I have imported a .png image. Converted it to an .svg. Now I would like to remove all the white and make it transparent. Can this be done with the Edit > Select Same command. Not much out there.
Strange that the color remained white. I tested it with an old drawing of mine, I went to Path > Trace Bitmap... and Inkscape eliminated the white for me, without any problems. Of course, some adjustments to the options would be necessary:
I have imported a .png image. Converted it to an .svg. Now I would like to remove all the white and make it transparent. Can this be done with the Edit > Select Same command. Not much out there.
Depending on the settings used for the Trace Bitmap, it might be simple. Care to share the svg or original bitmap?
Sure. It is from a YouTube channel and I have to see if I can share it. Depending on the answer I will email you the .svg of it and the .png too. 👍
I think I bit off more than I can chew, so I am going to abandon it. Better off doing it when I have more time under my belt.
Well, never give up !! 😉
it should be interesting for others examples... should't it ?
I mean,... Try to share "simple" shape with the same colors and the same requirements, then we will have a pretty good idea of the problem ?!
Ne pas abandonner !!
il pourrait etre interessant pour d autres exemples, n est ce pas ?.
je veux dire... Essaies de partager une forme basique avec les memes couleurs et contraintes, nous aurons alors une idee assez precise du probleme ?!
Strange that the color remained white. I tested it with an old drawing of mine, I went to Path > Trace Bitmap... and Inkscape eliminated the white for me, without any problems. Of course, some adjustments to the options would be necessary:
Well, nice drawing !! 😉 and pretty good example !
I should like to have some news about @accent's imported image...
may be there were more colors or constraincts ?
Eh bien, joli dessin ! ! 😉 et assez bon exemple !
J'aimerais bien avoir des nouvelles de l'image importée par @accent...
peut-être y avait-il plus de couleurs ou plus de contraintes ?
Thank you, Domino22. :) This drawing I made in Gimp, a few years ago, just to learn how to use Inkscape's "trace bitmap".
As for the image of the topic, it remains to wait for the author to manifest himself...
The OP has declined to pursue this, at this time. No point in further speculation.