Beyond the Basics Unspecified fatal error encountered, aborting.
  1. #1
    gwarren2525 gwarren2525 @gwarren2525

    I am running Inkscape 1.4 on Windows 10.  I upgraded to 1.4 about a month ago, and it has worked without issue since then - until yesterday.

    When trying to open any .svg file, I get the following error, "Unspecified fatal error encountered, aborting."  I even get the error when just trying to open a new document.

    I have uninstalled and re-installed Inkscape 1.4 using both the .msi and the .exe file, and the error persists.

  2. #2
    ltlnx ltlnx @ltlnx

    @gwarren2525 I can't find the issue, but someone reported this on Gitlab, and the solution is to delete the Inkscape preferences by pasting this: %APPDATA%\Roaming\inkscape\ into the file explorer's URL bar, and deleting preferences.xml within, then restarting Inkscape. The problem seems to stem from an incorrect part of the software recording its data in the preferences.

  3. #3

    Itinx - you have a link to that at gitlab? Maybe some keywords for it so I have search it. I would like to follow that. Might explain some of the bizarre issues I have been having with 1.4. 

  4. #4
    ltlnx ltlnx @ltlnx

    I remember it having something to do with the preferences, in particular /options/onimport; but I can't find the issue. I'll ask around.

  5. #5
    gwarren2525 gwarren2525 @gwarren2525

    Itinx - deleting preferences.xml didn't seem to fix it.  I still get the same error.

  6. #6
    chaki.cheri chaki.cheri @chaki.cheri

    I have the same issue

  7. #7
    ltlnx ltlnx @ltlnx

    @gwarren2525 @chaki.cheri Can you upload your preferences.xml (or the whole inkscape folder) somewhere?

  8. #8
    kenjamin kenjamin @kenjamin

    Has any progress been made to fix this? I still can't use 1.4 on one of my systems. None of the fixes above seem to work.

  9. #9
    primera primera @primera

    i got the same issue and  found a solution for windows user, you can uninstall the inkscape and then reinstall it from microsoft store, but the current version that you can get in microsoft store is 1.3.2, its not updated to 1.4 version yet. If anyone found another solution for this problem please tell us in this section

  10. #10
    dartharn dartharn @dartharn

    I have windows 11 with Inkscape 1.4 and have had this issue on previous Inkscape versions. (not sure how long it dated back). But the error message "unspecified fatal error encountered, aborting" pops up when i am trying to modify a font. whenever I open svg file from a font created in font forge or other editors. trying to edit or add a font glyph or modifying will trigger error immediately. I tried creating a xml file totally basic and open it up in Inkscape also triggers the error. here is the xml text.

    <svg xmlns="">
        <font id="testFont" horiz-adv-x="1000">
          <font-face font-family="TestFont" units-per-em="1000" />
          <missing-glyph horiz-adv-x="500" />
          <glyph unicode="A" d="M100,0 L200,100 L100,200 L0,100 Z" horiz-adv-x="1000" />

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beyond the Basics Unspecified fatal error encountered, aborting.