This illustration of a Ferrari by Gilles Pinard was done by hand without any tracing. Gradients, blurs, and other various other techniques really bring this image to life.
Inkscape 0.48 has added a Spray Tool to quickly and easily spray multiple copies of items. With the parameters for rotation and size it allows creating effects that previously would take much longer to achieve. Thanks to DiSmeCha for contributing this screenshot.
Inkscape 0.48 now has a preference that allows users to take advantage of multi-threading for the Gaussian Blur filter. This filter makes one of the biggest impacts on Inkscape's performance when in use. Mariana Sing uses blur throughout this image for subtle details, smooth color transitions, and numerous effects. Thankfully the blur operation is now faster than before when using a multi-core or multi-processor computer.
After many years and countless requests, Inkscape 0.48 now supports editing multiple paths at the same time. Previously editing with the Node Tool had a limitation of working with only one path at a time. Thanks to happyline for the wonderful example screenshot.
this is my rebranding done entirely in Inkscape all vector elements that I will be used across all my social media platforms including my video tutorials.
License is CC-By-SA 3.0, as it's using Rizky Djati Munggaran's image (
Inkscape version 0.91 has a new Symbols dialog, with which you can manage symbols. The symbols can come from libraries that are already installed, or from a library that you install, or custom symbols that you create on the canvas.
Abhay Raj Singh's GSOC project 2021, a commands palette
Once you input these settings, you will need to adjust the sensitivity of your Pen pressure in the Tablet drivers. This will be different for each individual.
This screenshot from Inkscape 0.91 shows some of the results of the new Voronoi / Delaunay Triangulation plugin. Thanks go to Ryan Lerch for making the screenshot available!
Also available here:
Metro toy (for testing and learning) in lib2geom Dual licensed LGPL-2.1 / MPL-1-1
Moazin Khatti's GSOC project 2021: Documentation and improvement of Livarot library
There may be a bug in django-cms regarding admin. But this page is not affected.
Mesh gradient toy (for testing and learning) in lib2geom Dual licensed LGPL-2.1 / MPL-1-1
Gear toy (for testing and learning) in lib2geom Dual licensed LGPL-2.1 / MPL-1-1
Image for 1.0.2 and 1.1 alpha release article
Inkscape 0.48 has brought many improvements to the Text Tool. There are now controls for superscript, subscript, line spacing, letter spacing, word spacing, horizontal kerning, vertical kerning, and rotation. Thanks to Development Seed for contributing this screenshot.
This is a graph showing how much data the inkscape website is delivering via it's fastly cache. Most of these are downloads.
This is what happens when I launch inkscape on my windows 10 Laptop. Could someone help me out?
Inkscape 0.48 has brought many improvements to the Text Tool. There are now controls for superscript, subscript, line spacing, letter spacing, word spacing, horizontal kerning, vertical kerning, and rotation. Thanks to <a href="">Development Seed</a> for contributing this screenshot.
Scribble toy (for testing and learning) in lib2geom Dual licensed LGPL-2.1 / MPL-1-1
Not artwork. But I cannot figure out where to ask this question in here. I tried the Community and could not figure out how to ask a question. When I use the circle tool in Inkscape, notice the white wedge. It will not let me complete the circle as a solid circle. Whats wrong???? Why is it doing this ?? Its really aggravating me !!! Craig SkiRacer1953
Uma arte para fabricação de uma placa
Inkscape 0.92.1 (e5d477fa2d, 2017-07-15) with - dpiAware disabled (left) - dpiAware enabled (right) While fonts scale properly with dpiAware enabled, icons do not (and therefore look tiny). The canvas uses the native resolution of the display only when dpiAware is enabled! (see also current master at
New in Inkscape 1.2 - see for more information.
New in Inkscape 1.2 - see for more information.
Animated gif, click on Magnifier icon to see.
New in Inkscape 1.2 - see for more information.
New in Inkscape 1.2 - see for more information.
Also available here:
This is a experimental feature you can compile here You can stay updated on my blog external link
Image for 1.0.2 and 1.1 alpha release article
New in Inkscape 1.2 - see for more information.
This is a experimental feature you can compile here You can stay updated on my blog external link --- Curated by Maren Hachmann on October 11 2024 9:32 PM
New in Inkscape 1.2 - see for more information.
New in Inkscape 1.2 - see for more information.
Inkscape 0.92+devel (4a54307201, 2017-07-16) dpiAware setting has no influence on appearance (probably overriden by gtk3?). Fonts and icons scale properly. The canvas does *not* use the native resolution! (See also 0.92.x at
Vamox icons in fedora 20 live CD
Shows Golden Ribbon's art in the front page setting.
In development, the look of the templates at r608
zoomed about items exported as png, shows render artefakts as screen rendering does
This inkscape website was down, this is some data.
MSI installer (top) and EXE installer (bottom)