Beginners' Questions Merged Objects can't stop reseting their position to the upper left corner
  1. #1
    Alefal Alefal @Alefal



    I'm drawing a technical document with some arrows and connectors and I have a problem : When I group some objects and then copy/paste the merged object, some parts of merged objects just move by them self and go to the upper left corner (origin of the sheet).
    Did anyone already experienced the same thing and would have some ideas to fix this ?


  2. #2
    brynn brynn @brynn

    Welcome to the forum!

    When you say you're drawing some connectors, do you mean that you're using Inkscape's Connector tool?  Or are you just drawing regular paths to connect things?

    The Connector tool seems to have some serious bugs in it.  Unless I just don't understand how it's supposed to work.  When I use it, lines seem to jump around (in unexpected ways) while I'm trying to manipulate them.  So if lines you made with the Connector tool are part of this group, then maybe that's why it's moving?

    Do you know how to make a video?  Could you make a video of this behavior?  Or if not, could you make a test file where you've seen this happen, and tell us exactly what to do, to make it happen?  It sounds like something we need to see firsthand.  I have not heard of this before.

    If this is happening while you're trying to drag something, it could be some snapping behavior that's not expected.  But if it's happening when you simply paste a group, I have not seen that before.

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions Merged Objects can't stop reseting their position to the upper left corner