Beginners' Questions Make the white become transparent
  1. #1
    ColinKing ColinKing @ColinKing

    I have imported a .png image. Converted it to an .svg. Now I would like to remove all the white and make it transparent. Can this be done with the Edit > Select Same command. Not much out there.

  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Depending on the settings used for the Trace Bitmap, it might be simple. Care to share the svg or original bitmap?


  3. #3
    ColinKing ColinKing @ColinKing

    Sure. It is from a YouTube channel and I have to see if I can share it. Depending on the answer I will email you the .svg of it and the .png too. 👍

  4. #4
    ColinKing ColinKing @ColinKing

    I think I bit off more than I can chew, so I am going to abandon it. Better off doing it when I have more time under my belt.

  5. #5
    Domino22 Domino22 @Domino22

    Well, never give up !! 😉

    it should be interesting for others examples... should't it ?

    I mean,... Try to share "simple" shape with the same colors and the same requirements, then we will have a pretty good idea of the problem ?!


    Ne pas abandonner !!

    il pourrait etre interessant pour d autres exemples, n est ce pas ?.

    je veux dire... Essaies de partager une forme basique avec les memes couleurs et contraintes, nous aurons alors une idee assez precise du probleme ?!


  6. #6
    Guerreiro64 Guerreiro64 @Guerreiro64

    Strange that the color remained white. I tested it with an old drawing of mine, I went to Path > Trace Bitmap... and Inkscape eliminated the white for me, without any problems. Of course, some adjustments to the options would be necessary:



    Trace Bitmap 02
  7. #7
    Domino22 Domino22 @Domino22

    Well, nice drawing !! 😉 and pretty good example !

    I should like to have some news about @accent's imported image...

    may be there were more colors or constraincts ?


    Eh bien, joli dessin ! ! 😉 et assez bon exemple !

    J'aimerais bien avoir des nouvelles de l'image importée par @accent...

    peut-être y avait-il plus de couleurs ou plus de contraintes ?

  8. #8
    Guerreiro64 Guerreiro64 @Guerreiro64

    Thank you, Domino22. :) This drawing I made in Gimp, a few years ago, just to learn how to use Inkscape's "trace bitmap".

    As for the image of the topic, it remains to wait for the author to manifest himself...

  9. #9
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    The OP has declined to pursue this, at this time. No point in further speculation.

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions Make the white become transparent