Well. I thought I'd already done that. ( My Sept 9 post above.) But with version 1.0.1 I can't find the enable Autosave checkbox selection. I need some help.
I always set my autosave! It has helped me immensely! However, with version 1.0, it does not save unless I go in and delete everything from the folder once it has 100 saves in it. I know it's not a bad idea to do that, but I never had to remember to do that before the update. Any suggestions?
Having a rapid autosave interval may interfere with using and saving large files.
A very large file can take a few minutes to save.
If the autosave interval is less than the time to save a file, what happens when auto-save interrupts the save process?
I'd set the autosave for 5 minutes or more. You won't lose much if there is a crash and the crash-file is not intact.
There should be no need to have more than a handful of autosaves files. These are only needed if the crash-file is missing or unusable.
If versioning is wanted, I would still suggest using a handful of autosaves for backup and manually Save-as with a new version number for significant revisions (milestones).
@TylerDurden for versioning, is saving with a incrementing number really the only way? If so, an enhancement request, including timed and push-button autosaves, and a roll-back command integrated in the UI is seriously needed to bring working with Inkscape into the 90's.
This simple caveat deserves high praise! It is so obvious that even I didn't notice it. Tyler, thank you very much! I'm including this suggestion as the final section in my tutorial -- last but not least!
Tyler's recommendation on setting the Autosave function has been added to the "Installing Inkscape" chapter as the last section. Once again, thank you, Tyler, for being on top of this small, and yet significant bit of information.
Welcome aboard! And no, this is not the Titanic! Inkscape is unsinkable! I salute you for your enthusiasm, especially as a mid-fart entering old-farthood!
To get to Preferences, click on Edit in the Command Bar. You'll find Preferences at the bottom of the menu listing. Explore changing this and that tool's settings. You won't break anything. If Inkscape crashes, which it does frequently with me, but that's how I am, just exit out of it and get back in. And, of course, continue playing.
Hmmmm... That's curious! On my laptop, the very top of the window shows what's called the Title Bar. There should be a small Inkscape logo visible at the extreme left, followed by the name of the file that you're working on. Then comes a hyphen and "Inkscape." At the extreme right, you should see, in order, a dash, a figure of two squares, one in front of the other, and finally, an X (the Exit icon).
If you don't see that very top bar, then, the only thing I can think of right now is that the working window (what should appear) is larger than your computer screen. Can you scroll up and, hopefully, see the very top of the Inkscape window?
I also suggest clicking on the two squares in the upper right corner. They should become one square, indicating that the window might be now at a lower magnification. Then, click on the square symbol again and see whether the window resizes itself properly to your screen. It might just be a problem of screen magnification and that is easy to take care of. I frequently resize my screen so I can fit two or more windows on the screen. If this is your first time with resizing windows, that's alright. Just play around around until your comfort level elevates to the point of, "Oh! That's all?! Okay!" And life sallies forth.
I'll be away for a while. In the meantime, don't be concerned about the frustrations. Play with the challenges!
I forgot to say that right underneath the title bar, you should the Command Bar with the word Edit second from the left. Sometimes I get lost in the loquaciousness of my prose. Sorry! Roy
I just thought of something that might help. I just remembered that I mention the Command Bar in one of my tutorials. If you go to Tutorial 1 of my tutorial, here at
you'll see the top of a typical Inkscape work window. Hopefully that will help. By the way, please feel free to peruse through the tutorial. If it helps, great! That's what it's there for.
Getting there. Under Preferences Input/Output comes Autosave which shows check next to Enable and 10 minutes for following two options. Now I will study up on Roy's tutorials. Thanks all!
I've got the sudden electricity shut-off while working on my project. I was afraid that my project might be lost forever. Now I've just realized that Inkscape has an autosave feature (thanks to this thread!). Then after I checked for a few minutes ago, my project has already recovered perfectly! 😂 I'm glad that the recovered file isn't corrupted/broken after a sudden accident.
Thank you so much for make this feature available. Autosave is a life saver!
Thank you for point out this feature too. This is really a helpful information for a beginner like me 😅👍
I've enable the autosave (or i guess it's ON by default (the autosave check is ticked)) and this morning my pc crashed. Upon checking the default folder, i cannot find any save files. Even the default autosave folder is not there!
