Beginners' Questions Print preview
  1. #1
    Achim Steigert Achim Steigert @Kennin

    I find it kind of odd that I cannot find a "print preview" button anywhere. After all, I deem this to be a very basic tool in all kinds of graphical programmes, and I'm quite certain I'm not the only one. 
    Now... I searched in Google, and I found this old thread. 
    Is it possible that it's still not implemented? Or even requested? I want to make sure before I post this as a feature request.

  2. #2
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Afaik Inkscape has no access to the printer driver on your system - that´s why pretty much all save as PDF and print from PDF viewer - me included.

    Simple File->Print works but we can´t make use of the printer´s feature set.

  3. #3
    Achim Steigert Achim Steigert @Kennin

    That's quite disappointing, I must confess. :( 

  4. #4
    mendy mendy @mendy

    Hi on my system Ubuntu MATE 22.04 Print opens dialog controlled by System and it has a Preview Button. Only issue is in preview window I have to have a rectangle on another layer (turn off for print) to see the page bounds. Also needs to be size of printer margins. Agree with @Polygon to use PDF. Actually could try without print preview just using rectangle size and location of your printer on layer to get idea. Clunky. Mine has unprintable area 0.16" top and bottom and 0.25" side to side. Don't have color printer.