Returning to Inkscape after a year or two so this may be an embarrasingly obvious point. But looks like a rather serious bug! As per subject, my files are printing smaller than designed. Yet if I save as PDF, that prints correctly.
It is often discussed here that Inkscape does not directly provide the most reliable printing, and it is suggested to save a copy as PDF and print from a pdf reader.
Many thanks. Then I'll continue with that pragmatic work around.
Disappointing though, as further browsing implies that this has been a problem for some years.
Also hard to understand, given that Inkscape seems regarded as an alternative to illustrator. A graphics design app should be able to print simply and accurately.
An electronics hobbyist, my design is a 120 x 50 mm label for a small project. Holes are already drilled in its case. So essential that the paper design fits with precision, say within 1 mm.
Next time I'll make an initial design just containing all the intended drill holes!
Returning to Inkscape after a year or two so this may be an embarrasingly obvious point. But looks like a rather serious bug! As per subject, my files are printing smaller than designed. Yet if I save as PDF, that prints correctly.
Terry, UK
It is often discussed here that Inkscape does not directly provide the most reliable printing, and it is suggested to save a copy as PDF and print from a pdf reader.
Many thanks. Then I'll continue with that pragmatic work around.
Disappointing though, as further browsing implies that this has been a problem for some years.
Also hard to understand, given that Inkscape seems regarded as an alternative to illustrator. A graphics design app should be able to print simply and accurately.
An electronics hobbyist, my design is a 120 x 50 mm label for a small project. Holes are already drilled in its case. So essential that the paper design fits with precision, say within 1 mm.
Next time I'll make an initial design just containing all the intended drill holes!
My opinion is that the cornerstone is the reliabilty of printers and printer settings.
Despite accurate pdf export, I struggle with printing the right size, the accuracy isn't the same from one printer to another.