Beginners' Questions Missing Color Wheel for 1.3.2
  1. #1
    krisgarreco krisgarreco @krisgarreco

    I not sure if they took it away in version 1.3.2, but I can't seem to pull up the color wheel in the Fill and Stroke panel. I have the RGB selected and I can adjust it that way, but I am used to picking off the color wheel. Can anyone guide me?

  2. #2
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    There has not been a color wheel for RGB mode for many years (checked down to 1.2.2) and I was told by one of the UX guys "that it doesn´t makes sense". Krita don´t has it for this color mode as well while GIMP has one in addition.

  3. #3
    krisgarreco krisgarreco @krisgarreco

    I made a big jump in versions recently. I found the wheel useful and I am even considering going back to an older version to get it back. Thanks for letting me know!