Beyond the Basics Parallel Installation on Windows7
  1. #1
    oblio oblio @oblio

    I think I want to do a parallel installation of Inkscape 1.1.1 on my Win7 Home 64 bit machine with the current 92.5 remaining on the machine.  All the current info I can find about installing Inkscape starts with "always remove/uninstall the previous version before updating!". But the Inkscape 1.1.1 Windows Download page also says "for parallel installations... use compressed .7z archives... (ensure) extract into empty folder".  Also, the Inkscape Beginners' Guide article 'Installing Inkscape on Windows' acknowledges the same compressed archive guidance.  This seems to be the latest guidance - covering Inkscape 1.0 and Win7.

    Seems straight forward enough, but I wondered if anyone has experience (good or bad) with parallel installation of 1.1.1 on Win7 and could advise specifics to avoid problems.  If anyone knows of a tutorial about parallel installation on Win7 or Windows in general I would appreciate that also.

    Many thanks in advance.


  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    How would you feel about a dual-booting installation of Linux?  You would get a faster version of Inkscape and a backup OS if Win has a problem.

    I use dual boot on one machine (both OS on the same drive), and a dual boot on my laptop with Linux Mint on one SSD and Win8.1 on the other SSD.

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beyond the Basics Parallel Installation on Windows7