I've created a PDF document containing a bunch of images - both vectors and bitmaps. The bitmaps are very high resolution (print), but a web version would have to be distributed too. Is there a way to lower the resolution of the images in export/saving?
One can make a web-version file using Alt-B to make duplicate image objects, then delete the high resolution originals from the file. Preferences allows setting the Alt-B resolution.
Okay... So I understand that the only way is to actually create a copy of the file with downsampled images. I was hoping that there was a setting hidden somewhere in the PDF-settings. Too bad. Thanks for both advice.
btw... the resample extension won't nicely resample if you just put "25%" in there. (3520/4 would work though)
I've created a PDF document containing a bunch of images - both vectors and bitmaps. The bitmaps are very high resolution (print), but a web version would have to be distributed too. Is there a way to lower the resolution of the images in export/saving?
There´s for instance Extensions->Raster->Resample which accepts maths quotes.
One can make a web-version file using Alt-B to make duplicate image objects, then delete the high resolution originals from the file. Preferences allows setting the Alt-B resolution.
Okay... So I understand that the only way is to actually create a copy of the file with downsampled images. I was hoping that there was a setting hidden somewhere in the PDF-settings. Too bad. Thanks for both advice.
btw... the resample extension won't nicely resample if you just put "25%" in there. (3520/4 would work though)
In macOS I can use Preview.app to adjust quality/resolution of PDFs:
@Polygon is that a MacOS thing? Because under Linux I don't see that. But I guess there will indeed be external tools to allow that. I'll check those.
Yup. Maybe there´s an equivalent PDF viewer for Linux.
For people using Linux (or aren't afraid of the command line) - ghostscript is your friend here.
Scientific-Inkscape's Autoexporter will do that: https://github.com/burghoff/Scientific-Inkscape