This is the folder. C:\Users\{MyPcUsername)\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\inkscape
Too bad i just submitted the design screenshot to client and just realize it don't even have a single save. :(
edit: Changed autosave folder to a folder in My Documents, and now autosaves files start populating the folder. Is the default folder cannot be written by default? or INetCache folder not present resulting in inkscape cannot create autosave folder? Maybe inkscape team can default the autosave folder to somewhere sensible and writeable.
I can't find autosave anywhere in the version I have on my computer. I've followed the instructions but 'save' is nowhere to be found. It's supposed to be the latest version that was downloaded
I even simplified the path and put the autosave at four minutes. Empty. I have two separate drawings open for about a half hour now too.
Now that I have poked around. I see this dated file in the folder I save my drawings in. They aren't saving to the path/folder specified in the autosave dialog. Interesting. At least I know where they go now.
I fiddled around some including a reboot. And now it does in fact autosave to the folder you specify in the autosave dialog. It seems to only autosave the document you are actively working on.
It wasn't on by default for me, in the latest version of Inkscape portable on Windows. Had to turn it on manually. Should be on by default. It's a great feature to be able to Save AUTOmatically.
Isn´t that an expected behaviour? I mean when you´re not working on it no changes take place - no need to autosave - I guess.
Well, what if you tab over to a different project without saving before the 10 minute auto-save window has been fulfilled? That would be unfortunate if a crash were to happen then.
Lately I have been having issues with the program locking up when I try to save my file. I used your suggestion and it said my auto save was on. Look how long my extension is though. Could this be the issue? I have not made any changes to it except removing my name that it had in it. I have removed to protect my name. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have been using this app more and more. Thanks in Advance.
@CheyenneJoy, the length of the path you describe is common, and not likely the source of the slowdown. That said, you may want to change the autosave location to a more user-friendly directory.
I think the directions might need to be updated. I'm looking at the Input/Output tab, but do not see an autosave page. Am I missing something? I am on Ubuntu, if that matters.
I have autosave active, but when my computer shuts down unexpectedly - battery dies - I DO NOT see any autosaved files in the folder structure, in the UI when I relaunch Inkscape, no where. this feature is not behaving as expected and I dare say is NOT WORKING at all.
I am in version 1.2
I might be seing XML files but those are not .svg backups
Hi all! Running Ubuntu here. I've checked the Input/Output tab, but there's no autosave page visible. Has its location changed, or am I missing something?
Nobody expects a computer crash, but they happen.
Or your dog/cat/kid/co-worker/system-update closes Inkscape unexpectedly.
Loss of data and the resulting heartache can be avoided by configuring your autosave settings in the Preferences dialog:
The files will have an automatically generated name and date.
It is usually impossible to recover a corrupted file. It is so easy to open an autosaved file and keep working.
Check it now!
UPDATE: If you reset your preferences, you will need to manually re-set the autosave directory, if you set a custom path.
Thank you! Often these things get overlooked and this beginner (me!) is grateful for all these tips :).
Thanks!! Excellent tip, will save me hours!!
Thanks for the tip.
I decided the default directory was pretty obscure, so I changed the location to $HOME/Inkscape/Autosave. That should let me find it easily.
Thanks for the tip.
I'm moving in from coreldraw and despite my learning this the hard way on corel, I'm yet to enable the feature 😅
Thank you for this tip...Nice one Great help!
very useful information...
big thanks😁
Thank you! I am totally new at Inkscape and autosave was the first thing I always need to set with a new app.
This is true. It has been locked many times while working with a program, system or program, but with automatic file backup.
Well after I started to actually pay attention to what was written-sigh- I got the autosave change made. Thanks for the reminder-Well Done.
Well. I thought I'd already done that. ( My Sept 9 post above.) But with version 1.0.1 I can't find the enable Autosave checkbox selection. I need some help.
Click on the little triangle on the left to open "Input/Output" completely.
Brilliant, PixelPest. Thanks for that.
I always set my autosave! It has helped me immensely!
However, with version 1.0, it does not save unless I go in and delete everything from the folder once it has 100 saves in it.
I know it's not a bad idea to do that, but I never had to remember to do that before the update.
Any suggestions?
Thank you!!!
Having a rapid autosave interval may interfere with using and saving large files.
