Beginners' Questions path with several colors
  1. #1
    shemesh shemesh @shemesh


    say i have some arbitrary path. for example:

    how can i make it be like this ?


  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Maybe this:

  3. #3
    David248 David248 @David248

    The problem with using clones is that the wider path is distributed right ans left of the smaller one.

    To achieve the look you want, I'd set a thick stroke, duplicate and convert stroke to path, then remove the left part of the outline.

    Another way is using Offset LPE : 

    • clone the path (Alt + D)
    • select the clone with object's panel (Ctrl + shift + L), then open Live Path Effects (LPE) (ctrl + &) panel and apply it an Offset LPE If the original stroke is, let'say, 4 mm, use a 2 mm offset.
    • During this process, you can see in LPE's panel that the cloning process as been transformed in a Clone Original LPE (just on top of offset LPE) : click on it, and in the attributes TextField, remove "style," and click on the tick icon right to this textfield, so that you can set a different stroke width and color.
    • Now you can select the original with object's panel and if needed modify it with node tool : the "clone" will follow.

  4. #4
    Paddy_CAD Paddy_CAD @Paddy_CAD

    Here's another method.

    Duplicate the initial path [ctrl+d]. Set the stroke colour. Increase the stroke width. Send to back.
    Duplicate again. Use the Bezier Pen tool [b] to close the path. Fill and no stroke.
    Select the lower two paths (grey & orange). Stroke to path.
    Select all three paths. [Path > Flatten] or [shift+f].

  5. #5
    shemesh shemesh @shemesh


    i think @David248 answer is best for me.

    is there a way to make it a "macro" so all those steps will be applied in a single click?

    **answer to myself: write extension**