Beginners' Questions cutting stock of the circle
  1. #1

    Hi Inkspace Forum expert,


    I am trying to cut the portion of stock of the circle. I want to cut the black portion out of the circle whose stroke is white in colour.

    so far i have used following method to cut the objects & it worked for me :--

    • Select both object --> Path --> object to PATH --> cut path


    But same method is not working for me in this case..


    Please suggest what process we have to follow to do this task.




    Drawing 1
  2. #2
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    You need to convert with Path->Stroke to path before Path->Difference: There´s a redundant node floating around in your file.


  3. #3

    Thanks for replying.



    >>There´s a redundant node floating around in your file.

    What exactly you mean by the redundant node..?


    Please suggest which redundant node is there ?


    What is the process of finding a redundant node..? 


    If I know this process the next time I can find this bug  on my own.

  4. #4
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Select all will show 3 objects in the Status bar - but just 2 are visible. Select the 2 circular shapes and move aside - select all again will show the third one in the selection.

  5. #5

    If i am correct then status bar is at the bottom of the Inkspace tool .. right ?

  6. #6
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Yes - at the bottom of the Inkscape window.