I have filled a simple object, a circle, with a predefined grid pattern using fill—> pattern (see attached).
I am not sure how to convert the fill object into a path, so that Params can recognize it and create stiches. I have tried "flatten," "object to path," etc. but nothing works and the object remains an object.
Obviously I am missing a step, but I am not sure what exactly.
There is no direct method to convert a path filled with a vector pattern to a path. There is an indirect way by tiling the pattern (converted by Pattern to object), then overlaying the circle and doing an intersection.
Been on my wishlist for several years.
I have a sample file demonstrating how to do. See if I can find it.
Edit: Found it. However the tech doesn't work in v1.4 becuase the behavior of Path>Flatten has changed. I have another way using Path>Fracture. Let me document it and update the file.
***NOTE*** This method may not work in 1.3.2 or 1.4. This was done in v1.4.1-rc.
EDIT: The method in v1.4.1-rc is actually easier and less prone to glitching/crashing or creating artifacts in v1.3.2. In v1.3.2 I had to convert the circle to a path. Increase the nodes of the circle from 4 to 16 or 32. If I didn't, The method would create a few "artifacts" that I had to edit out.
Thank you for your reply and detailed info. I confirm that method did not work. I did some testing and I still don't know how to use the predefined patterns (I do not know how to flatten the resulting object).
But if I create my own pattern I finally figured out how to do it. Here is a summary of the tests I did and what I found (see attached figure):
1) Created a simple motif and a shape I wanted to fill (light blue area).
2) Used Patth Effects to create a pattern (10 x 10 tilling)
3) Then I flattened the pattern using the menu within Path Effects (top high hand side, down arrow). The resuting shape was a pure stroke.
4) Then I overlapped the pattern and shape and clicked on Path —> Intersection. The result was a pure stroke, but the pattern was destroyed.
5) I overllaped fresh copies of the flattened pattern and shape and used the Extension "Cut and remove by shape". The result was exactly what I was looking for: both the fill pattern and the outline were pure strokes and the pattern was preserved.
6) I also tried to flatten the pattern using Path—> Flatten. But the resulting pattern that was a pure fill, not a stroke.
7) The intersection of this flattened pattern with the shape gave an path with the pattern preserved, but it was a pure fill, not a stroke.
8) Finally I used fresh copies of the flattened pattern and shape and used "Cut and remove by shape" again; the result was very "interesting" (magnified in the figure for visibility): I got a negative patterns for a fill and a pure stroke for the outline.
Best result (yellow areas):
Given a Motif —> Path Effects —> Tilling —> Flatten to get a pattern larger that the shape to be covered.
Select both the pattern and shape (on top) and use Cut and remove by shape to get both the pattern inside the shape and an outline of the shape as pure strokes.
Yes - been on my wishlist of features for several years. Object>Pattern>Flatten Object With Pattern
I was really happy with the results in v1.4.1-rc until I discovered that Pattern Fill is totally broken. Quite a few improvements in this method were coded in v1.4.1-rc.
Some of the predefined patterns are nothing but lines (unclosed paths). Those are difficult to utilize in our methods. It can be done - just extra steps. The predefined patterns that are composed of closed paths can work with my method and should work with your method as well.
I guess I will have to go back to the method I used in v1.3.2. If I can find that file again! 🤣
Edit: Found it! Yay! I prefer this method becaase I can use groups of closed paths.
I have filled a simple object, a circle, with a predefined grid pattern using fill—> pattern (see attached).
I am not sure how to convert the fill object into a path, so that Params can recognize it and create stiches. I have tried "flatten," "object to path," etc. but nothing works and the object remains an object.
Obviously I am missing a step, but I am not sure what exactly.
Thank you.
There is no direct method to convert a path filled with a vector pattern to a path. There is an indirect way by tiling the pattern (converted by Pattern to object), then overlaying the circle and doing an intersection.
Been on my wishlist for several years.
I have a sample file demonstrating how to do. See if I can find it.
Edit: Found it. However the tech doesn't work in v1.4 becuase the behavior of Path>Flatten has changed. I have another way using Path>Fracture. Let me document it and update the file.
This method may not work in 1.3.2 or 1.4. This was done in v1.4.1-rc.
EDIT: The method in v1.4.1-rc is actually easier and less prone to glitching/crashing or creating artifacts in v1.3.2. In v1.3.2 I had to convert the circle to a path. Increase the nodes of the circle from 4 to 16 or 32. If I didn't, The method would create a few "artifacts" that I had to edit out.
Confirmed - this will not work in v1.4 or lower
This is the results
Edit: Unfortunately - Pattern Fill is broken in 1.4.1-rc. 🤣
Thank you for your reply and detailed info. I confirm that method did not work. I did some testing and I still don't know how to use the predefined patterns (I do not know how to flatten the resulting object).
But if I create my own pattern I finally figured out how to do it. Here is a summary of the tests I did and what I found (see attached figure):
1) Created a simple motif and a shape I wanted to fill (light blue area).
2) Used Patth Effects to create a pattern (10 x 10 tilling)
3) Then I flattened the pattern using the menu within Path Effects (top high hand side, down arrow). The resuting shape was a pure stroke.
4) Then I overlapped the pattern and shape and clicked on Path —> Intersection. The result was a pure stroke, but the pattern was destroyed.
5) I overllaped fresh copies of the flattened pattern and shape and used the Extension "Cut and remove by shape". The result was exactly what I was looking for: both the fill pattern and the outline were pure strokes and the pattern was preserved.
6) I also tried to flatten the pattern using Path—> Flatten. But the resulting pattern that was a pure fill, not a stroke.
7) The intersection of this flattened pattern with the shape gave an path with the pattern preserved, but it was a pure fill, not a stroke.
8) Finally I used fresh copies of the flattened pattern and shape and used "Cut and remove by shape" again; the result was very "interesting" (magnified in the figure for visibility): I got a negative patterns for a fill and a pure stroke for the outline.
Best result (yellow areas):
Given a Motif —> Path Effects —> Tilling —> Flatten to get a pattern larger that the shape to be covered.
Select both the pattern and shape (on top) and use Cut and remove by shape to get both the pattern inside the shape and an outline of the shape as pure strokes.
Yes - been on my wishlist of features for several years. Object>Pattern>Flatten Object With Pattern
I was really happy with the results in v1.4.1-rc until I discovered that Pattern Fill is totally broken. Quite a few improvements in this method were coded in v1.4.1-rc.
Some of the predefined patterns are nothing but lines (unclosed paths). Those are difficult to utilize in our methods. It can be done - just extra steps.
The predefined patterns that are composed of closed paths can work with my method and should work with your method as well.
I guess I will have to go back to the method I used in v1.3.2. If I can find that file again! 🤣
Edit: Found it! Yay! I prefer this method becaase I can use groups of closed paths.