Support auf Deutsch [MacOS] inkscape auf Monterey
  1. #1
    voxs voxs @voxs

    die bisherige Installation von inkscape 1.2.1 auf Monterey funktionierte nicht mehr, daher ersetzte ich die mit der aktuellen Version.

    Leider erscheint das Gui wiederum unbrauchbar, denn es werden jegliche Einträge in kryptisch-unlesbaren Zeichen angezeigt - siehe Screenshot anbei

    Weiß mir keinen Rat - hat vielleicht jmd. eine Idee woran das liegt und zu „reparieren“?

  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Maybe this: 

    • We've tried to fix the tofu (user interface text showing up as little rectangles instead of letters) that under some rare conditions showed up on macOS when the user interface font could not be found (MR #5625Bug #3532). However, while this fixed it for some, it made the user interface look ugly for the majority of users, so we did not use the fix for this release.
      In the case that this bug affects you, you can work around it, though. In the ui folder (see Edit » Preferences » System), create a file called user.css, and add the following contents to it:
      /* Fix for rare macOS systems that don't load the right system font */
      		font-family: ".AppleSystemUIFont", system-ui;

      Now save the file and restart Inkscape.



  3. #3
    voxs voxs @voxs

    Thanks for your help!

    i would like to follow your suggestion - but, i don’t understand which folder where should be ment, in: „In the ui folder (see Edit » Preferences » System), create a file called user.css“ ? I’m on a mac.