There should be no need to have more than a handful of autosaves files. These are only needed if the crash-file is missing or unusable.
If versioning is wanted, I would still suggest using a handful of autosaves for backup and manually Save-as with a new version number for significant revisions (milestones).
@TylerDurden for versioning, is saving with a incrementing number really the only way? If so, an enhancement request, including timed and push-button autosaves, and a roll-back command integrated in the UI is seriously needed to bring working with Inkscape into the 90's.
Yes, excellent tip.
This simple caveat deserves high praise! It is so obvious that even I didn't notice it. Tyler, thank you very much! I'm including this suggestion as the final section in my tutorial -- last but not least!
Here's the link to where I'll add the section on Autosave: https://roy-torley.github.io/Inkscape_Tutorial/Installing_Inkscape/Installing_Inkscape.html
You have my appreciation,
Hi Everybody,
Tyler's recommendation on setting the Autosave function has been added to the "Installing Inkscape" chapter as the last section. Once again, thank you, Tyler, for being on top of this small, and yet significant bit of information.
Best wishes to all,
hello i like this beginner questions
OK, I am female, 80, but not too old to learn. Where or what do I click on to locate Preferences?
Hello Lucien,
Welcome aboard! And no, this is not the Titanic! Inkscape is unsinkable! I salute you for your enthusiasm, especially as a mid-fart entering old-farthood!
To get to Preferences, click on Edit in the Command Bar. You'll find Preferences at the bottom of the menu listing. Explore changing this and that tool's settings. You won't break anything. If Inkscape crashes, which it does frequently with me, but that's how I am, just exit out of it and get back in. And, of course, continue playing.
Best wishes,
I don't see the Command Bar or Edit?
Hmmmm... That's curious! On my laptop, the very top of the window shows what's called the Title Bar. There should be a small Inkscape logo visible at the extreme left, followed by the name of the file that you're working on. Then comes a hyphen and "Inkscape." At the extreme right, you should see, in order, a dash, a figure of two squares, one in front of the other, and finally, an X (the Exit icon).
If you don't see that very top bar, then, the only thing I can think of right now is that the working window (what should appear) is larger than your computer screen. Can you scroll up and, hopefully, see the very top of the Inkscape window?
I also suggest clicking on the two squares in the upper right corner. They should become one square, indicating that the window might be now at a lower magnification. Then, click on the square symbol again and see whether the window resizes itself properly to your screen. It might just be a problem of screen magnification and that is easy to take care of. I frequently resize my screen so I can fit two or more windows on the screen. If this is your first time with resizing windows, that's alright. Just play around around until your comfort level elevates to the point of, "Oh! That's all?! Okay!" And life sallies forth.
I'll be away for a while. In the meantime, don't be concerned about the frustrations. Play with the challenges!
Best wishes,
I forgot to say that right underneath the title bar, you should the Command Bar with the word Edit second from the left. Sometimes I get lost in the loquaciousness of my prose. Sorry! Roy
Hi Lucien,
I just thought of something that might help. I just remembered that I mention the Command Bar in one of my tutorials. If you go to Tutorial 1 of my tutorial, here at
you'll see the top of a typical Inkscape work window. Hopefully that will help. By the way, please feel free to peruse through the tutorial. If it helps, great! That's what it's there for.
Wishing you success,
Actually, the Edit menu is in the Menu bar.
Getting there. Under Preferences Input/Output comes Autosave which shows check next to Enable and 10 minutes for following two options. Now I will study up on Roy's tutorials. Thanks all!
Hi Tyler,
Thanks for the correction. I got a little dyslexic with terms.
Terminally yours,
Thank you!
I've got the sudden electricity shut-off while working on my project. I was afraid that my project might be lost forever. Now I've just realized that Inkscape has an autosave feature (thanks to this thread!). Then after I checked for a few minutes ago, my project has already recovered perfectly! 😂 I'm glad that the recovered file isn't corrupted/broken after a sudden accident.
Thank you so much for make this feature available. Autosave is a life saver!
Thank you for point out this feature too. This is really a helpful information for a beginner like me 😅👍
👍Thx for the tip.
I've enable the autosave (or i guess it's ON by default (the autosave check is ticked)) and this morning my pc crashed.
Upon checking the default folder, i cannot find any save files. Even the default autosave folder is not there!
