Beyond the Basics Resize Pages w/Objects Too
  1. #1
    FwhPixelink FwhPixelink @Fwhpixelink

    I get how to resize pages.

    However, how do I resize a page including the objects on it too... both at once?


  2. #2
    bleke bleke @bleke

    I don't think you can. I would draw a rectangle, snapping it to the page border and group all objects with the rectangle. Then resize the page, snap one corner of the rectangle to a corner of the page and resize the group until the other edge of the rectangle snaps to the page.

    Then ungroup and delete the rectangle.

  3. #3
    FwhPixelink FwhPixelink @Fwhpixelink

    Okay, that is what I thought.

    So, I would like to make this a feature suggestion please.

    Affinity Designer (whom I have left yesterday) had this very feature.

    How it works....

    They have Artboards, they work very similar to the way Pages work in Inkscape.
    You can adjust each board's size individually.

    They had an option (see image) called "Lock Children"

    When this is checked (enabled), you could resize the artboard(s) and all the objects on each artboard(s) would stay untouched (not resized)

    But, If the option is disabled (unchecked) you could resize the artboard(s) and all the objects would proportionally resize with the artboard(s).keeping their appropriate position based on the resize.


    I know you have to go an resize the objects manually as Bleke mentions.
    But, this is not ideal because we don't want to have resize the page to the objects. (that's a different use case)


    I have used Affinity as a means to design assets and buttons for Godot game engine.
    Then I would export each artboard as a transparent PNG.

    Using vector over raster has its advantages when designing.

    What sometimes happens is that after making all my assets at one size...
    Then import into Godot, I may change my mind because the graphic look to big in game.

    So, I would go back into Affinity and just select ALL artboards, uncheck the "Lock Chilldren" option
    Then resize to my new size.

    All asset resize perfectly just as if I has resized using grouped objects.

    The reason this is critical is because Godot allows 4 button states that can hold a graphic for each button state
    (Normal, Hover, Pressed (down), Disabled)

    If I try to this in Inkscape it is going to be very tough to get all my graphics back to the exact location on each page if I have to manually resize them.

    So, if I import into Godot from Inkscape and the button are off by a pixel, then in the game you will notics that the button are off when you hover etc.


    1) Allow us to resize all selected Pages
    2) Put a toggle button next to the "Move overlaping" button that allows us to resize (or not) objects on all selected pages just as if we had grouped pages and objects together (even though we can't technically)

    This way we can resize page and objects together if we need too.




    Inkscape Resizepages
  4. #4
    FwhPixelink FwhPixelink @Fwhpixelink

    So, another issue I see with not being able to resize page with objects is.
    If I want to add a page and then copy and paste an object. It doesn't paste it in the same location (on page 2) as the 1st page.

    in Illustrator and Affinity, the coordinate system is "artboard" specific.
    Meaning that Each artboards most left coordinates is 0... each.

    But in Inkscape Only the inside-page coordinate of 0 is on page 1.. Then on page 2 the inside-page left-most coordinate is 1122

    Then if I try to place an object at 0 on inside-page 2, it actually goes to page 1.

    It seems that objects and pages have no real connection. So, I am not sure what the point of these pages are.

    I notice this if I want to create a 2nd page, then copy objects from page 1 onto page 2 in the same location as page 1,
    it doesn't. it only paste the objects where ever your mouse is.

    Notice in my screen shot.
    Each object was originally put on each separate page.
    But, the when I manually enter 0 on the objects panel, it goes to page 1.

    In the screen shot, this is Affinity (bottom right). The left-most coordinate is 3.4 pixels. That is the same for all the artboards.

    That allows me to manually place objects on each artboard in the same position.

    Therefore trying the create duplicate graphics, in the same position on multiple pages is very difficult.
    Because there is no separate coordinate system for each individual page (artboard)

    The pages and coordinate systems needs some improvements.

    It doesn't work even close to how Illustrator or Affinity work. There is such a vast disconnect between pages and objects.

    Inkscape Resizepages2
  5. #5
    Grobe Grobe @Grobe

    You probably know this, but just in case you don't - do this to align to pixels

    • When exporting - always select 96 dpi.
    • Grid offset should be 0.50000 pixels
  6. #6
    bleke bleke @bleke

    Multiple page support is a very new thing in Inkscape and still a work in progress. Some of the things you mention are being addressed just now.

    You have some valid suggestions. I suggest you edit them down as much as possible (developers don't have much time to read lots of text) and report them here ("This inbox is a "friendly feedback zone", we welcome questions, comments, ideas, and bug reports that pertain to the Inkscape software, its related components, and the project in general")

    Don't forget to search and see if there already are similar requests in which case you can add your comments to those.

  7. #7
    FwhPixelink FwhPixelink @Fwhpixelink


    But you it does say in a pinned thread to be specific and detailed as much as possible.

    That's why my posts are long.

    I will try to be more generic.

    I also found that list email I can submit my request too.


  8. #8
    bleke bleke @bleke

    you did say

    Not me. I'm just a user, just like you. :)

  9. #9
    FwhPixelink FwhPixelink @Fwhpixelink

    Sorry, didn't know
    I corrected my post

  10. #10
    FwhPixelink FwhPixelink @Fwhpixelink

    I submitted my request to the Devel Mailing List as suggested by pinned thread.

    But, it came back as rejected because I am not a memebr of this list.

    So, where do I submit feature requests or how to I join the mailing list?


  11. #11
    bleke bleke @bleke

    I see "Sign up" in the top right corner.

    And I still think Gitlab is the correct place for feature requests. You can still discuss the issue on the mailing list but Gitlab is where you should formally post the request.

  12. #12
    FwhPixelink FwhPixelink @Fwhpixelink

    Okay, got all my requests submitted on GitLab. Thanks