2020.

    I'm also going to be taking a break from participating in the Inkscape community.  I'll still be around, but just not nearly as much.  I just need a break.  The way a lot of issues have transpired have left me feeling like "no good deed goes unpunished".  So it's just time to take a break.

    Regarding the Resoures page (tutorials and extensions), I still haven't decided whether to try and maintain it (perhaps my ISP gives me enough webspace) or just hand it off to the community.  I will try and make a final update to it, before whatever happens happens.   

    If I decide to hand it off to the community, and if no one wants to adopt it, I think I'll just zip it, and upload it to Inkscape website gallery account.  Then anyone who wants it can just grab it.  It will be a very simple html file.



    Hhmm, somehow I missed Moini's message earlier.  I really think this forum is so small compared to InkscapeForum, that it's not worth the effort to make an archive with it.  Although I would love if he could make one for Inkscape for Cutting Design.  But I already asked him, and didn't get a reply.  So I guess that's a  no.

    My break might not be as much of a break as I wanted.  Or maybe it will just be a little longer before I do it.  In fact, I'm glad to hear from you Lazur. 

    I've been trying to drum up enough interest to start the same sort of "program" or "system" that I have here, for users submitting tutorials for the community, but on the Inkscape website.  Fyi, the interest is little to none.  But that little bit is enough that I'm going to try it.   I know for a fact that users will appreciate it, even if developers aren't interested.  You'll see it first on the Tutorials page of the Inkscape website (in maybe a week or 2, hopefully).  And I'm not sure if there might be a special chatroom for it, or if we would use the Documentation chatroom.  That would be where tutorial authors can ask questions.

    So Lazur, if you want to submit some of the tutorials that you have here, for the website, let me know.  I imagine that most of yours will end up being advanced level tutorials (or at least intermediate), and those will be few and far between.  So if you're interested, there will be a place for them.

    I'm still working out exactly how the system will work, but I'm going to try it.



  30. #30
    brynn brynn @brynn

    I'd be totally fine if Jabier wants to make an archive of Inkscape Community forum.  It just seems so small, compared to InkscapeForum.  Actually I'd rather see Inkscape for Cutting Design made into an archive.  But since I don't have the skills, I'm pretty powerless.  Although I certainly could give access to the server, if that would make it easier.  I mean....couldn't the whole thing be just transferred from my server to the Inkscape server, but set for read-only at the server level?  I'm not sure how large it is, off the top of my head.  But that wouldn't take much time at all.

    I'm planning to put some of the tutorials which I reference the most, on the Inkscape website, as part of the new official tutorials "program" or "system" that I want to set up..  I'm just trying to nail down exactly how the tutorials would be presented on the website.  It seems to be my decision least for now.  I'll try to get it finalized this week.

    (Sorry for the apparent down times on Inkscape Community.  If I wasn't about to close it down, I would investigate.  Well, if I wasn't about the close it, I would be moving to a new webhost anyway.  But that's moot now.  Anyway, sorry for the outages.)

  31. #31
    Kirstie Kirstie @Kirstie🌷

    Hi Brynn, Maren and Lazur,
    I have made snapshots on the Wayback Machine of the inkscape community forum. And I have put a link in the tutorials section here.
    That is for the time being, until Brynn has the tutorials system here online.

    If you have some tips which tutorials should be saved, please post them here or make a copy on the wayback machine yourself.
    There are browser plugins that make it easy to make a copy for the internetarchive, one page at the time.

    I have also tried to make copies of the Cutting Design website, but the png's do not show up. So these snapshots do not work very well.

  32. #32
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moini

    You can use HTTrack also, for making complete local copies.

    (available in Ubuntu repos, too)

  33. #33
    brynn brynn @brynn

    (It seems none of the attachments for Inkscape Cutting Design are showing up on Wayback Machine.  I will investigate further later this week.  It might or might not be fixable.)

    Thanks for doing that  Kirstie!

  34. #34
    Kirstie Kirstie @Kirstie🌷

    Maren Hachmann 🐙 18 hours, 52 minutes ago You can use HTTrack also, for making complete local copies. (available in Ubuntu repos, too)

    Hi Maren,
    Exactly when you posted that, I was using Httrack to make an offline copy of the Cutting Design Forum. :-)
    It is about 1.2 GB big.
    That forum has good information for people with home cutters or plotters.

    @Brynn, You're welcome. The Wayback Machine does not always make complete copies of websites and forums.
    Sometimes a server stops the automatic process or .. well, I do not know. That is why I did it manually to make sure the links worked.

  35. #35
    brynn brynn @brynn

    When you make a local copy using HTTrack, does it look just like it does on the website itself?  Or does it create directories of files and folders?

  36. #36
    Kirstie Kirstie @Kirstie🌷

    Hi Brynn,

    Httrack creates folders etc. And there is an html file. When you click on that, it opens in the browser as an offline working website.

    Does it answer your question?

  37. #37
    brynn brynn @brynn

    Yes, thanks.

    Just now in the website chatroom, jabier is talking about scraping Inkscape Community forum, and making an archive, like he did with InkscapeForum.  Probably will be just the forum, at least from what I understand at the moment.

  38. #38
    Kirstie Kirstie @Kirstie🌷

    Hi Brynn,
    I've found the chat by now- allbeit a bit later than Christmas-  It is great that the Inkscape Community forum is being saved by Jabier!
    Will the Cutting Design Forum close down next month too?

  39. #39
    brynn brynn @brynn

    Yes, it will be closed too.  I know that some people think the tutorials there are still helpful.  And they really are, in some cases.  But honestly, most of them were written with version 0.46, or maybe 0.47 and earlier.  Probably most with 0.45, I would guess.  It would be great if it could be made into an archive too.  But I feel so humbled already with Inkscape Community being archived, I can't bring myself to ask.

    I still haven't had a chance to figure out why the images aren't being saved by, where we both tried to save those tutorials.  I might have to try and contact them....or at least read up on their documentation.  If we can get them all archived over there, we can make a forum post with links to them all.  Maybe I'll contact Heather (my only moderator over there) to see if she can help too.

  40. #40
    Kirstie Kirstie @Kirstie🌷

    Hi Brynn,
    If you feel that a lot of the tutorials on cuttingdesign are outdated, perhaps it is best to concentrate on making and posting new tutorials on
    I have made an offline copy of the site. But as I do not have any home plotter myself, it is a bit abstract knowledge to me.
    (Who knows I might buy one in the near future?).
    The Wayback Machine does not give any clue what could be wrong.

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Community Café Data migration from previous forums?