This is the folder.
Too bad i just submitted the design screenshot to client and just realize it don't even have a single save. :(
edit: Changed autosave folder to a folder in My Documents, and now autosaves files start populating the folder.
Is the default folder cannot be written by default? or INetCache folder not present resulting in inkscape cannot create autosave folder?
Maybe inkscape team can default the autosave folder to somewhere sensible and writeable.
Hi, It is excellent. Thanks it helped me.
Please report this as a bug. Thanks.
This Helps A LOTTT
I can't find autosave anywhere in the version I have on my computer. I've followed the instructions but 'save' is nowhere to be found. It's supposed to be the latest version that was downloaded
Amazingly. Autosave doesn't work.
@FrankBlourtango Have you checked in the right spot?
I even simplified the path and put the autosave at four minutes. Empty. I have two separate drawings open for about a half hour now too.
Now that I have poked around. I see this dated file in the folder I save my drawings in. They aren't saving to the path/folder specified in the autosave dialog. Interesting. At least I know where they go now.
Version 1.1 here too. I should have said so.
Not sure about other OS but you may need to restart Inkscape to make the new absolut path working.
I fiddled around some including a reboot. And now it does in fact autosave to the folder you specify in the autosave dialog. It seems to only autosave the document you are actively working on.
Thanks for the help!
Isn´t that an expected behaviour? I mean when you´re not working on it no changes take place - no need to autosave - I guess.
Yes. That's what you'd expect it to do.
Thank devs this option is ON by default!
Was using inkscape with unsaved file when my screen went black.
Replugging cable did not help. Had to reset the sustem any could not save the file
Waht a relief inkscape made an autosave that has almost all my changes
It wasn't on by default for me, in the latest version of Inkscape portable on Windows. Had to turn it on manually. Should be on by default. It's a great feature to be able to Save AUTOmatically.
Well, what if you tab over to a different project without saving before the 10 minute auto-save window has been fulfilled? That would be unfortunate if a crash were to happen then.
Lately I have been having issues with the program locking up when I try to save my file. I used your suggestion and it said my auto save was on. Look how long my extension is though. Could this be the issue? I have not made any changes to it except removing my name that it had in it. I have removed to protect my name. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have been using this app more and more. Thanks in Advance.
/Users/NAME/Library/Application Support/org.inkscape.Inkscape/cache/inkscape
@CheyenneJoy, the length of the path you describe is common, and not likely the source of the slowdown. That said, you may want to change the autosave location to a more user-friendly directory.
I've been facing the crashing issue for past few days. Thank you so much for this autosave advice. It's very helpful.
ssue for past few days. Thank you so much for this autosave advice. It's very helpful.
Good tip. Being a nubie, vital probably : - )
Thanks for the tip.
I decided the default directory was pretty obscure, so I changed the location to $HOME/Inkscape/Autosave. That should let me find it easily.
Thank you for giving this information. i like your efforts.
Thenk you for the info ;)
It is excellent as well as very helpful. Just keep it up man
Thank you! I was also looking for the same solution.
Hi all!
I think the directions might need to be updated. I'm looking at the Input/Output tab, but do not see an autosave page. Am I missing something? I am on Ubuntu, if that matters.
wish I would have read this post when I first started with inkscape, I had to learn the hard way.
Amazing work I like it.
just like commenter #57 said, I'm looking for this auto-save feature too and can't find it as directed. I'm using version 1.3
The input/output section on the left column can be expanded by clicking the triangle to get the submenus which include the Autosave dialog.
I have autosave active, but when my computer shuts down unexpectedly - battery dies - I DO NOT see any autosaved files in the folder structure, in the UI when I relaunch Inkscape, no where. this feature is not behaving as expected and I dare say is NOT WORKING at all.
I am in version 1.2
I might be seing XML files but those are not .svg backups
Hi, I was about to ask question regarding auto save feature but after reading and looking at images in the post, I found out about auto save.
But I got one question. Is it possible to change the auto save directory to my choice? example
C:\Users\My Name\Pictures\ Inkscape\auto save folder
Help in this regard will be appreciated.
Thank you.
Marked Safe with AutoSave 😁
Hi all! Running Ubuntu here. I've checked the Input/Output tab, but there's no autosave page visible. Has its location changed, or am I missing something?